* @param {string} str
* @return {null|boolean|number|string|Array|Object}
var jsonParse = function(str) {
2759. 将 JSON 字符串转换为对象
给定一个字符串 str
,返回 JSON 解析后的 parsedStr
。你可以假设 str
是一个有效的 JSON 字符串,因此它只包含字符串、数字、数组、对象、布尔值和 null。str
不会包含不可见字符和转义字符。JSON 中的字符串值只包含字母数字字符。
请在不使用内置的 JSON.parse
示例 1:
输入:str = '{"a":2,"b":[1,2,3]}' 输出:{"a":2,"b":[1,2,3]} 解释:返回由 JSON 字符串表示的对象。
示例 2:
输入:str = 'true' 输出:true 解释:原始类型是有效的 JSON。
示例 3:
输入:str = '[1,5,"false",{"a":2}]' 输出:[1,5,"false",{"a":2}] 解释:返回由 JSON 字符串表示的数组。
是一个有效的 JSON 字符串1 <= str.length <= 105
javascript 解法, 执行用时: 684 ms, 内存消耗: 57.3 MB, 提交时间: 2023-10-15 14:37:36
class Parser { constructor(parserFn) { this.parserFn = parserFn } parse(target) { const initState = { target, index: 0, isError: false } const nextState = this.parserFn(initState) if (nextState.index !== target.length) nextState.isError = true return nextState } map(fn) { return new Parser(state => { const nextState = this.parserFn(state) if (nextState.isError) return nextState return { ...nextState, result: fn(nextState.result) } }) } } const str = s => new Parser(state => { if (state.isError) return state const { target, index } = state if (target.substring(index, index + s.length) !== s) return { ...state, isError: true } return { ...state, index: index + s.length, result: s } }) const regExp = pattern => new Parser(state => { if (state.isError) return state const { target, index } = state const slicedTarget = target.slice(index) const match = slicedTarget.match(pattern) if (!match) return { ...state, isError: true } const [ result ] = match return { ...state, index: index + result.length, result } }) const zeroOrMore = parser => new Parser(state => { if (state.isError) return state const results = [] let nextState = state while (true) { const testState = parser.parserFn(nextState) if (testState.isError) break nextState = testState results.push(nextState.result) } return { ...nextState, result: results } }) const oneOf = (...parsers) => new Parser(state => { if (state.isError) return state for (const parser of parsers) { const nextState = parser.parserFn(state) if (!nextState.isError) return nextState } return { ...state, isError: true } }) const seqOf = (...parsers) => new Parser(state => { if (state.isError) return state const results = [] let nextState = state for (const parser of parsers) { nextState = parser.parserFn(nextState) if (nextState.isError) return { ...state, isError: true } results.push(nextState.result) } return { ...nextState, result: results } }) const between = (left, right) => content => seqOf(left, content, right) .map(([_left, content, _right]) => content) const sepBy = sep => value => new Parser(state => { if (state.isError) return state const results = [] let nextState = state while (true) { const valueState = value.parserFn(nextState) if (valueState.isError) break results.push(valueState.result) nextState = valueState const sepState = sep.parserFn(nextState) if (sepState.isError) break nextState = sepState } return { ...nextState, result: results } }) const lazy = thunk => new Parser(state => thunk().parserFn(state)) const whitespace = regExp(/^\s/) const ignored = zeroOrMore(whitespace) const token = s => seqOf(ignored, str(s)).map(([_, res]) => res) const regexToken = pattern => seqOf(ignored, regExp(pattern)).map(([_, res]) => res) const betweenBrackets = between(token("["), token("]")) const betweenBraces = between(token("{"), token("}")) const sepByComma = sepBy(token(",")) const stringLit = regexToken(/^"[^"]*"/) .map(res => res.substring(1, res.length - 1)) const numberLit = regexToken(/^[+-]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?/) .map(res => Number(res)) const nullLit = token("null") .map(() => null) const booleanLit = oneOf(token("true"), token("false")) .map(res => res === "true" ? true : false) const arrayLit = lazy(() => betweenBrackets(sepByComma(jsonLit))) const kvPair = lazy(() => seqOf(stringLit, token(":"), jsonLit)) .map(([k, _colon, v]) => [k, v]) const objectLit = lazy(() => betweenBraces(sepByComma(kvPair))) .map(res => res.reduce((acc, [key, val]) => (acc[key] = val, acc), {})) const jsonLit = lazy(() => oneOf(booleanLit, nullLit, stringLit, numberLit, arrayLit, objectLit)) /** * @param {string} str * @return {*} */ var jsonParse = function(str) { return jsonLit.parse(str).result };
javascript 解法, 执行用时: 156 ms, 内存消耗: 59 MB, 提交时间: 2023-10-15 14:36:42
/** * @param {string} str * @return {null|boolean|number|string|Array|Object} */ var jsonParse = function(str) { const n = str.length; let index = 0; // 解析字符串 function parseString() { let curStr = ""; // ++index 是为了直接跳过首个 `"` 字符 while(++index < n && str.charAt(index) !== '"') { curStr += str.charAt(index); } // 跳过结束双引号 `"` index++; return curStr } // 解析数值 function parseNumber(){ let num = ''; while(index < n) { cur = str.charAt(index); // 判断是否是数值,包含小数、负数 if(!/[\d.\-]/.test(cur)) break; num += cur; index++; } return parseFloat(num) } // 解析数组 function parseArray(){ let arr = []; // 跳过数组开始括号 `[` index++; while(index < n && str.charAt(index) !==']') { arr.push(parseValue()); // 跳过数组中的逗号 if (str.charAt(index) === ',') { index++; } } // 跳过数组结束括号 `]` index++; return arr; } // 解析对象 function parseObject(){ let obj = {} // 跳过对象开始括号 `{` index ++; while(index < n && str.charAt(index) !=='}') { const key = parseString(); index++; const value = parseValue(); obj[key] = value; // 跳过对象中的逗号 if(str.charAt(index) === ',') { index++; } } // 跳过对象结束括号 `}` index++; return obj; } // 解析值 function parseValue() { const first = str.charAt(index); if(first === '"') { return parseString(); }else if (first === '[') { return parseArray(); }else if (first === '{') { return parseObject(); }else if (first === 'f') { index += 5; return false; }else if (first === 't') { index += 4; return true; }else if (first === 'n') { index += 4; return null; }else { return parseNumber(); } } return parseValue(); };