NC223524. CrazedBoar
The first line of input contains a single integer n (0 ≤ n ≤ 10 000), the number of trees in the forest. n lines follow,each of which contain three integers , and , denoting the position and radius of the tree. These inputs satisfy ≤ ≤ and 0 < ≤ . The final line of input contains two integer b and d, the radius of the boar(0 < b ≤ ) and the distance that the boar will charge (0 ≤ d ≤ 106). You may assume that no tree overlaps withor touches the boar at the start of its charge (but trees might overlap or touch each other).
Print a single real number: the probability that the boar completes its charge without hitting any tree. Your answer willbe considered correct if it has absolute or relative error at most .
1 3 0 1 1 4
4 6 0 3 0 6 3 -6 0 3 0 -6 3 1 3
C++ 解法, 执行用时: 24ms, 内存消耗: 1376K, 提交时间: 2021-08-19 14:11:52
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define double long double const int N=20010; const double pi=3.141592653589793; int n; double x[N],y[N],r[N]; pair<double,int> e[N*4];int c=0; int main(){ cin>>n; for(int i=0;i<n;i++)cin>>x[i]>>y[i]>>r[i]; double tmp,D; cin>>tmp>>D; for(int i=0;i<n;i++)r[i]+=tmp; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ double x=::x[i],y=::y[i],r=::r[i]; double a=atan2(y,x); double l=sqrt(x*x+y*y); if(r+D<l)continue; double beg=0,end=0; double d=D; d=min(d,sqrt(l*l-r*r)); if(l*l-r*r<0)while(1); beg=-(end=acos((d*d+l*l-r*r)/2/d/l)); beg+=a;end+=a; beg=fmod(beg+pi*10,pi*2); end=fmod(end+pi*10,pi*2); if(beg>end){ e[c++]={0,1}; e[c++]={end,-1}; e[c++]={beg,1}; e[c++]={pi*2,-1}; }else{ e[c++]={beg,1}; e[c++]={end,-1}; } } sort(e,e+c); double ans=0; for(int i=0,t=0;i<c;i++){ if(t)ans+=e[i].first-e[i-1].first; t+=e[i].second; } cout<<fixed<<setprecision(8)<<1-ans/pi/2<<endl; }