NC237332. Tree Path
There is a tree with vertices and weighted paths. The following operations are required to be supported:
The first line of input contains three positive integers (), where describes the number of operations.
The next lines each of which contains two positive integers (), representing a tree edge.
The next lines, each line contains three integers (), representing a path with a weight of . It is guaranteed that the path weights are different from each other.
The next lines, the first integer of each line describes the type of the operation.
If , then follows an integer , which describes the vertex of the query as .
is the answer of the last query operation, and its initial value is . is the XOR symbol. It is guaranteed that , .
For each query, output a line with an integer describing the smallest weight.
Output if all weighted paths that have not been deleted intersect the queried vertex or all paths have been deleted.
5 2 4 1 2 1 3 3 4 3 5 1 3 1 3 5 2 1 3 1 -5 0 1 5
-1 1 2
C++ 解法, 执行用时: 466ms, 内存消耗: 60972K, 提交时间: 2022-06-03 15:28:10
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N=2e5+5; using pp=pair<int,int>; int n,k,m,x,y,tot,ans,dep[N],a[N],d[N],lg[N],mi[N][20]; pp f[N][20]; vector<int>p[N]; struct dd { int x,y,z; friend bool operator <(dd a,dd b) { return a.z<b.z; } }q[N]; void dg(int x,int y) { a[++tot]=x; d[x]=tot; dep[x]=dep[y]+1; for (auto t:p[x]) if (t^y) { dg(t,x); a[++tot]=x; } } int lca(int x,int y) { if (d[x]>d[y]) swap(x,y); int k=lg[d[y]-d[x]+1]; if (dep[mi[d[x]][k]]<dep[mi[d[y]-(1<<k)+1][k]]) return mi[d[x]][k]; else return mi[d[y]-(1<<k)+1][k]; } pp get(pp a,pp b) { if (a==(pp){1e9,1e9}) return b; if (a==(pp){-1,-1} || b==(pp){-1,-1}) return {-1,-1}; int x[4]; x[0]=lca(a.first,b.first); x[1]=lca(a.first,b.second); x[2]=lca(a.second,b.first); x[3]=lca(a.second,b.second); sort(x,x+4,[&](int a,int b){return dep[a]<dep[b];}); if (x[2]^x[3]) return {x[2],x[3]}; int p=lca(a.first,a.second); int q=lca(b.first,b.second); if (dep[x[2]]>=max(dep[p],dep[q])) return {x[2],x[2]}; return {-1,-1}; } bool in(int x,pp a) { int z=lca(a.first,a.second); if (lca(x,z)!=z) return 0; return lca(x,a.first)==x || lca(x,a.second)==x; } int main() { // freopen("","r",stdin); // freopen("a.out","w",stdout); ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0),cout.tie(0); cin>>n>>k>>m; for (int i=1;i<n;i++) { cin>>x>>y; p[x].emplace_back(y); p[y].emplace_back(x); } dg(1,0); lg[0]=-1; for (int i=1;i<=tot;i++) lg[i]=lg[i>>1]+1; for (int i=1;i<=tot;i++) mi[i][0]=a[i]; for (int j=1;j<18;j++) for (int i=1;i<=tot-(1<<j)+1;i++) mi[i][j]=dep[mi[i][j-1]]<dep[mi[i+(1<<j-1)][j-1]]?mi[i][j-1]:mi[i+(1<<j-1)][j-1]; for (int i=1;i<=k;i++) cin>>q[i].x>>q[i].y>>q[i].z; sort(q+1,q+k+1); for (int i=1;i<=k;i++) f[i][0]={q[i].x,q[i].y}; for (int j=1;j<18;j++) for (int i=1;i<=k-(1<<j)+1;i++) f[i][j]=get(f[i][j-1],f[i+(1<<j-1)][j-1]); int le=1; while (m--) { int tp; cin>>tp; if (tp==0) le++; else { cin>>x; x^=ans; pp w={1e9,1e9}; int pos=le; for (int j=17;j>=0;j--) if (pos+(1<<j)-1<=k) { pp t=get(w,f[pos][j]); if (t!=(pp){-1,-1} && in(x,t)) { w=t; pos+=1<<j; } } if (pos<=k) ans=q[pos].z; else ans=-1; cout<<ans<<'\n'; } } return 0; }