NC24210. [USACO 2012 Jan S]Delivery Route
* Line 1: The number of farms, N.
* Lines 2..1+N: Line i+1 contains two space-separated integers, x_i
and y_i (1 <= x_i, y_i <= 1,000,000).
* Line 1: The minimum number of minutes FJ needs to complete his
delivery route, or -1 if it is impossible to find a feasible
delivery route that visits every farm exactly once (except
farm 1).
4 2 2 2 4 2 1 1 3
FJ can complete his delivery route in 12 minutes: 2 minutes to go from farmC++11(clang++ 3.9) 解法, 执行用时: 424ms, 内存消耗: 2552K, 提交时间: 2020-08-29 10:41:18
#include <bits/stdc++.h> const int N = 110; using namespace std; const int limits = 1000000; typedef pair<int,int> Points; const int dx[5] = {0,0,1,-1,0}, dy[5] = {0,1,0,0,-1}; #define x first #define y second #define clr(a,b) memset(a,b,sizeof(a)) #define For(i,n) for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) #define Rep(i,l,r) for(int i=l;i<=r;i++) #define Swap(A,B) {Points T = A ; A = T; T = B;} int n,npcnt,es,Stack[5*N],head[N*5],dis[5*N],ans; set<Points> HASH,farm; bool vis[5*N]; Points p[N],np[5*N]; struct edge{ int t,next,w; }E[5*N*5*N]; int Len(Points A,Points B){ return abs(B.x-A.x)+abs(B.y-A.y); } void makelist(int s,int t){ E[es].t = t; E[es].next = head[s];E[es].w = Len(np[s],np[t]); head[s] = es++; } bool inseg(Points out,Points A,Points B){ if(A.x==B.x) if(min(A.y,B.y)<out.y&&out.y<max(A.y,B.y)&&out.x==A.x) return true; if(A.y==B.y) if(min(A.x,B.x)<out.x&&out.x<max(A.x,B.x)&&out.y==A.y) return true; return false; } bool check(Points A,Points B){ Points C;// _| if(A.x>B.x) Swap(A,B); C.y = A.y; C.x = B.x; bool Flag = A.x==B.x||A.y==B.y||farm.find(C)==farm.end(); For(i,n) if(inseg(p[i],A,C)||inseg(p[i],C,B)){ Flag = false; break; } if(Flag) return true; C.x = A.x; C.y = B.y; Flag = A.x==B.x||A.y==B.y||farm.find(C)==farm.end(); For(i,n) if(inseg(p[i],A,C)||inseg(p[i],C,B)){ Flag = false; break; } return Flag; } void init(){ scanf("%d",&n); For(i,n) { scanf("%d%d",&p[i].y,&p[i].x); HASH.insert(p[i]);farm.insert(p[i]); np[i] = p[i]; }npcnt = n; clr(head,-1); For(i,n) For(j,4){ int newx = p[i].x + dx[j] , newy = p[i].y + dy[j]; if(newx<1||newx>limits||newy<1||newy>limits) continue; if(HASH.find(make_pair(newx,newy))==HASH.end()) {np[++npcnt] = make_pair(newx,newy);HASH.insert(make_pair(newx,newy));} } For(i,npcnt-1) Rep(j,i+1,npcnt){ if(check(np[i],np[j])) { makelist(i,j); makelist(j,i); } } } int SPFA(int s,int t){ For(i,5*n) dis[i] = 214748364; memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis)); dis[s] = 0; Stack[Stack[0]=1,1] = s; while(Stack[0]){ int First = Stack[Stack[0]--];vis[First] = false; for(int p=head[First];p!=-1;p=E[p].next){ int v = E[p].t; if(v<=n&&v!=s&&v!=t) continue; if(dis[First]+E[p].w<dis[v]) { dis[v] = dis[First] + E[p].w; if(!vis[v]) {vis[v] = true; Stack[++Stack[0]] = v;} } } } return dis[t]; } void Work(){ For(i,n){ int W = SPFA(i,(i==n)?(1):(i+1)); if(W>21474836) puts("-1"); if(W>21474836) return; ans+=W; } printf("%d\n",ans); } int main(){ init(); Work(); }