NC232330. Fix a Weird Speaker
Mr.Colorful recently purchased a smart bluetooth speaker. He was quite satisfied with the speaker, except that something may went wrong when the speaker responds to him.
One day, Mr.Colorful found that the speaker produced a weird sentence, but he could not remember what exactly it said.
Based on impressions, Mr.Coloful was sure that the speaker wanted to say a sentence , a string consisting of only lower case letters.
He believed that the sentence he heard sounded weird because a nonempty subinterval of must have been repeated immediately after its occurrence.
Formally speaking, a string is said to be a weird sentence originated from , if and only if there exists two integers , such that ,
where "+" means string concatenation and means the substring of located at .
Note that denotes an empty string when .
Mr.Colorful opened the log of his speaker. The log is also a string consisting of only lower case letters.
Given , help Mr.Colorful to find the longest substring of such that it is a weird sentence originated from .
If there are multiple such strings, please output the string with the leftmost start position.
The input consists of:
One line containing a string , the log of the speaker.One line containing a string , the sentence that Mr.Colorful believed the speaker originally wanted to say.
If in the log there exists a weird sentence originated from , please output two integers and seperated by a space, denoting the location of the longest weird sentence (the string is 1-indexed). You need to ensure that is minimized.
Otherwise, output .
aabbbbcabbc abbc
2 7
In sample 1, "abbbbcc" is a weird sentence of "abbc" with substring "bb" repeated.示例2
goodmorningiamarobrobothowareyousaythatagainiamaarobothhh iamarobot
12 23
In sample 2, "iamarobrobot" has "rob" repeated, and "iamaarobot" has "a" repeated. They both exist in the log. However, the previous one is longer.示例3
baaaaaaaaaaabaaaaaaa baaaa
1 9
In sample 3, "baaaaaaaa" has "aaaa" repeated.示例4
ninshufenmanjimabukenengzhedoushiyaoyaochuanbiexintamen zhedoushiyaochuan
25 44
queshilidadapu lidapu
7 14
C++ 解法, 执行用时: 63ms, 内存消耗: 27728K, 提交时间: 2022-05-12 10:58:43
#include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #define fo(i,x,y) for(int i=x;i<=y;i++) #define fr(i,x,y) for(int i=x;i>=y;i--) using namespace std; const int N=2e6+2; int f[N],g[N],w[N],n,m; char a[N],b[N]; int main(){ scanf("%s",b+1); m=strlen(b+1); scanf("%s",a+1); n=strlen(a+1); int j=0; f[1]=0; fo(i,2,n){ while (j!=0 && a[j+1]!=a[i]) j=f[j]; if (a[j+1]==a[i]) f[i]=j+1,j+=1; } j=0; fo(i,1,m){ while (j!=0 && a[j+1]!=b[i]) j=f[j]; if (a[j+1]==b[i]) j+=1,g[i]=j; } f[n]=n+1; j=n+1; fr(i,n-1,1){ while (j!=n+1 && a[j-1]!=a[i]) j=f[j]; if (a[j-1]==a[i]) f[i]=j-1,j-=1; else f[i]=n+1,j=n+1; } j=n+1; fr(i,m,1){ while (j!=n+1 && a[j-1]!=b[i]) j=f[j]; if (a[j-1]==b[i]) w[i]=j-1,j-=1; else w[i]=n+1,j=n+1; } int ans=0,k=0; fo(i,1,m-1){ j=g[i]+n+1-w[i+1]; //printf("%d %d\n",i,w[i]); if (j>n and j>ans){ ans=j; k=i-g[i]+1; } } if (k==0) printf("-1"); else printf("%d %d",k,k+ans-1); }