
通信工程师 - 初级 - 综合能力

为你找到 978 个题目。

光纤由(  )、包层、涂覆层和套层组成。

A. 纤芯

B. SiO2

C. 尼龙

D. 钢丝

最新版《电信条例》修订时间是在( )年。

A. 2000

B. 2016

C. 2014

D. 2018

Scope , complexity ,and scale of even a single 5G netwoork are massively largherthan in today's networks .The main challenge is automation on all levels of the 5G eco system.without it , the network simply will not work; nei ther for the anticipated scale nor for the desired functional complexity .
Fundamentally , automation is realized bya largely self-governed network bound to varying business goals : ifs configuration , its services , how they are provided , and how it is managed . A governance model , ideally realized by policies , defines how these goals are implenented andmoni tored . Those policies can be low-level confi gurati on parameters , mid -level strategies or high-level intents and goals . Using a mix of these -policies implies translation between : top-down for realization and bottom-up for action / benefit and validation purposes .
Networks and models must address multiple , diverse constituencies . Human intervention should be kept to a minimum ( oversight ) . Managenment means monitoring and repair ; not control . Classic self capabilities are the benefits
Human intorvention should be kepe on to a( )

A. minimum

B. monitoring

C. repair

D. control

在同一时刻,能够进行双向数据传送的通信方式是( )

A. 单工

B. 半双工

C. 全双工

D. 上述三种均不是

电信业务是以( )基础设施为核心。

A. 电信

B. 网络

C. 通信质量

D. 业务

(  )是通信网的核心设备,主要完成呼叫处理、信令处理和操作维护管理(OAM)等功能。

A. 服务器

B. 交换设备

C. 传输链路

D. 终端设备

下列设备中,( )不需要进网许可证。

A. 电话机

B. 移动通信基站

C. 路由器

D. 台式电脑


A. 职业道德在形式上具有多样性和适用性

B. 职业道德具有较强的稳定性和连续性

C. 职业道德具有很强的专业性和具体性

D. 职业道德具有两重性


A. 用户自主保护级

B. 系统审计保护级

C. 安全标记保护级

D. 访问验证保护级


A. 电信基础设施

B. 电信市场

C. 电信用户

D. 业务需求


第 2 页