NC17876. 多项式
f和g都用一个由小括号 '(' 和 ')' 、加号 '+' 、乘号 '*' 、 'x' 组成的表达式表示,表达式的语法与通常的习惯相同。
x+x x+(x+x)
x*(x+x+x*x+x*x) x+(x+x)*(x+x+x)
x x*(x*(x)+x)*(((x+x)))*x
C++14(g++5.4) 解法, 执行用时: 7ms, 内存消耗: 4960K, 提交时间: 2018-08-29 23:01:09
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<string> #include<iostream> using namespace std; #define LL long long int ten[4] = {1,10,100,1000}; typedef struct BigNumber { int d[1200]; BigNumber(string s) { int i, j, k, len; len = s.size(); d[0] = (len-1)/4+1; for(i=1;i<=1199;i++) d[i] = 0; for(i=len-1;i>=0;i--) { j = (len-i-1)/4+1; k = (len-i-1)%4; d[j] += ten[k]*(s[i]-'0'); } while(d[0]>1 && d[d[0]]==0) --d[0]; } BigNumber() { *this = BigNumber(string("0")); } string toString() { int i, j, temp; string s(""); for(i=3;i>=1;i--) { if(d[d[0]]>=ten[i]) break; } temp = d[d[0]]; for(j=i;j>=0;j--) { s = s+(char)(temp/ten[j]+'0'); temp %= ten[j]; } for(i=d[0]-1;i>0;i--) { temp = d[i]; for(j=3;j>=0;j--) { s = s+(char)(temp/ten[j]+'0'); temp %= ten[j]; } } return s; } }BigNumber; BigNumber zero("0"), d, temp, mid[15]; bool operator < (const BigNumber &a, const BigNumber &b) { int i; if(a.d[0]!=b.d[0]) return a.d[0]<b.d[0]; for(i=a.d[0];i>0;i--) { if(a.d[i]!=b.d[i]) return a.d[i]<b.d[i]; } return 0; } bool operator == (const BigNumber &a, const BigNumber &b) { int i; if(a.d[0]!=b.d[0]) return 0; for(i=a.d[0];i>0;i--) { if(a.d[i]!=b.d[i]) return 0; } return 1; } BigNumber operator + (const BigNumber &a, const BigNumber &b) { int i, x; BigNumber c; c.d[0] = max(a.d[0], b.d[0]); x = 0; for(i=1;i<=c.d[0];i++) { x = a.d[i]+b.d[i]+x; c.d[i] = x%10000; x /= 10000; } while(x!=0) { c.d[++c.d[0]] = x%10000; x /= 10000; } return c; } BigNumber operator - (const BigNumber &a, const BigNumber &b) { int i, x; BigNumber c; c.d[0] = a.d[0]; x = 0; for(i=1;i<=c.d[0];i++) { x = 10000+a.d[i]-b.d[i]+x; c.d[i] = x%10000; x = x/10000-1; } while((c.d[0]>1) && (c.d[c.d[0]]==0)) --c.d[0]; return c; } BigNumber operator * (const BigNumber &a, const BigNumber &b) { int i, j, x; BigNumber c; c.d[0] = a.d[0]+b.d[0]; for(i=1;i<=a.d[0];i++) { x = 0; for(j=1;j<=b.d[0];j++) { x = a.d[i]*b.d[j]+x+c.d[i+j-1]; c.d[i+j-1] = x%10000; x /= 10000; } c.d[i+b.d[0]] = x; } while((c.d[0]>1) && (c.d[c.d[0]]==0)) --c.d[0]; return c; } bool smaller(const BigNumber &a, const BigNumber &b, int delta) { int i; if(a.d[0]+delta!=b.d[0]) return a.d[0]+delta<b.d[0]; for(i=a.d[0];i>0;i--) { if(a.d[i]!