NC230860. Matrix Operations
The first line contains an integer , indicating the number of rows as well as columns in the matrix as well as the number of groups of operations.
Then follow lines, each of which contains contains six integers , , , , and , indicating the parameters of a group of operations as described above.
For each operation, output a line containing four integers, indicating the values of , , and .
3 3 3 1 2 3 4 2 3 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 2 3 4
0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 4 6 6 8
C++ 解法, 执行用时: 6128ms, 内存消耗: 30252K, 提交时间: 2022-03-26 17:45:54
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define F(i,l,r) for(int i=l;i<r;++i) #define Fe(i,l,r) for(int i=l;i<=r;++i) using std::max; int read(int L,int R){ int x; assert(scanf("%d",&x)==1); return x; } constexpr int maxm=5e5,M=maxm+10,maxv=1e9; typedef long long i64; const int MEM=1<<26; char pool[MEM],*pool_p=pool; template<class T> void alloc(T *&p,int sz){ p=reinterpret_cast<T*>(pool_p); pool_p+=sz*sizeof(T); assert(pool_p<pool+MEM); F(i,0,sz)new(p+i)T(); } template<class T> struct Undo{ T &x; T x0; Undo(T &x):x(x),x0(x){} ~Undo(){x=x0;} }; #define alloc_scope Undo<char*> _(pool_p) template<class T> struct Inf{}; template<> struct Inf<i64>{ static const i64 value=1LL<<40; }; template<class T> struct Max{ T x; Max(T x=-Inf<T>::value):x(x){} Max<T> operator+(const Max<T> &w)const{return max(x,w.x);} void operator+=(const Max<T> &w){x=max(x,w.x);} }; template<class T> struct AddOp{ T x; AddOp(T x=T()):x(x){} void operator*=(const AddOp<T> &w){x+=w.x;} friend void operator*=(Max<T> &x,const AddOp<T> &y){x.x+=y.x;} }; template<class D,class M> struct MSegTree{ struct Node{ D d; M m; void app(const M &t){ d*=t; m*=t; } void up(const Node &a,const Node &b){ d=a.d+b.d; d*=m; } }*tr; int mx; void alloc(int n){ for(mx=1;mx<n+2;mx<<=1); ::alloc(tr,mx*2); } Node &at(int x){ return tr[mx+x]; } D &operator[](int x){ return tr[mx+x].d; } void range_update(int l,int r){ l+=mx,r+=mx; for(l>>=1,r>>=1;l<r;l>>=1,r>>=1){ Fe(x,l,r)up(x); } for(;l;l>>=1)up(l); } void up(int x){ tr[x].up(tr[x*2],tr[x*2+1]); } void update(const M &t){ tr[1].app(t); } void update_prefix(int x,const M &t){ for(x+=mx+1;x>1;x>>=1,up(x)){ if(x&1)tr[x-1].app(t); } } D query(){ return tr[1].d; } void dn(int x){ tr[x*2].app(tr[x].m); tr[x*2+1].app(tr[x].m); tr[x].m=M(); } void dna(int x){ x+=mx; for(int c=__builtin_ctz(mx);c>0;--c)dn(x>>c); } void dna(int l,int r){ l+=mx,r+=mx; for(int c=__builtin_ctz(mx);c>0;--c){ int L=l>>c,R=r>>c; Fe(i,L,R)dn(i); } } }; int m; struct Op{ int x,y,id; int a[2][2]; void R(int i){ x=read(2,m); y=read(2,m); id=i; F(i,0,2)F(j,0,2)a[i][j]=read(1,maxv); } }qs[M],qs2[M]; template<class T> struct Array{ T *v; int sz; Array(){} Array(int n){alloc(n);} void alloc(int n){ sz=n; ::alloc(v,n); } T &operator[](int x){ return v[x]; } }; template<class T> struct Grid{ T *v; int