
通信工程师 - 中级 - 综合能力

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卫星通信覆盖面积大,便于多址连接,一颗同步卫星可覆盖地球表面积的(  )左右。

A. 32%

B. 42%

C. 52%

D. 62%

(  )是指人们从事正当的社会职业,履行职责过程中,在思想和行为上应当遵循职业特征的道德准则。

A. 职业信誉

B. 职业良心

C. 职业荣誉

D. 职业道德


A. 民用设备移动通信系统和军用设备移动通信系统

B. 广域网移动通信系统和局域网移动通信系统

C. 专用网移动通信系统和公用网移动通信系统

D. 陆地移动通信系统、海上移动通信系统和空中移动通信系统

The indepth merging of the Industrial Revolution and the Internet Revolution,results in a new wave of the Industrial Internet revolution.
The Industrial Internet, or Industry 4.0, has attracted great interests from both industry and academia as the fourth industrial revolution due to the rise of recent exponentially growing technologies (e. g., big data, cloud computing,networking, 3D printing, artificialintelligence, etc. ) For example, different sensor data will be collected and sent to cloud computing for smart decisioning using big data technologies. In manufacturing, 3D printing technology also produces customized products of almost any shape at a lower costs but within a very short duration. The Industrial Internet is often understood as the application of the generic concept of Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs)】,within which the information from all industrial perspectives is closely collected,monitored from the physical space and synchronized with the cyber space. The demand of having information and services everywhere made CPS an
inevitable trend in the highly networked world of today. And today there are many fields of applications for CPS in the industry, such as medical equipment, driving safety and driver assistance systems for automobiles, industrial process control and automation systems, etc. The melding of the physical industrial components,machines, fleets and factories with the advanced modern sensing and networking technologies, and big data analytics opens up tremendous opportunities to accelerate productivity, reduce inefficiency and waste, and enhance the working experience in the production process The Industrial Internet has the potential to bring profound transformation to traditional industries, such as manufacturing, aviation, rail transportation, health care, power generation , oil and gas development, etc. Overall, the Industrial Internet allows the interconnection and collaboration among devices and people in the industria environment, reduces cost, and improves the productivity.

The main content of this paragraph is about ( )

A. Industrial Revolution

B. Internet Revolution

C. Industrial Internet

D. Cyber Physical System

The COVID-19 pandemic is taking a colossal toll in human suffering and lives.A significant amount of new scientific research and data sharing is underway due to the pandemic which is still rapidly spreading. There is now a growing amount of coronavirus related datasets as well as published papers that must be leveraged along with artificial intelligence (AI)to fight this pandemic by driving news approaches to drug discovery, vaccine development, and public awareness. AI can be used to mine this avalanche of new data and papers to extract new insights by cross-referencing papers and searching for patterns that AI algorithms could help discover new possible treatments or help in vaccine development. Drug discovery is not a trivial task and AI technologies like deep learning can help accelerate this process by helping predict which existing drugs.or brand-new drug-like molecules could treat COVID-19. AI techniques can also help disseminate vital information across the globe and reduce the spread of false information about COVID-19. The positive power and potential of AI must be harnessed in the fight to slow the spread of COVID-19 in order to save lives and limit the economic havoc due to this horrific disease.
The function of AI is ( )in the fight to slow the spread of COVID-19.

A. idle

B. invalid

C. inactive

D. positive

( )是当代科学技术高度社会化和高度综合性发展趋势的客观要求。

A. 热爱专业,忠于职责

B. 勤奋求知,严谨治学

C. 同心同德,团结协作

D. 造福人民,振兴祖国

信源编码的目的是(  )。

A. 提高通信的实时性

B. 增强抗干扰能力

C. 提高通信的有效性

D. 降低误码率

ITU-T规定STM-N帧是以字节为单位的矩形块状帧结构,1个STM-16帧中共有(  )字节。

A. 9×261×1

B. 8×270×4

C. 9×270×16

D. 3×270×64

关于通信方式的说法,正确的是( )。

A. 半双工方式无法支持双向通信

B. 并行传输由于节省传输时间,速度快,一般用于远距离数字传输

C. 串行传输只需一条通信信道,典型应用是计算机和打印机之间的数据传输

D. 按消息传递的方向与时间关系,通信方式可以分为单工,半双工和全双工通信

计算机网络除了制定物理安全策略、访问控制策略、防火墙控制策略、网络加密控制策略外,还需要制定(  ),对于确保网络安全可靠运行起到十分有效的作用。

A. 网络安全管理策略

B. 网络使用规程

C. 网络系统维护制度

D. 网络安全应急措施


第 1 页