NC236499. Divisions
Nami will get a sequence of positive integers soon and she wants to divide it into two subsequences.
At first, Nami has two empty sequences and . She will consider each integer in in order, and append it to either or . Nami calls sequences she gets in the end a division of . Note that and are different and subsequences can be empty, so there are ways to divide into and , which means there are possible divisions of .
For a division, supposing that there are integers in and integers in , Nami will call it a great division if and only if the following conditions hold:
Nami defines the greatness of as the number of different great divisions of . Now Nami gives you a magic number , and your task is to find a sequence with the greatness equal to for her.
Note that the length of should not exceed and the positive integers in should not exceed .
If there are several possible sequences, you can print any of them. If there is no sequence with the greatness equal to , print .
A single line contains an integer () - the magic number from Nami.
If there is no sequence with the greatness equal to , print in a single line.
Otherwise, in the first line, print the length () of the sequence .
In the second line, print positive integers () - the sequence for Nami.
6 1 1 4 5 1 4
For the sequence , it can be shown that the only great division of is:
1 1
For the sequence , it can be shown that all the divisions of are great:
, is empty;
is empty, .
C++ 解法, 执行用时: 8ms, 内存消耗: 452K, 提交时间: 2022-04-21 11:11:52
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std;int n,t,c;vector<int> ans;int main(){cin>>n;if(n==0)cout<<"5\n2 1 2 9 8";else if(n == 1)cout<<"6\n1 1 4 5 1 4";else{while(n > 1){c++;t=31-__builtin_clz(n);n-=(1<<t)-1;while(t--)ans.push_back(c);}cout<<ans.size()<<endl;for(auto i:ans)cout<<i<<" ";}return 0;}