参考答案: A
Scope , complexity ,and scale of even a single 5G netwoork are massively largherthan in today's networks .The main challenge is automation on all levels of the 5G eco system.without it , the network simply will not work; nei ther for the anticipated scale nor for the desired functional complexity .
Fundamentally , automation is realized bya largely self-governed network bound to varying business goals : ifs configuration , its services , how they are provided , and how it is managed . A governance model , ideally realized by policies , defines how these goals are implenented andmoni tored . Those policies can be low-level confi gurati on parameters , mid -level strategies or high-level intents and goals . Using a mix of these -policies implies translation between : top-down for realization and bottom-up for action / benefit and validation purposes .
Networks and models must address multiple , diverse constituencies . Human intervention should be kept to a minimum ( oversight ) . Managenment means monitoring and repair ; not control . Classic self capabilities are the benefits
Human intorvention should be kepe on to a( )
A. minimum
B. monitoring
C. repair
D. control
参考答案: A