为你找到 182 个题目。
The ( )of computers, which also began its development at that time, began to grow and become a separate subject itself.
A. subject
B. item
C. use
D. application
关于《中华人民共和国合同法》,( )的描述是错误的。
A. 合同通常称为契约
B. 合同当事人的法律地位是平等的
C. 标的是指双方当事人权利义务所指向的价款
D. 当事人订立合同、采用要约、承诺方式
根据香农公式C=Blog2(1+S/N)(bit/s),下述选项不正确的是( )。
A. 对于一定的信道容量C来说,信道带宽B信号噪声功率比S/N是确定的
B. 增大信号功率S,可增加信道容量C
C. 减小噪声功率N,可增加信道容量C
D. 增加信道带宽B,可增加信道容量C
Different types of communications flowing across our data networks need to be ( )so that the time-sensitive and important data have the first use of limited network resources.
A. abandoned
B. dropped
C. inferior
D. prioritized