NC51112. Stars in Your Window
There are several test cases in the input. The first line of each case contains 3 integers: n, W, H, indicating the number of stars, the horizontal length and the vertical height of the rectangle-shaped window. Then n lines follow, with 3 integers each: x, y, c, telling the location (x, y) and the brightness of each star. No two stars are on the same point.
There are at least 1 and at most 10000 stars in the sky.
For each test case, output the maximum brightness in a single line.
3 5 4 1 2 3 2 3 2 6 3 1 3 5 4 1 2 3 2 3 2 5 3 1
5 6
C++14(g++5.4) 解法, 执行用时: 20ms, 内存消耗: 2408K, 提交时间: 2020-04-25 21:34:19
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; const int u=20010; struct rec{unsigned int x,l,r; int c;}a[u]; struct{int p,l,r,dat,add;}t[u*4]; unsigned int b[u],c[u],x,y,w,h; int n,m,p,i,ans,z; bool cmp(rec a,rec b) { return a.x<b.x||a.x==b.x&&a.c<b.c; } void build(int p,int l,int r) { t[p].l=l,t[p].r=r,t[p].dat=t[p].add=0; if(l==r) return; int mid=(l+r)>>1; build(p*2,l,mid); build(p*2+1,mid+1,r); } void spread(int p) { if(t[p].add) { t[p*2].dat+=t[p].add,t[p*2].add+=t[p].add; t[p*2+1].dat+=t[p].add,t[p*2+1].add+=t[p].add; t[p].add=0; } } void change(int p,int l,int r,int c) { if(l<=t[p].l&&r>=t[p].r) { t[p].dat+=c,t[p].add+=c; return; } spread(p); int mid=(t[p].l+t[p].r)>>1; if(l<=mid) change(p*2,l,r,c); if(r>mid) change(p*2+1,l,r,c); t[p].dat=max(t[p*2].dat,t[p*2+1].dat); } int main() { while(cin>>n>>w>>h) { for(m=p=0,i=1;i<=n;i++) { scanf("%u%u%d",&x,&y,&z); a[i].l=a[n+i].l=y,a[i].r=a[n+i].r=y+h-1; a[i].x=x,a[n+i].x=x+w,a[i].c=z,a[n+i].c=-z; b[++m]=y,b[++m]=y+h-1; } //离散化 sort(b+1,b+m+1); for(i=1;i<=m;i++) if(i==1||b[i]!=b[i-1]) c[++p]=b[i]; for(n*=2,i=1;i<=n;i++) { a[i].l=lower_bound(c+1,c+p+1,a[i].l)-c; a[i].r=lower_bound(c+1,c+p+1,a[i].r)-c; } sort(a+1,a+n+1,cmp); build(1,1,p); for(ans=0,i=1;i<=n;i++) { change(1,a[i].l,a[i].r,a[i].c); ans=max(ans,t[1].dat); } cout<<ans<<endl; } return 0; }
C++(g++ 7.5.0) 解法, 执行用时: 26ms, 内存消耗: 3264K, 提交时间: 2022-08-30 09:42:43
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define N 100005 using namespace std; int n,m,tot,cnt,a[N],f[N]; long long ans; map<int,int>val; struct xx{ int l,r; long long v,bj; }w[4*N]; struct pp{ int x,l,r,v; }h[N]; bool cmp(pp p,pp q) { return p.x<q.x; } void build(int p,int l,int r) { w[p].l=l; w[p].r=r; w[p].v=w[p].bj=0; if(l==r) return ; int mid=(l+r)/2; build(p*2,l,mid); build(p*2+1,mid+1,r); } void down(int p) { if(w[p].bj) { w[p*2].v+=w[p].bj; w[p*2+1].v+=w[p].bj; w[p*2].bj+=w[p].bj; w[p*2+1].bj+=w[p].bj; w[p].bj=0; } } void change(int p,int ll,int rr,int v) { int l=w[p].l; int r=w[p].r; if(ll<=l&&r<=rr) { w[p].v+=v; w[p].bj+=v; return ; } down(p); int mid=(l+r)/2; if(ll<=mid) change(p*2,ll,rr,v); if(mid<rr) change(p*2+1,ll,rr,v); w[p].v=max(w[p*2].v,w[p*2+1].v); } long long ask(int p) { return w[p].v; } int main() { while(cin>>tot>>n>>m) { cnt=ans=0; for(int i=1;i<=tot;i++) { int x,y,z; scanf("%d%d%d",&x,&y,&z); a[++cnt]=y; h[cnt]={x,y,y+m-1,z}; a[++cnt]=y+m-1; h[cnt]={x+n,y,y+m-1,-z}; } sort(a+1,a+cnt+1); sort(h+1,h+cnt+1,cmp); val.clear(); int v=0; for(int i=1;i<=cnt;i++) { if(i==1||a[i]!=a[i-1]) { val[a[i]]=++v; f[v]=a[i]; } } build(1,1,v); for(int i=1;i<=cnt;i++) { change(1,val[h[i].l],val[h[i].r],h[i].v); ans=max(ans,ask(1)); } cout<<ans<<endl; } return 0; }
C++ 解法, 执行用时: 20ms, 内存消耗: 1660K, 提交时间: 2022-01-14 18:49:37
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define lb lower_bound using namespace std; long long xs[10000],ys[10000],X[20000],Y[20000]; int cs[10000],nv[80000],nm[80000],n,W,H; pair<pair<int,int>,pair<int,int> > et[20000]; void ad(int fm,int to,int v,int i,int l,int r){ if(fm<=l&&r<=to){nv[i]+=v;nm[i]+=v;return;} int m=(l+r)/2; if(fm<=m)ad(fm,to,v,i*2,l,m); if(m<to)ad(fm,to,v,i*2+1,m+1,r); nm[i]=max(nm[i*2],nm[i*2+1])+nv[i]; } int main(){ while(cin>>n>>W>>H){ int ans=0; for(int i=0;i<n;i++)cin>>xs[i]>>ys[i]>>cs[i],xs[i]*=2,ys[i]*=2; for(int i=0;i<n;i++)X[i*2]=xs[i]-W,X[i*2+1]=xs[i]+W,Y[i*2]=ys[i]-H,Y[i*2+1]=ys[i]+H-1; sort(X,X+2*n); sort(Y,Y+2*n); for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ et[i*2]=make_pair(make_pair(lb(X,X+n*2,xs[i]-W)-X,cs[i]),make_pair(lb(Y,Y+n*2,ys[i]-H)-Y,lb(Y,Y+n*2,ys[i]+H-1)-Y)); et[i*2+1]=make_pair(make_pair(lb(X,X+n*2,xs[i]+W)-X,-cs[i]),make_pair(lb(Y,Y+n*2,ys[i]-H)-Y,lb(Y,Y+n*2,ys[i]+H-1)-Y)); } sort(et,et+2*n); for(int i=0;i<2*n;i++)ad(et[i].second.first,et[i].second.second,et[i].first.second,1,0,2*n),ans=max(ans,nm[1]); cout<<ans<<"\n"; } return 0; }