SQL140. 未完成率较高的50%用户近三个月答卷情况
id | uid | nick_name | achievement | level | job | register_time |
1 | 1001 | 牛客1号 | 3200 | 7 | 算法 | 2020-01-01 10:00:00 |
2 | 1002 | 牛客2号 | 2500 | 6 | 算法 | 2020-01-01 10:00:00 |
3 | 1003 | 牛客3号♂ | 2200 | 5 | 算法 | 2020-01-01 10:00:00 |
id | exam_id | tag | difficulty | duration | release_time |
1 | 9001 | SQL | hard | 60 | 2020-01-01 10:00:00 |
2 | 9002 | SQL | hard | 80 | 2020-01-01 10:00:00 |
3 | 9003 | 算法 | hard | 80 | 2020-01-01 10:00:00 |
4 | 9004 | PYTHON | medium | 70 | 2020-01-01 10:00:00 |
id | uid | exam_id | start_time | submit_time | score |
1 | 1001 | 9001 | 2020-01-01 09:01:01 | 2020-01-01 09:21:59 | 90 |
15 | 1002 | 9001 | 2020-01-01 18:01:01 | 2020-01-01 18:59:02 | 90 |
13 | 1001 | 9001 | 2020-01-02 10:01:01 | 2020-01-02 10:31:01 | 89 |
2 | 1002 | 9001 | 2020-01-20 10:01:01 | | |
3 | 1002 | 9001 | 2020-02-01 12:11:01 | | |
5 | 1001 | 9001 | 2020-03-01 12:01:01 | | |
6 | 1002 | 9001 | 2020-03-01 12:01:01 | 2020-03-01 12:41:01 | 90 |
4 | 1003 | 9001 | 2020-03-01 19:01:01 | | |
7 | 1002 | 9001 | 2020-05-02 19:01:01 | 2020-05-02 19:32:00 | 90 |
14 | 1001 | 9002 | 2020-01-01 12:11:01 | | |
8 | 1001 | 9002 | 2020-01-02 19:01:01 | 2020-01-02 19:59:01 | 69 |
9 | 1001 | 9002 | 2020-02-02 12:01:01 | 2020-02-02 12:20:01 | 99 |
10 | 1002 | 9002 | 2020-02-02 12:01:01 | | |
11 | 1002 | 9002 | 2020-02-02 12:01:01 | 2020-02-02 12:43:01 | 81 |
12 | 1002 | 9002 | 2020-03-02 12:11:01 | | |
17 | 1001 | 9002 | 2020-05-05 18:01:01 | | |
16 | 1002 | 9003 | 2020-05-06 12:01:01 | | |
uid | start_month | total_cnt | complete_cnt |
1002 | 202002 | 3 | 1 |
1002 | 202003 | 2 | 1 |
1002 | 202005 | 2 | 1 |
uid | incomplete_cnt | total_cnt | incomplete_rate |
1001 | 3 | 7 | 0.4286 |
1002 | 4 | 8 | 0.5000 |
1003 | 1 | 1 | 1.0000 |
drop table if exists examination_info,user_info,exam_record; CREATE TABLE examination_info ( id int PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '自增ID', exam_id int UNIQUE NOT NULL COMMENT '试卷ID', tag varchar(32) COMMENT '类别标签', difficulty varchar(8) COMMENT '难度', duration int NOT NULL COMMENT '时长', release_time datetime COMMENT '发布时间' )CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; CREATE TABLE user_info ( id int PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '自增ID', uid int UNIQUE NOT NULL COMMENT '用户ID', `nick_name` varchar(64) COMMENT '昵称', achievement int COMMENT '成就值', level int COMMENT '用户等级', job varchar(32) COMMENT '职业方向', register_time datetime COMMENT '注册时间' )CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; CREATE TABLE exam_record ( id int PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '自增ID', uid int NOT NULL COMMENT '用户ID', exam_id int NOT NULL COMMENT '试卷ID', start_time datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '开始时间', submit_time datetime COMMENT '提交时间', score tinyint COMMENT '得分' )CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; INSERT INTO user_info(uid,`nick_name`,achievement,`level`,job,register_time) VALUES (1001, '牛客1', 3200, 7, '算法', '2020-01-01 10:00:00'), (1002, '牛客2号', 2500, 6, '算法', '2020-01-01 10:00:00'), (1003, '牛客3号♂', 2200, 5, '算法', '2020-01-01 10:00:00'); INSERT INTO