=b.d[i+delta]) return a.d[i]<b.d[i+delta]; } return 1; } void Minus(BigNumber &a, const BigNumber &b, int delta) { int i, x; x = 0; for(i=1;i<=a.d[0]-delta;i++) { x = 10000+a.d[i+delta]-b.d[i]+x; a.d[i+delta] = x%10000; x = x/10000-1; } while((a.d[0]>1) && (a.d[a.d[0]]==0)) --a.d[0]; } BigNumber operator * (const BigNumber &a, int k) { BigNumber c; c.d[0] = a.d[0]; int i, x; x = 0; for(i=1;i<=a.d[0];i++) { x = a.d[i]*k+x; c.d[i] = x%10000; x /= 10000; } while(x>0) { c.d[++c.d[0]] = x%10000; x /= 10000; } while((c.d[0]>1) && (c.d[c.d[0]]==0)) --c.d[0]; return c; } BigNumber operator / (const BigNumber &a, const BigNumber &b) { int i, j, temp; BigNumber c; d = a; mid[0] = b; for(i=1;i<=13;i++) mid[i] = mid[i-1]*2; for(i=a.d[0]-b.d[0];i>=0;i--) { temp = 8192; for(j=13;j>=0;j--) { if(smaller(mid[j], d, i)) { Minus(d, mid[j], i); c.d[i+1] += temp; } temp /= 2; } } c.d[0] = max(1, a.d[0]-b.d[0]+1); while((c.d[0]>1) && (c.d[c.d[0]]==0)) --c.d[0]; return c; } BigNumber Gcd(const BigNumber &a, const BigNumber &b) { BigNumber c("0"); if(b==c) return a; c = a-a/b*b; return Gcd(b, c); } char str[1005], Q[1005]; typedef struct Res { BigNumber A, C; Res operator + (const Res &b) const { Res temp = b; if(C==b.C) temp.C = b.C, temp.A = b.A+A; else if(b.C<C) temp.C = C, temp.A = A; return temp; } Res operator * (const Res &b) const { Res temp; temp.C = C+b.C; temp.A = A*b.A; return temp; } }Res; Res Jud(LL L, LL R) { Res p; LL i, now; now = 0; if(L==R) { BigNumber c1("1"), c2("1"); p.A = c1; p.C = c2; return p; } for(i=L;i<=R;i++) { if(str[i]=='(') now++; if(str[i]==')') now--; if(now==0 && str[i]=='+') return Jud(L, i-1)+Jud(i+1, R); } for(i=L;i<=R;i++) { if(str[i]=='(') now++; if(str[i]==')') now--; if(now==0 && str[i]=='*') return Jud(L, i-1)*Jud(i+1, R); } return Jud(L+1, R-1); } int main(void) { LL n; Res p, q; BigNumber t("0"); scanf("%s", str+1); memcpy(Q, str, sizeof(Q)); n = strlen(str+1); p = Jud(1, n); scanf("%s", str+1); if(strcmp(str+1, Q+1)==0) printf("1/1\n"); else { n = strlen(str+1); q = Jud(1, n); if(p.C==q.C) { t = Gcd(p.A, q.A); cout<<(p.A/t).toString()<<"/"<<(q.A/t).toString()<<endl; } else if(q.C<p.C) printf("1/0\n"); else printf("0/1\n"); } return 0; }
C++11(clang++ 3.9) 解法, 执行用时: 6ms, 内存消耗: 2404K, 提交时间: 2018-08-17 20:57:40
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; struct Int { int l,a[400]; Int operator+(const Int & b)const { Int t; t.l=max(l,b.l); memset(t.a,0,sizeof(t.a)); int i; for(i=0;i<t.l;i++)t.a[i]=a[i]+b.a[i]; for(i=0;i<t.l;i++)if(t.a[i]>9) { t.a[i]-=10; t.a[i+1]++; } if(t.a[t.l])t.l++; return t; } Int operator-(const Int & b)const { Int t; t.l=max(l,b.l); memset(t.a,0,sizeof(t.a)); int i; for(i=0;i<t.l;i++)t.a[i]=a[i]-b.a[i]; for(i=0;i<t.l;i++)if(t.a[i]<0) { t.a[i]+=10; t.a[i+1]--; } for(;t.l&&!t.a[t.l-1];t.l--); if(!t.l)t.l++; return t; } bool operator>(const Int & b)const { if(l!