xsz,ysz; Grid(){} Grid(int xn,int yn){ alloc(xn,yn); } void alloc(int xn,int yn){ xsz=xn;ysz=yn; ::alloc(v,xn*yn); } T &operator()(int x,int y){ return v[x*ysz+y]; } }; struct Des{ int sz,x[M],id[M]; void clr(){ sz=0; } void ins(int a){ x[sz++]=a; } void build(){ ins(1),ins(m+1); std::sort(x,x+sz); sz=std::unique(x,x+sz)-x; F(i,1,sz)F(j,x[i-1],x[i])id[j]=i; } }xs,ys; struct NoD{ char _[0]; template<class T> void operator*=(const T &x){} friend NoD operator+(NoD a,NoD b){return NoD();} }; template<class T> struct HAddOp{ T h,a,a1; bool commit; HAddOp(T x=0):a1(x),commit(0){} void operator*=(const HAddOp<T> &w){ if(w.commit){ if(commit){ h=max(h,a+a1+w.h); a+=a1+w.a; a1=w.a1; }else{ h=a1+w.h; a=a1+w.a; a1=w.a1; commit=1; } }else{ a1+=w.a1; } } }; MSegTree<Max<i64>,AddOp<i64>> tr[M]; MSegTree<NoD,HAddOp<i64>> tr0; struct DC{ Array<int> x,y; Grid<MSegTree<Max<i64>,AddOp<i64>>::Node> g; void set_sz(int sz){ x.alloc(sz); y.alloc(sz); } void run(int m1){ int; if(sz==1){ F(i,0,2)F(j,0,2){ printf("%lld%c",g(i,j).d.x," \n"[i&j]); g(i,j).app(qs[m1].a[i][j]); } return; } int o=0; F(I,0,2){ alloc_scope; int sz1=(I?sz-sz/2:sz/2); DC dc; dc.set_sz(sz1); Array<int> xe(g.xsz),ye(g.ysz); F(i,0,sz1){ xe[x[o+i]]=1; ye[y[o+i]]=1; } xe[0]=ye[0]=0; F(i,1,[i]+=xe[i-1]; F(i,1,[i]+=ye[i-1]; F(i,0,sz1){ dc.x[i]=xe[x[o+i]]; dc.y[i]=ye[y[o+i]]; } dc.g.alloc(xe[]+1,ye[]+1); F(i,0,g.xsz)F(j,0,g.ysz){ dc.g(xe[i],ye[j]).d+=g(i,j).d; }; if(!I) F(i,0,g.xsz)F(j,0,g.ysz){ auto v=dc.g(xe[i],ye[j]).m; g(i,j).d*=v; g(i,j).m=v; } if(I) F(i,0,g.xsz)F(j,0,g.ysz){ g(i,j).m*=dc.g(xe[i],ye[j]).m; } o+=sz1; } } }; i64 v0[M],v1[M]; void cal(int m1,int m2){ alloc_scope; xs.clr(); ys.clr(); F(i,m1,m2){ Op &q=qs[i]; xs.ins(q.x); ys.ins(q.y); };; Grid<i64> g(,; F(i,1,{ int L=ys.x[i-1],R=ys.x[i]; tr[i].alloc(R-L); F(j,L,R)tr[i][j-L+1]=v0[j]; tr[i].range_update(1,R-L); g(0,i)=tr[i].query().x; } tr0.alloc(; F(i,1,; int p=0; F(i,1,{ int L=xs.x[i-1],R=xs.x[i]; F(x,L,R){ for(;p<m&&qs2[p].x==x;++p){ Op &q=qs2[p]; if(>=m1)continue; int a1=q.a[1][0]-q.a[0][0]; int a2=q.a[1][1]-q.a[0][1]; a1-=a2; int[q.y],u=q.y+1-ys.x[w-1]; i64 a=tr[w].query().x; tr[w].update_prefix(u-1,a1); a=tr[w].query().x-a; tr0.dna(w); auto &;; tr0.update_prefix(w-1,a1); tr0.update(a2); } HAddOp<i64> m; m.h=m.a=m.a1=0; m.commit=1; tr0.update(m); } tr0.dna(1,; F(w,1,{ auto &; g(i,w)=g(0,w)+w0.h; g(0,w)+=w0.a; w0=0; } } int m0=m2-m1; DC dc; dc.set_sz(m0); dc.g.alloc(,; F(i,1,,1,,j-1).d=g(i,j); F(i,0,m0){ Op &q=qs[m1+i]; dc.x[i][q.x]-1; dc.y[i][q.y]-1; }; Fe(i,1,m)v1[i]=0; F(i,m1,m2){ Op &q=qs[i]; v1[1]+=q.a[0][0]; v1[q.y]+=q.a[0][1]-q.a[0][0]; } v0[1]+=v1[1]; Fe(i,2,m)v1[i]+=v1[i-1],v0[i]+=v1[i]; } int main(){ //freopen( "" , "r" , stdin ); //freopen( "test.out" , "w" , stdout ); m=read(1,maxm); F(i,0,m)qs[i].R(i); F(i,0,m)qs2[i]=qs[i]; std::sort(qs2,qs2+m,[](const Op &a,const Op &b){return a.x<b.x;}); int B=sqrt(m*4); for(int l=0,r;l<m;l=r){ r=std::min(l+B,m); cal(l,r); } return 0; }