NC25255. three kingdom
3 2 2 3 3 4 4
0 8 140
Python3(3.5.2) 解法, 执行用时: 1930ms, 内存消耗: 4564K, 提交时间: 2019-04-20 18:52:47
t = int(input()) modn = 1000000007 for i in range(t): n, m = map(int, input().split()) ans = n*m *(n*m-1)*(n*m-2) // 6 % modn if n>2: ans -= (n-2)*m ans %= modn if m>2: ans -= n*(m-2) ans %= modn if (n>1) and (m>1): ans -= 4*(n-1)*(m-1) ans %= modn if (n>2) and (m>1): ans -= 6*(n-2)*(m-1) ans %= modn if (n>1) and (m>2): ans -= 6*(n-1)*(m-2) ans %= modn if (n>2) and (m>2): ans -= 2*(n-2)*(m-2) ans %= modn if n>1 and m>1: tmp = 0 if n>2 and m>2: tmp += (n*m-9)*2 tmp += (n*m-8)*2 elif (n == 2 and m > 2) or (n > 2 and m == 2): tmp += (n*m-6)*2 if n > 3: if m > 2: tmp += (n*m-11)*(n-3)*2 else: tmp += (n*m-8)*(n-3) if m > 3: if n > 2: tmp += (n*m-11)*(m-3)*2 else: tmp += (n*m-8)*(m-3) if n>2 and m>2: tmp += (n*m-14)*(n-3)*(m-3) % modn ans -= tmp*2 ans %= modn if m > 1: tmp = 0 if n > 1 and m > 2: tmp += (n*m-6)*4 elif n > 1 and m == 2: tmp += (n*m-4)*2 elif n == 1 and m > 2: tmp += (n*m-3)*2 if n > 2: if m > 2: tmp += (n*m-9)*(n-2)*2 else: tmp += (n*m-6)*(n-2) if m > 3: if n > 1: tmp += (n*m-8)*(m-3)*2 else: tmp += (n*m-4)*(m-3) if n>1 and m>2: tmp += (n*m-12)*(n-2)*(m-3) % modn ans -= tmp ans %= modn if n > 1: tmp = 0 if n > 2 and m > 1: tmp += (n*m-6)*4 elif n == 2 and m > 1: tmp += (n*m-4)*2 elif n > 2 and m == 1: tmp += (n*m-3)*2 if m > 2: if n > 2: tmp += (n*m-9)*(m-2)*2 else: tmp += (n*m-6)*(m-2) if n > 3: if m > 1: tmp += (n*m-8)*(n-3)*2 else: tmp += (n*m-4)*(n-3) if n > 2 and m > 1: tmp += (n*m-12)*(m-2)*(n-3) % modn ans -= tmp ans %= modn print(ans)
C++11(clang++ 3.9) 解法, 执行用时: 207ms, 内存消耗: 1356K, 提交时间: 2019-04-20 15:55:09
#include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> #include<iostream> #include<cstring> #include<vector> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; const int MOD=1e9+7; int add (int x,int y) {x=x+y;return x>=MOD?x-MOD:x;} int mul (int x,int y) {return (LL)x*y%MOD;} int dec (int x,int y) {x=x-y;return x<0?x+MOD:x;} int Pow (int x,int y) { if (y==0) return 1; if (y==1) return x; int lalal=Pow(x,y>>1); lalal=mul(lalal,lalal); if (y&1) lalal=mul(lalal,x); return lalal; } int main() { int T; scanf("%d",&T); while (T--) { int n,m; scanf("%d%d",&n,&m); int cnt=mul(n,m); if (cnt<=2) {printf("0\n");continue;} int ans=mul(cnt-2,mul(cnt,cnt-1)); //printf("%d\n",ans); int tmp=0; for (int a=-1;a<=1;a++) for (int b=-1;b<=1;b++) { if (a==0&&b==0) continue; int nn=max(0,a)-min(0,a); int mm=max(0,b)-min(0,b); if (n<nn) continue; if (m<mm) continue; tmp=add(tmp,mul(n-nn,m-mm)); } //printf("%d\n",tmp); tmp=mul(tmp,dec(cnt,2)); ans=dec(ans,mul(3,tmp)); tmp=0; for (int a=-1;a<=1;a++) for (int b=-1;b<=1;b++) for (int c=-1;c<=1;c++) for (int d=-1;d<=1;d++) { if (a==c&&b==d) continue; if (a==0&&b==0) continue; if (c==0&&d==0) continue; int nn=max(max(0,a),c)-min(min(0,a),c); int mm=max(max(0,b),d)-min(min(0,d),b); if (n<nn) continue; if (m<mm) continue; tmp=add(tmp,mul(n-nn,m-mm)); } //printf("%d\n",tmp); ans=add(ans,mul(3,tmp)); tmp=0; for (int a=-1;a<=1;a++) for (int b=-1;b<=1;b++) for (int c=-1;c<=1;c++) for (int d=-1;d<=1;d++) { if (a==c&&b==d) continue; if (a==0&&b==0) continue; if (c==0&&d==0) continue; if (max(a,c)-min(a,c)>1) continue; if (max(b,d)-min(b,d)>1) continue; int nn=max(max(0,a),c)-min(min(0,a),c); int mm=max(max(0,b),d)-min(min(0,d),b); if (n<nn) continue; if (m<mm) continue; tmp=add(tmp,mul(n-nn,m-mm)); } ans=dec(ans,tmp); ans=mul(ans,Pow(6,MOD-2)); printf("%d\n",ans); } return 0; }
C++14(g++5.4) 解法, 执行用时: 83ms, 内存消耗: 3320K, 提交时间: 2019-05-01 21:22:01
#include <cstdio> using namespace std; const long long p = 1000000007; int main() { int t; scanf("%d", &t); while(t--) { long long n, m; scanf("%lld%lld", &n, &m); if(n*m<=2) { printf("0\n"); continue; } long long tot = 1; int k = 6; for(long long i=n*m; i>=n*m-2; i--) { long long t = i; if(t%2==0 && k%2==0) { t /= 2; k /= 2; } if(t%3==0 && k%3==0) { t /= 3; k /= 3; } tot = t%p*tot%p; } long long ans = 0; if(m==1) ans = (tot-(m*n-2)%p*(n-1)%p+(n-2)+p)%p; else if(n==1) ans = (tot-(m*n-2)%p*(m-1)%p+(m-2)+p)%p; else { long long a = 8*(m-1)%p*(n-1)%p+6*(n-2)%p*(m-1)%p+6*(m-2)%p*(n-1)%p+n*(m-2)%p+m*(n-2)%p+2*(m-2)%p*(n-2)%p; long long b = (m*n-2)%p*((n*(m-1)%p+m*(n-1)%p+2*(n-1)%p*(m-1)%p)%p)%p; ans = (tot+a-b+p)%p; } printf("%lld\n", ans); } return 0; }