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数字语音的采样频率定义为8kHZ,这是因为( )。
A. 语音信号定义的频率最高值为 4kHZ
B. 语音信号定义的频率最高值为 8kHZ
C. 数字语音传输线路的带宽只有 8kHZ
D. 一般声卡的来样频率最高为每秒 8千次
某软件项目的活动图如下图所示,其中顶点表示项目里程碑,连接顶点的边表示包含的活动,边上的数字表示活动的持续时间(天),则完成该项目的最少时间为( )天。活动 BD 和 HK 最早可以从第( )天开始。(活动 AB 、AE 和 AC 最早从第 1 天开始)
第 1 问
A. 17
B. 18
C. 19
D. 20
第 2 问
A. 3和10
B. 4和11
C. 3和9
D. 4和10
Routing in circuit-switching networks has traditionally involved a static routing strategy with the use of( )paths to respond to increased load. Modern routing strategies provide more adaptive and flexible approaches. The routing function of a packet-switching network attempts to find the least-cost route through the network , with cost based on the number of( ),expected delay, or other metrics. In virtually all packet-switching networks, some sort of adaptive routing technique is used. Adaptive routing algorithms typically rely on the( )of information about traffic conditions among nodes. In most cases, adaptive strategies depend on status information that is( )at one place but used at another. There is a tradeoff here between the quality of the information and the amount of( ). The exchanged information is itself a load on the constituent networks, causing a performance degradation.
第 1 问
A. only
B. single
C. alternate
D. series
第 2 问
A. hops
B. sites
C. members
D. points
第 3 问
A. exchange
B. transportation
C. reception
D. transmission
第 4 问
A. rejected
B. collected
C. discarded
D. transmitted
第 5 问
A. packets
B. information
C. data
D. overhead
某STP网络从链路故障中恢复时,端口收敛时间超过30秒,处理该故障的思路不包括( )。
A. 确认对端端口开启STP
B. 确认端口是工作在STP模式
C. 确认端口的链路类型是点对点
D. 确认端口模式为中继模式