
通信工程师 - 中级 - 传输与接入(无线)

为你找到 184 个题目。

在通信专业中,复用技术FDM的英文全称是( )。

A. Frequency Division Multiplexing

B. Free Division Multiplexing

C. Frequency Distribute Multiplexing

D. Frequency Division Multipurpose

计算机技术与现代通信技术的结合构成了计算机网络。计算机网络的建立,不仅解决了计算机之间的通信问题,而且可以实现( )。

A. 软件资源共享

B. 硬件资源共享

C. 软、硬件资源共享

D. 数据资源共享


A. 40%

B. 50%

C. 51%

D. 61%

开放系统互连 (OSI)参考模型中,(  )不属于通信子网的范畴。

A. 物理层

B. 数据链路层

C. 网络层

D. 传输层

(  )是通过滤波器的作用,增强小振幅的频率分量并衰减大振幅的频率分量,从而获得平坦的接收频率响应。

A. 集接收

B. Rake接收技术


D. 均衡技术

(  )是通信网的核心设备,主要完成呼叫处理、信令处理和操作维护管理(OAM)等功能。

A. 服务器

B. 交换设备

C. 传输链路

D. 终端设备

卫星通信地球站中的上、下变频器是用来在射频与中频之间进行(  )。

A. 调制

B. 解调

C. 频谱搬移

D. 频率变换

采用蜂窝系统组网最大的优越性之一就是可以实现(  )。

A. 无线资源再生

B. 频率复用

C. 干扰降低

D. 噪声降低


Scope, complexity ,and scale of even a single 5G network are massively larger than in today's networks.The main challenge is automation on all levels of the 5G ecosystem.without it, the network simply will not work; neither for the anticipated scale nor for the desired functional complexity.
Fundamentally, automation is realized by a largely self-governed network bound to varying business goals: ifs configuration, its services, how they are provided, and how it is managed. A governance model, ideally realized by policies, defines how these goals are implemented and monitored. Those policies can be low-level configuration parameters, mid -level strategies or high-level intents and goals. Using a mix of these -policies implies translation between: top-down for realization and bottom-up for action / benefit and validation purposes.
Networks and models must address multiple, diverse constituencies. Human intervention should be kept to a minimum( oversight ). Management means monitoring and repair; not control . Classic self capabilities are the benefits
The main idea of this shot article is(  ).

A. the main challenge of 5G

B. the complexity of 5G network

C. a automation model

D. human intervention

( ) technology is an approach to cloud computing that facilitates network management and enables programmatically efficient network configuration in order to improve network performance and monitoring.



C. Big data

D. All-IP


第 3 页