=b.l)return l>b.l; for(int i=l-1;~i;i--)if(a[i]!=b.a[i])return a[i]>b.a[i]; return 0; } Int operator*(const Int & b)const { Int t; t.l=l+b.l-1; memset(t.a,0,sizeof(t.a)); int i,j; for(i=0;i<l;i++)for(j=0;j<b.l;j++)t.a[i+j]+=a[i]*b.a[j]; for(i=0;i<t.l;i++)if(t.a[i]>9) { t.a[i+1]+=t.a[i]/10; t.a[i]%=10; } if(t.a[t.l])t.l++; return t; } void operator>>=(int o) { int i; for(i=l-1;i;i--) { if(a[i]&1)a[i-1]+=10; a[i]>>=1; } a[0]>>=1; if(!a[l-1])l--; } }x,y,z,o; struct node { Int a; int n; node operator+(const node& y)const { node t; if(n>y.n)t=*this; else if(n<y.n)t=y; else { t.a=a+y.a; t.n=n; } return t; } node operator*(const node& y)const { node t; t.n=n+y.n; t.a=a*y.a; return t; } }s[1005],a,b; int n,i,t,t1; char c[1005],s1[1005]; void work(node &ans) { scanf("%s",c); n=strlen(c); t=t1=0; for(i=0;i<n;i++)if(c[i]=='x') { s[++t].n=1; s[t].a=o; } else if(c[i]=='('||c[i]=='*')s1[++t1]=c[i]; else if(c[i]=='+') { while(t1&&s1[t1]=='*') { t--; s[t]=s[t]*s[t+1]; t1--; } s1[++t1]='+'; } else { for(;s1[t1]!='(';) { t--; if(s1[t1]=='+')s[t]=s[t]+s[t+1]; else s[t]=s[t]*s[t+1]; t1--; } t1--; } for(;t>1;t--,t1--)if(s1[t1]=='+')s[t-1]=s[t-1]+s[t]; else s[t-1]=s[t-1]*s[t]; ans=s[1]; } void gcd(Int x,Int y,Int &a,Int &b) { if(y>x) { gcd(y,x,b,a); return; } if(y.l==1&&!y.a[0]) { a.l=b.l=1; memset(a.a,0,sizeof(a.a)); memset(b.a,0,sizeof(b.a)); a.a[0]=1; return; } if((x.a[0]&1)&&(y.a[0]&1)) { gcd(x-y,y,a,b); a=a+b; } else if(x.a[0]&1) { y>>=1; gcd(x,y,a,b); b=b*o; } else if(y.a[0]&1) { x>>=1; gcd(x,y,a,b); a=a*o; } else { x>>=1; y>>=1; gcd(x,y,a,b); } } void out(Int x) { for(int i=x.l-1;~i;i--)printf("%d",x.a[i]); } int main() { o.l=o.a[0]=1; work(a); work(b); if(a.n>b.n)puts("1/0"); else if(a.n<b.n)puts("0/1"); else { o.a[0]=2; x=a.a; y=b.a; gcd(x,y,x,y); out(x); putchar('/'); out(y); } return 0; }
Java(javac 1.8) 解法, 执行用时: 56ms, 内存消耗: 12492K, 提交时间: 2018-08-18 11:35:14
import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Scanner; class node{ BigInteger x; int c; public void add(node b) { if(b.c<c)return; if(b.c>c) { x=b.x; c=b.c; }else { x=x.add(b.x); } } public void mul(node b) { x=x.multiply(b.x); c+=b.c; } } public class Main { public static node cal(String x) { node num[]=new node[1010]; int op[]=new int[1010]; int sz=x.length(),now=0,opn=0; for(int i=0;i<1010;++i)num[i]=new node(); for(int i=0;i<sz;++i) { if(x.charAt(i)=='x') { num[now].x=BigInteger.ONE; num[now].c=1; ++now; }else if(x.charAt(i)=='+') { while(opn>0 && op[opn-1]==2) { num[now-2].mul(num[now-1]); --now; --opn; } op[opn]=1; ++opn; }else if(x.charAt(i)=='*') { op[opn]=2; ++opn; }else if(x.charAt(i)=='(') { op[opn]=3; ++opn; }else if(x.charAt(i)==')') { while(opn>0 && op[opn-1]!