NC25394. HRY and codefire
Given probability of winning of yang12138 at each level. As a GrandMaster, please calculate the expected competition times of yang12138 to become a GrandMaster.
The first line of input contains an integer T, indicating the number of test cases.
For each test case there are two lines :
The first line contains an integer n.
The second line contains $n$ real numbers , indicating the probability of winning when using an account at level i.
For each test case output a real number, rounded to 4 decimal places.
2 1 0.5 2 0.5 0.5
2.0000 4.6667
C++11(clang++ 3.9) 解法, 执行用时: 38ms, 内存消耗: 1912K, 提交时间: 2019-04-27 20:38:02
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N=300+10; int n; double p[N],dp[N][N][2]; int main() { int T; cin>>T; while (T--) { scanf("%d",&n); for (int i=0;i<n;i++) scanf("%lf",&p[i]); for (int i=0;i<=n;i++) dp[i][n][0]=dp[i][n][1]=dp[n][i][0]=dp[n][i][1]=0; for (int i=n-1;i>=0;i--) for (int j=n-1;j>=0;j--) { double pi=p[i],qi=1-p[i]; double pj=p[j],qj=1-p[j]; dp[i][j][0]=(dp[i][j+1][1]*pj*qi+qi+dp[i+1][j][0]*pi+1)/(1-qi*qj); dp[i][j][1]=(dp[i+1][j][0]*pi*qj+qj+dp[i][j+1][1]*pj+1)/(1-qi*qj); } printf("%.4lf\n",dp[0][0][1]); } return 0; }
C++14(g++5.4) 解法, 执行用时: 34ms, 内存消耗: 2820K, 提交时间: 2019-04-27 18:38:51
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; double p[505],dp[505][505][2]; int main(){ int T;cin>>T; while(T--){ int n;scanf("%d",&n); for(int i=0;i<n;i++)scanf("%lf",&p[i]); for(int i=0;i<n;i++)dp[i][n][0]=dp[i][n][1]=dp[n][i][0]=dp[n][i][1]=0; for(int i=n-1;i>=0;i--){ for(int j=n-1;j>=0;j--){ dp[i][j][0]=(p[i]*dp[i+1][j][0]+(1.0-p[i])*p[j]*dp[i][j+1][1]+2-p[i])/(1.0-(1.0-p[i])*(1.0-p[j])); dp[i][j][1]=(p[j]*dp[i][j+1][1]+(1.0-p[j])*p[i]*dp[i+1][j][0]+2-p[j])/(1.0-(1.0-p[i])*(1.0-p[j])); } } printf("%.4lf\n",dp[0][0][0]); } return 0; }