

NC222471. [USACODec2020G]Replication


The ill-fated result of watching too many "do it yourself" engineering videos on the web, Farmer John has accidentally released a self-replicating robot on his farm!
The farm can be represented by an N×N grid (3≤N≤1000) where each grid cell is either empty or filled with rock, and all border squares are filled with rock. Some non-rock cells are designated as possible starting locations for the robot.

Farmer John initially places the robot at one of the possible starting positions. In every hour that follows, all copies of the robot move in one coordinated mass in the same direction, either north, south, east, or west. After every D hours (1≤D≤109), every copy of the robot replicates --- a robot at cell (x,y) that replicates creates new copies in cells (x+1,y), (x−1,y), (x,y+1), and (x,y−1); the original robot remains at (x,y). Over time, multiple robots might come to occupy the same cell.

If moving or replicating would cause any of the robots to move into a rock, then all robots shut down immediately. Note that this implies that the robots must eventually shut down, due to the border of the farm being rock.

Help the cows figure out the number of empty squares that could potentially at some point in time hold a robot.


The first line contains two space-separated integers N and D. The next N lines of input each contain N characters. Each character is one of '.', 'S', or '#'. '.' and 'S' both represent empty cells, with 'S' denoting a possible starting position for the robot. '#' denotes a rock.
All characters in the first and last row and first and last column are '#'.


An integer counting the number of cells that could at some point in time hold a robot.



10 1




n the following diagrams, x's denote robots.

Locations that could be occupied by robots:

One possible sequence of events could be as follows:

FJ places the robot at the upper-left-most starting position.
The robot moves one unit to the right.
The robot replicates.
All robots move one unit to the right.
Another replication would cause a copy of the robot to move into a rock, so the process terminates.
##########    ##########    ##########    ##########
#........#    #........#    #.x......#    #..x.....#
#x.......#    #.x......#    #xxx.....#    #.xxx....#
#........#    #........#    #.x......#    #..x.....#
########## -> ########## -> ########## -> ##########
#........#    #........#    #........#    #........#
##########    ##########    ##########    ##########
##########    ##########    ##########    ##########
##########    ##########    ##########    ##########
##########    ##########    ##########    ##########



10 2




Locations that could be occupied by robots:




10 2




Locations that could be occupied by robots:



上次编辑到这里,代码来自缓存 点击恢复默认模板

C++ 解法, 执行用时: 157ms, 内存消耗: 29588K, 提交时间: 2022-01-01 19:36:28

// USACO 2020 Dec G. Replication
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define _all(i, a, b) for (int i = (a); i <= (int)(b); ++i)
using namespace std;
struct Stat {
  int x, y, d;
  bool operator<(const Stat &Y) const { return d < Y.d; }
typedef vector<int> VI;
const int DX[] = {1, -1, 0, 0}, DY[] = {0, 0, 1, -1};
int main() {
  ios::sync_with_stdio(false), cin.tie(0);
  int N, D;
  string line;
  cin >> N >> D;
  vector<VI> D0(N + 1, VI(N + 1, -1)),
      D1 = D0, G(N + 1, VI(N + 1));  // G[x,y]: 能进复制机器人吗?
  queue<Stat> q0, q1;
  _all(i, 1, N) {
    cin >> line;
    _all(j, 1, N) {
      char c = line[j - 1];
      if (c == '#') G[i][j] = 1, q0.push({i, j, 0}), D0[i][j] = 0;
      if (c == 'S') G[i][j] = 1, q1.push({i, j, 0}), D1[i][j] = 0;
  Stat s;
  while (!q0.empty()) {  // 计算(x,y)到石头的最短距离D0(x,y)
    s = q0.front(), q0.pop();
    _all(i, 0, 3) {
      int x = s.x + DX[i], y = s.y + DY[i], &d = D0[x][y];
      if (x >= 1 && y >= 1 && x <= N && y <= N && d < 0)
        d = s.d + 1, q0.push({x, y, s.d + 1});
  while (!q1.empty()) {
    s = q1.front(), q1.pop();  // 本体可能在D1[x,y]时刻到(x,y)
    if (s.d / D >= D0[s.x][s.y]) continue;  // 它的copy要碰石头
    _all(i, 0, 3) {
      int x = s.x + DX[i], y = s.y + DY[i], &d = D1[x][y];
      if (d < 0 && s.d / D < D0[x][y] && !G[x][y])
        d = s.d + 1, q1.push({x, y, s.d + 1});
  vector<VI> InQ(N + 1, VI(N + 1));
  priority_queue<Stat> pq;  // 从本体所有可能位置扩展,起点D值不同所以不能用BFS
  int cnt = 0;
  _all(x, 1, N) _all(y, 1, N) if (D1[x][y] >= 0) {
    // 本体能在D1[x,y]走到(x,y)且其复制体不碰石头,能往外扩展几步?
    pq.push({x, y, D0[x][y] - 1}), InQ[x][y] = 1, ++cnt;
  while (!pq.empty()) {
    s = pq.top(), pq.pop();
    if (s.d == 0) continue;
    _all(i, 0, 3) {
      int nx = s.x + DX[i], ny = s.y + DY[i];
      if (!InQ[nx][ny] && !G[nx][ny])
        InQ[nx][ny] = 1, pq.push({nx, ny, s.d - 1}), ++cnt;
  cout << cnt << endl;
  return 0;
// Accepted 100 [USACO20DEC G] Replication 1.45s 29.95MB 1.98KB C++11 
