

2752. 在连续天数上进行了最多交易次数的顾客

表: Transactions

| 列名             | 类型 |
| transaction_id   | int  |
| customer_id      | int  |
| transaction_date | date |
| amount           | int  |
transaction_id 是这个表的具有唯一值的列。 
每行包含有关交易的信息,包括唯一的(customer_id,transaction_date)以及相应的 customer_id 和 amount。

编写一个解决方案,找到连续天数上进行了最多交易的所有 customer_id

返回所有具有最大连续交易次数的 customer_id 。结果表按 customer_id升序 排序。



示例 1:

Transactions 表:
| transaction_id | customer_id | transaction_date | amount |
| 1              | 101         | 2023-05-01       | 100    |
| 2              | 101         | 2023-05-02       | 150    |
| 3              | 101         | 2023-05-03       | 200    |
| 4              | 102         | 2023-05-01       | 50     |
| 5              | 102         | 2023-05-03       | 100    |
| 6              | 102         | 2023-05-04       | 200    |
| 7              | 105         | 2023-05-01       | 100    |
| 8              | 105         | 2023-05-02       | 150    |
| 9              | 105         | 2023-05-03       | 200    |
| customer_id | 
| 101         | 
| 105         | 
- customer_id 为 101 共有 3 次交易,且全部是连续的。
- customer_id 为 102 共有 3 次交易,但只有其中 2 次是连续的。
- customer_id 为 105 共有 3 次交易,且全部是连续的。 
总的来说,最大连续交易次数为 3,由 customer_id 为 101 和 105 的完成。customer_id 按升序排序。



上次编辑到这里,代码来自缓存 点击恢复默认模板
# Write your MySQL query statement below

mysql 解法, 执行用时: 645 ms, 内存消耗: 0 B, 提交时间: 2023-10-15 17:31:47

# Write your MySQL query statement below
with base as (
    # 先给数据按照customer_id,date排序
    Select customer_id
    , transaction_date 
    , amount
    , transaction_id
    From Transactions
    Order by customer_id,transaction_date
transaction_cons as(
    # 使用负值对已经连续交易的天数大标签
    Select customer_id
    , cons_days 
    , rank() over(partition by customer_id order by cons_days desc) as rnk
    From (
        Select customer_id
        , transaction_date
        , @cons_days:= if(@pre_customer = customer_id and datediff(transaction_date,@pre_date )=1, @cons_days+1 ,1) as cons_days
        , @pre_customer:=  customer_id as pre_customer
        , @pre_date:= transaction_date as pre_date
        From base ,(select @pre_customer:= null,@pre_date:= null,@cons_days:= null ) init
    ) ta
max_tans as(
    # 取最大连续交易天数 
    Select max(cons_days) as max_days from transaction_cons
# 筛选出对应的数据进行排序
Select customer_id
From transaction_cons
Where cons_days = (select  max_days from max_tans)
order by customer_id

mysql 解法, 执行用时: 409 ms, 内存消耗: 0 B, 提交时间: 2023-10-15 17:31:26

# Write your MySQL query statement below
with c as(
    select customer_id,transaction_date, first_value(transaction_date) over(partition by customer_id order by transaction_date) as ftd from Transactions 
), d as(
    select customer_id,datediff(transaction_date,ftd) as df,row_number() over(partition by customer_id order by transaction_date) as rn from c
), e as(
    select customer_id, cast(df as signed)-cast(rn as signed) as ff from d
), f as(
    select customer_id,count(ff) as ct  from e group by customer_id,ff
), g as(
    select customer_id from f where ct = (select max(ct) from f)
select * from g
