
软考 - 高级_信息系统项目管理师

为你找到 2175 个题目。
信息技术发展的总趋势是从典型的技术驱动发展模式向应用驱动与技术驱动相结合的模式转变。(  )不属于信息技术发展趋势和新技术的应用。

A. 集成化、平台化与智能化

B. 遥感与传感技术

C. 数据仓库与软交换通信技术

D. 虚拟计算与信息安全

(   ) risks cannot be management proactively and therefore may be assigned a management reserve.

A. Know

B. Natural

C. Unknown

D. Human

Earned value management(EVM) integrates the scope baseline with the (   ) baseline, along with schedule baseline,to form the performance baseline, which helps the project management team assess and measure project performance and progress.

A. quality

B. risk

C. change

D. cost

(  ) are those costs that cannot be directly traced to a specific project and therefore will be accumulated and allocated equitably over multiple projects by some approved and documented accounting procedure.

A. Direct costs

B. Operation costs

C. Indirect costs

D. Implement costs

( ) is an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way.

A. Internet of things

B. Blockchain

C. Edge computing

D. Artificial intelligence

The(  ) creates opportunities for more direct  integration of the physical world into computer-based systems, resulting in efficiency improvements, economic benefits, and reduced human exertions.

A. internet of things

B. cloud computing

C. big data

D. mobile internet

项目经理制定了项目资产负债表(单位:元),如下表所示。该项目的静态投资回收期为(  )年,动态投资回收期为(  )年。(保留一位小数位)

第 1 问

A. 2

B. 2.4

C. 2.8

D. 3

第 2 问

A. 3

B. 3.4

C. 3.5

D. 3.6

有8口海上油井,相互间距离如下表所示(单位:海里)。其中1号井离海岸最近,为5海里。现要从海岸1号井铺设油管将各井连接起来,则铺设输油管的最短长度为( )海里。

A. 9.1

B. 9.2

C. 10.1

D. 10.2

某炼油厂根据计划每季度供应合同单位汽油和煤油各16吨。该厂从甲乙两处场地运回原油提炼。两处原油成分如下表所示,且甲乙两地采购成本分别为200元/吨和300元/吨。对于该炼油厂,需要从乙采购(  )吨方能使此次采购的成本最低,最低的采购成本是(  )元。

第 1 问

A. 10

B. 20

C. 30

D. 40

第 2 问

A. 10000

B. 13000

C. 14000

D. 15000

在A项目的质量例会中 ,质量经理发现监控模块中的BUG修复时间较长,有测量指标超出临界线,质量经理决定再观察几天。本次质量控制的输出一定包括(  )。

A. (2)(3)

B. (1)(6)

C. (1)(4)

D. (2)(5)


第 10 页