NC216010. JustAnotherGameofStones
There is only one test case in each test file.
The first line of the input contains two integers and () indicating the number of candidate piles and the number of operations.
The second line contains integers () where indicates the initial number of stones in the -th pile.
For the following lines, the -th line contains four integers , , and (, , ) indicating the -th operation, where is the type of operation and the others are the parameters of the operation. Operations are given in the order they're performed.
For each operation of the second type output one line containing one integer indicating the answer.
5 4 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 4 3 2 2 4 4 2 1 4 4
1 0 3
C++(clang++11) 解法, 执行用时: 1173ms, 内存消耗: 72824K, 提交时间: 2021-04-04 16:58:05
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define rep(i,x,y) for(auto i=(x);i<=(y);++i) #define dep(i,x,y) for(auto i=(x);i>=(y);--i) using namespace std; typedef long long ll; const int N=2e5+10; const int inf=1<<30; struct pr{ int a,sa,b,xr,s[30]; friend pr operator+(const pr&a,const pr&b){ pr c; if(a.a<b.a){ c.a=a.a;; c.b=min(a.b,b.a); }else if(a.a>b.a){ c.a=b.a;; c.b=min(a.a,b.b); }else{ c.a=a.a;; c.b=min(a.b,b.b); } c.xr=a.xr^b.xr; rep(i,0,29)c.s[i]=a.s[i]+b.s[i]; return c; } }a[N*4]; int lz[N*4]; void upd(pr&a,int x){ if(x<=a.a)return; if(^=x^a.a; rep(i,0,29)a.s[i]+=(((x>>i)&1)-((a.a>>i)&1))*; a.a=x; } void bd(int x,int l,int r){ if(l==r){ scanf("%d",&a[x].a); a[x].sa=1;a[x].b=inf; a[x].xr=a[x].a; rep(i,0,29)a[x].s[i]=(a[x].a>>i)&1; return; } int m=(l+r)>>1; bd(x<<1,l,m);bd(x<<1|1,m+1,r); a[x]=a[x<<1]+a[x<<1|1]; } void dw(int x){ if(lz[x]>lz[x<<1]){ lz[x<<1]=lz[x];upd(a[x<<1],lz[x]); } if(lz[x]>lz[x<<1|1]){ lz[x<<1|1]=lz[x];upd(a[x<<1|1],lz[x]); } lz[x]=0; } void f(int x,int l,int r,int y,int L,int R){ if(l<=L&&r>=R&&y<a[x].b){ if(y>lz[x]){ lz[x]=y;upd(a[x],y); } return; } dw(x);int m=(L+R)>>1; if(l<=m)f(x<<1,l,r,y,L,m); if(r>m)f(x<<1|1,l,r,y,m+1,R); a[x]=a[x<<1]+a[x<<1|1]; } pr q(int x,int l,int r,int L,int R){ if(l==L&&r==R)return a[x]; dw(x);int m=(L+R)>>1; if(r<=m)return q(x<<1,l,r,L,m); if(l>m)return q(x<<1|1,l,r,m+1,R); return q(x<<1,l,m,L,m)+q(x<<1|1,m+1,r,m+1,R); } int main(){int n,Q; scanf("%d%d",&n,&Q); bd(1,1,n); rep(i,1,Q){int op,l,r,x; scanf("%d%d%d%d",&op,&l,&r,&x); if(op==2){ pr s=q(1,l,r,1,n); s.xr^=x; rep(i,0,29)if((x>>i)&1)++s.s[i]; if(!s.xr)printf("0\n"); else dep(i,29,0)if((s.xr>>i)&1){ printf("%d\n",s.s[i]);break; } }else f(1,l,r,x,1,n); } }