=3) { if(op[opn-1]==1) { num[now-2].add(num[now-1]); }else { num[now-2].mul(num[now-1]); } --now; --opn; } --opn; } } while(opn>0) { if(op[opn-1]==1) { num[now-2].add(num[now-1]); }else { num[now-2].mul(num[now-1]); } --now; --opn; } return num[0]; } public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Scanner in=new Scanner(; String a=in.nextLine(),b=in.nextLine(); node la=cal(a); node lb=cal(b); if(la.c>lb.c) { System.out.println("1/0"); }else if(la.c<lb.c) { System.out.println("0/1"); }else { BigInteger gcd=la.x.gcd(lb.x); System.out.println(la.x.divide(gcd)+"/"+lb.x.divide(gcd)); } } }
Python3(3.5.2) 解法, 执行用时: 40ms, 内存消耗: 3692K, 提交时间: 2018-08-17 22:01:26
class pair: def __init__(self,f,s): def gcd(a,b): if b==0: return a else: return gcd(b,a%b) def prio(x): if x=='*': return 2 elif x=='+': return 1 elif x=='(' or x==')': return 0 else: return -1 def fun(s): sv,sp=[],[] k,flag=0,1 x=pair(0,0) y=pair(0,0) s+='\0' sp.append('\0') c=s[k] while flag!=0: # print(len(sv)) # print(k) if c=='x': sv.append(pair(1,1)) k+=1 elif c=='\0' and sp[-1]=='\0': flag=0 elif c=='('or prio(c)>prio(sp[-1]): sp.append(c) k+=1 elif c==')' and sp[-1]=='(': sp.pop(); k+=1 elif prio(c)<=prio(sp[-1]): x=sv[-1] sv.pop() y=sv[-1] sv.pop() c=sp[-1] sp.pop() if c=='+': if elif> y=x; else: y=pair(,* # print(,,, sv.append(y) c=s[k] return sv[-1] s1=input() s2=input() x1,x2=fun(s1),fun(s2) if g=gcd(, print("%d/%d"%(, elif> print("1/0") else: print("0/1")
Python(2.7.3) 解法, 执行用时: 42ms, 内存消耗: 3192K, 提交时间: 2018-08-17 21:14:11
def add(a,b): s=[0]*max(len(a),len(b)) for i in xrange(0,len(a)): s[i]+=a[i] for i in xrange(0,len(b)): s[i]+=b[i] return s def mul(a,b): s=[0]*(len(a)+len(b)-1) for i in xrange(0,len(a)): for j in xrange(0,len(b)): s[i+j]+=a[i]*b[j] return s def build(s): if s=="x": return [0,1] x=0 for i in xrange(0,len(s)): if s[i]=='(': x+=1 elif s[i]==')': x-=1 elif x==0 and s[i]=='+': return add(build(s[:i]),build(s[i+1:])) for i in xrange(0,len(s)): if s[i]=='(': x+=1 elif s[i]==')': x-=1 elif x==0 and s[i]=='*': return mul(build(s[:i]),build(s[i+1:])) return build(s[1:-1]) def gcd(a,b): while b: a,b=b,a%b return a a=raw_input() b=raw_input() xa=build(a) xb=build(b) if len(xa)>len(xb): print '1/0' elif len(xa)<len(xb): print '0/1' else: A=xa[-1] B=xb[-1] g=gcd(A,B) A/=g B/=g print str(A)+"/"+str(B)