NC222471. [USACODec2020G]Replication
The first line contains two space-separated integers N and D. The next N lines of input each contain N characters. Each character is one of '.', 'S', or '#'. '.' and 'S' both represent empty cells, with 'S' denoting a possible starting position for the robot. '#' denotes a rock.
All characters in the first and last row and first and last column are '#'.
An integer counting the number of cells that could at some point in time hold a robot.
10 1 ########## #........# #S.......# #........# ########## #S....S..# ########## ########## ########## ##########
n the following diagrams, x's denote robots.示例2
10 2 ########## #.#......# #.#......# #S.......# #.#......# #.#......# ########## ########## ########## ##########
Locations that could be occupied by robots:示例3
10 2 ########## #.S#.....# #..#.....# #S.......# #..#.....# #..#.....# ########## ########## ########## ##########
Locations that could be occupied by robots:C++ 解法, 执行用时: 157ms, 内存消耗: 29588K, 提交时间: 2022-01-01 19:36:28
// USACO 2020 Dec G. Replication #include <bits/stdc++.h> #define _all(i, a, b) for (int i = (a); i <= (int)(b); ++i) using namespace std; struct Stat { int x, y, d; bool operator<(const Stat &Y) const { return d < Y.d; } }; typedef vector<int> VI; const int DX[] = {1, -1, 0, 0}, DY[] = {0, 0, 1, -1}; int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false), cin.tie(0); int N, D; string line; cin >> N >> D; vector<VI> D0(N + 1, VI(N + 1, -1)), D1 = D0, G(N + 1, VI(N + 1)); // G[x,y]: 能进复制机器人吗? queue<Stat> q0, q1; _all(i, 1, N) { cin >> line; _all(j, 1, N) { char c = line[j - 1]; if (c == '#') G[i][j] = 1, q0.push({i, j, 0}), D0[i][j] = 0; if (c == 'S') G[i][j] = 1, q1.push({i, j, 0}), D1[i][j] = 0; } } Stat s; while (!q0.empty()) { // 计算(x,y)到石头的最短距离D0(x,y) s = q0.front(), q0.pop(); _all(i, 0, 3) { int x = s.x + DX[i], y = s.y + DY[i], &d = D0[x][y]; if (x >= 1 && y >= 1 && x <= N && y <= N && d < 0) d = s.d + 1, q0.push({x, y, s.d + 1}); } } while (!q1.empty()) { s = q1.front(), q1.pop(); // 本体可能在D1[x,y]时刻到(x,y) if (s.d / D >= D0[s.x][s.y]) continue; // 它的copy要碰石头 _all(i, 0, 3) { int x = s.x + DX[i], y = s.y + DY[i], &d = D1[x][y]; if (d < 0 && s.d / D < D0[x][y] && !G[x][y]) d = s.d + 1, q1.push({x, y, s.d + 1}); } } vector<VI> InQ(N + 1, VI(N + 1)); priority_queue<Stat> pq; // 从本体所有可能位置扩展,起点D值不同所以不能用BFS int cnt = 0; _all(x, 1, N) _all(y, 1, N) if (D1[x][y] >= 0) { // 本体能在D1[x,y]走到(x,y)且其复制体不碰石头,能往外扩展几步? pq.push({x, y, D0[x][y] - 1}), InQ[x][y] = 1, ++cnt; } while (!pq.empty()) { s =, pq.pop(); if (s.d == 0) continue; _all(i, 0, 3) { int nx = s.x + DX[i], ny = s.y + DY[i]; if (!InQ[nx][ny] && !G[nx][ny]) InQ[nx][ny] = 1, pq.push({nx, ny, s.d - 1}), ++cnt; } } cout << cnt << endl; return 0; } // Accepted 100 [USACO20DEC G] Replication 1.45s 29.95MB 1.98KB C++11