NC234134. Paimon Polygon
Paimon just puts distinct points on the plane, one of which is a special point , and denote the group of remaining points as .
We call a point set strict convex set, if and only if and all the points from lie exactly on the convex hull built from , with no three points lying on the same line.
You should divide into two sets and so that:
Please help Paimon to maximize the sum of the perimeters of these two convex hulls. That is, find a valid division and which maximizes , where means the perimeter of that polygon.
There are multiple test cases. The first line of the input contains an integer indicating the number of test cases. For each test case:
The first line contains one integer indicating the number of points in .
For the following n lines, the line contains two integers and indicating the location of the point in .
It's guaranteed that the points given in the same test case are pairwise different. However, there may be three points lying on the same line.
It's also guaranteed that the sum of n of all test cases will not exceed .
For each test case output one line containing a number indicating the maximum total perimeter. If there does not exist a valid division output "0" (without quotes) instead.
Your answer will be accepted if the relative or absolute error is less than .
3 4 0 3 3 0 2 3 3 2 5 4 0 5 -5 -4 -2 1 -2 -5 -2 4 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 1
17.2111025509 36.6326947621 0.0000000000
C++(clang++ 11.0.1) 解法, 执行用时: 811ms, 内存消耗: 47776K, 提交时间: 2022-09-02 20:36:51
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; //const double eps=1e-8; const long long eps=0; const double PI=3.1415926535897932384l; template<typename T> struct point { T x,y; bool operator==(const point &a) const {return (abs(x-a.x)<=eps && abs(y-a.y)<=eps);} bool operator<(const point &a) const {if (abs(x-a.x)<=eps) return y<a.y-eps; return x<a.x-eps;} point operator+(const point &a) const {return {x+a.x,y+a.y};} point operator-(const point &a) const {return {x-a.x,y-a.y};} point operator-() const {return {-x,-y};} point operator*(const T k) const {return {k*x,k*y};} point operator/(const T k) const {return {x/k,y/k};} T operator*(const point &a) const {return x*a.x+y*a.y;} //Dot T operator^(const point &a) const {return x*a.y-y*a.x;} //Cross int toleft(const point &a) const {auto t=(*this)^a; return (t>eps)-(t<-eps);} T len2() const {return (*this)*(*this);} T dis2(const point &a) const {return (a-(*this)).len2();} double len() const {return sqrt(len2());} double dis(const point &a) const {return sqrt(dis2(a));} double ang(const point &a) const {return acos(max(-1.0,min(1.0,((*this)*a)/(len()*a.len()))));} point rot(const double rad) const {return {x*cos(rad)-y*sin(rad),x*sin(rad)+y*cos(rad)};} }; using Point=point<long long>; bool argcmp(const Point &a,const Point &b) { auto quad=[](const Point &a) { if (a.y<-eps) return 1; if (a.y>eps) return 4; if (a.x<-eps) return 5; if (a.x>eps) return 3; return 2; }; int qa=quad(a),qb=quad(b); if (qa!=qb) return qa<qb; auto t=a^b; if (abs(t)<=eps) return a*a<b*b-eps; return t>eps; } template<typename T> struct line { point<T> p,v; bool operator==(const line &a) const {return (v.is_par(a.v) && v.is_par(p-a.p));} int toleft(const point<T> &a) const {return v.toleft(a-p);} point<T> inter(const line &a) const {return p+v*((a.v^(p-a.p))/(v^a.v));} double dis(const point<T> &a) const {return abs(v^(a-p))/v.len();} point<T> proj(const point<T> &a) const {return p+v*((v*(a-p))/(v*v));} /*bool operator<(const line &a) const { if (abs(v^a.v)<=eps && v*a.v>=-eps) return toleft(a.p)==-1; return argcmp(v,a.v); }*/ }; using Line=line<long long>; bool ponseg(const Point &u,const Point &v,const Point &p) { return ((u-p)^(v-p))==0 && (u-p)*(v-p)<=0; } template<typename T> struct polygon { vector<Point> p; inline size_t nxt(const size_t i) const {return i==p.size()-1?0:i+1;} inline size_t pre(const size_t i) const {return i==0?p.size()-1:i-1;} pair<bool,int> winding(const Point &a) const { int cnt=0; for (size_t i=0;i<p.size();i++) { Point u=p[i],v=p[nxt(i)]; if (abs((a-u)^(a-v))<=eps && (a-u)*(a-v)<=eps) return {true,0}; if (abs(u.y-v.y)<=eps) continue; Line uv={u,v-u}; if (u.y<v.y-eps && uv.toleft(a)<=0) continue; if (u.y>v.y+eps && uv.toleft(a)>=0) continue; if (u.y<a.y-eps && v.y>=a.y-eps) cnt++; if (u.y>=a.y-eps && v.y<a.y-eps) cnt--; } return {false,cnt}; } bool is_in(const Point &a) const //convex { size_t l=1,r=p.size()-2; while (l<=r) { auto mid=(l+r)>>1; auto a1=(p[mid]-p[0])^(a-p[0]),a2=(p[mid+1]-p[0])^(a-p[0]); if (a1>=-eps && a2<=eps) { if (mid==1 && ponseg(p[0],p[mid],a)) return false; if (mid+1==p.size()-1 && ponseg(p[0],p[mid+1],a)) return false; if (ponseg(p[mid],p[mid+1],a)) return false; if (((p[mid+1]-p[mid])^(a-p[mid]))>=-eps) return true; return false; } if (a1<-eps) r=mid-1; else l=mid+1; } return false; } double circ() const { double sum=0; for (size_t i=0;i<p.size();i++) sum+=p[i].dis(p[nxt(i)]); return sum; } T area2() const { T sum=0; for (size_t i=0;i<p.size();i++) sum+=p[i]^p[nxt(i)]; return abs(sum); } }; using Polygon=polygon<long long>; #define back1(x) x.back() #define back2(x) *(x.rbegin()+1) //Andrew Polygon convex(vector<Point> p) { vector<Point> st; sort(p.begin(),p.end()); for (Point u:p) { while (st.size()>1 && (back1(st)-back2(st)).toleft(u-back2(st))<=0) st.pop_back(); st.push_back(u); } size_t k=st.size(); p.pop_back(); reverse(p.begin(),p.end()); for (Point u:p) { while (st.size()>k && (back1(st)-back2(st)).toleft(u-back2(st))<=0) st.pop_back(); st.push_back(u); } st.pop_back(); return {st}; } int T,n,x,y; double solve1(vector<Point> vec) { vec.push_back({0,0}); Polygon poly_out=convex(vec); if (poly_out.p.size()<=2) return 0; set<Point> s; for (Point u:poly_out.p) s.insert(u); if (!s.count({0,0})) return 0; vector<Point> inner; for (Point u:vec) { if (s.count(u)) continue; if (!poly_out.is_in(u)) return 0; inner.push_back(u); } inner.push_back({0,0}); Polygon poly_in=convex(inner); if (poly_in.p.size()<=2) return 0; if ((int)poly_out.p.size()+(int)poly_in.p.size()<n+2) return 0; return poly_in.circ()+poly_out.circ(); } bool is_in(size_t l,size_t r,size_t x,size_t siz) { if (r<l) r+=siz; return (x>l && x<r) || (x+siz>l && x+siz<r); } bool cover(const Point &u,const Point &v) { return u.toleft(v)==0 && u*v>=0; } bool check(const Polygon &poly,const unordered_set<size_t> &non,size_t i,size_t j) { auto _i=poly.nxt(i),_j=poly.nxt(j); if (j==_i) return false; if (i==_j) return false; if (poly.p[_i].toleft(poly.p[j])<=0 || poly.p[_j].toleft(poly.p[i])<=0) return false; if (cover(poly.p[i],poly.p[_i])) return false; if (cover(poly.p[j],poly.p[_j])) return false; if (cover(poly.p[_i],poly.p[poly.nxt(_i)])) return false; if (cover(poly.p[_j],poly.p[poly.nxt(_j)])) return false; if (cover(poly.p[i],poly.p[poly.pre(i)])) return false; if (cover(poly.p[j],poly.p[poly.pre(j)])) return false; for (auto t:non) { if (is_in(_i,j,t,poly.p.size())) return false; if (is_in(_j,i,t,poly.p.size())) return false; } return true; } double cal(const Point &u,const Point &v) { return u.len()+v.len()-u.dis(v); } double solve2(vector<Point> vec) { sort(vec.begin(),vec.end(),argcmp); Polygon poly={vec}; unordered_set<size_t> non; double tot=0; auto siz=poly.p.size(); for (size_t i=0;i<siz;i++) { auto prei=poly.pre(i),nxti=poly.nxt(i); Point u=poly.p[prei],v=poly.p[i],w=poly.p[nxti]; if ((v-u).toleft(w-v)<=0) non.insert(i); tot+=v.dis(w); } double ans=0; vec.insert(vec.end(),vec.begin(),vec.end()); for (size_t i=0,l=1,r=0;i<siz;i++) { while (l<vec.size() && l<i+siz && (l==i+1 || vec[i+1].toleft(vec[l])==1)) l++; while (r<vec.size() && r<i+siz && vec[i].toleft(vec[r])>=0) r++; auto _l=max(i+2,r-1),_r=min(l-1,i+siz-2); for (size_t j=_l;j<=_r;j++) { if (!check(poly,non,i%siz,j%siz)) continue; double d=cal(vec[i],vec[i+1])+cal(vec[j],vec[j+1]); ans=max(ans,tot+d); } } return ans; } int main() { scanf("%d",&T); while (T--) { scanf("%d",&n); vector<Point> vec; for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) { scanf("%d%d",&x,&y); vec.push_back({x,y}); } double ans=max(solve1(vec),solve2(vec)); printf("%.10lf\n",ans); } getchar(); getchar(); return 0; }