NC15696. Professional Manager
1 u v, merge the forest containing the u-th tree and the forest containing the v-th tree;
2 u, separate the u-th tree from its forest;
The first line contains an integer T, indicating the number of testcases.
In each test case:
The first line contains two integers N and Q, indicating the number of initial forests and the number of operations.
Then Q lines follow, and each line describes an operation.
For each test cases, the first line should be "Case #i:", where i indicate the test case i.
For each query 3, print a integer in a single line.
For each query 4, print "YES" or "NO" in a single line.
1 10 8 3 1 4 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 4 1 2 2 1 3 1 4 1 2
Case #1: 1 NO 2 YES 1 NO
C++(clang++ 11.0.1) 解法, 执行用时: 907ms, 内存消耗: 3652K, 提交时间: 2023-01-03 19:13:15
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N=2e5+10; int pre[N],id[N],sum[N]; void init() { for(int i=1;i<N;i++){ pre[i]=id[i]=i; sum[i]=1; } } int find(int x) { return x==pre[x]?x:pre[x]=find(pre[x]); } int main() { long int t,n,q,i,j,k,u,v,x; cin>>t; for(k=0;k<t;k++){ cin>>n>>q; printf("Case #%d:\n",k+1); init(); for(j=0;j<q;j++){ cin>>x; if(x==1){ cin>>u>>v; int m=find(id[u]),y=find(id[v]); if(m!=y){ pre[m]=y; sum[y]+=sum[m]; } }else if(x==2){ cin>>u; sum[find(id[u])]--; id[u]=++n; }else if(x==3){ cin>>u; cout<<sum[find(id[u])]<<endl; }else if(x==4){ cin>>u>>v; if(find(id[u])==find(id[v])){ cout<<"YES"<<endl; }else{ cout<<"NO"<<endl; } } } } return 0; }