examination_info(exam_id,tag,difficulty,duration,release_time) VALUES (9001, 'SQL', 'hard', 60, '2020-01-01 10:00:00'), (9002, 'SQL', 'hard', 80, '2020-01-01 10:00:00'), (9003, '算法', 'hard', 80, '2020-01-01 10:00:00'), (9004, 'PYTHON', 'medium', 70, '2020-01-01 10:00:00'); INSERT INTO exam_record(uid,exam_id,start_time,submit_time,score) VALUES (1001, 9001, '2020-01-01 09:01:01', '2020-01-01 09:21:59', 90), (1002, 9001, '2020-01-20 10:01:01', null, null), (1002, 9001, '2020-02-01 12:11:01', null, null), (1003, 9001, '2020-03-01 19:01:01', null, null), (1001, 9001, '2020-03-01 12:01:01', null, null), (1002, 9001, '2020-03-01 12:01:01', '2020-03-01 12:41:01', 90), (1002, 9001, '2020-05-02 19:01:01', '2020-05-02 19:32:00', 90), (1001, 9002, '2020-01-02 19:01:01', '2020-01-02 19:59:01', 69), (1001, 9002, '2020-02-02 12:01:01', '2020-02-02 12:20:01', 99), (1002, 9002, '2020-02-02 12:01:01', null, null), (1002, 9002, '2020-02-02 12:01:01', '2020-02-02 12:43:01', 81), (1002, 9002, '2020-03-02 12:11:01', null, null), (1001, 9001, '2020-01-02 10:01:01', '2020-01-02 10:31:01', 89), (1001, 9002, '2020-01-01 12:11:01', null, null), (1002, 9001, '2020-01-01 18:01:01', '2020-01-01 18:59:02', 90), (1002, 9003, '2020-05-06 12:01:01', null, null), (1001, 9002, '2020-05-05 18:01:01', null, null);
1002|202002|3|1 1002|202003|2|1 1002|202005|2|1
Mysql 解法, 执行用时: 37ms, 内存消耗: 6400KB, 提交时间: 2021-12-06
# 第一步,先找出未完成率前50%高的用户ID,注意这里需要的sql试卷 with rote_tab as (select t.uid,t.f_rote,row_number()over(order by t.f_rote desc,uid) as rank2 ,count(t.uid)over(partition by t.tag)as cnt from (select er.uid,ef.tag,(sum(if(submit_time is null,1,0))/count(start_time)) as f_rote from exam_record er left join examination_info ef on ef.exam_id=er.exam_id where tag='SQL' group by uid ) t) select #第四步,分用户和月份进行数据统计;同时需要注意,统计的试卷数是所有类型的,不是之前仅有SQL类型 uid ,start_month ,count(start_time) as total_cnt ,count(submit_time) as complete_cnt from ( select # 第三步,利用窗口函数对每个用户的月份进行降序排序,以便找出最近的三个月; uid ,start_time ,submit_time ,date_format(start_time,'%Y%m') as start_month ,dense_rank()over(partition by uid order by date_format(start_time,'%Y%m') desc) as rank3 from exam_record where uid in (select distinct er.uid from exam_record er left join user_info uf on uf.uid=er.uid where er.uid in (select uid from rote_tab where rank2<=round(cnt/2,0)) and uf.level in (6,7)) # 第二步,进一步找出满足等级为6或7的用户ID ) t2 where rank3<=3 group by uid,start_month order by uid,start_month
Mysql 解法, 执行用时: 37ms, 内存消耗: 6404KB, 提交时间: 2021-12-16
with t as(SELECT uid from( select uid,row_number() over(order by uncomplete_rate desc)as ranking, count(1) over() as num from( select uid,((count(uid) - count(submit_time))/count(uid)) as uncomplete_rate from exam_record join examination_info using(exam_id) where tag ="SQL" group by uid)a)b join user_info using(uid) where(ranking<=(num+1)/2) and level >=6 ) select uid,dtime as month,count(uid),count(score) as complete_cnt from ( select uid, DATE_FORMAT(start_time,"%Y%m") as dtime, DENSE_RANK()over(partition by uid order by DATE_FORMAT(start_time,"%y%m") desc) as ranking, score from exam_record)a inner join t using(uid) where ranking <=3 group by a.uid,month order by a.uid,month
Mysql 解法, 执行用时: 37ms, 内存消耗: 6408KB, 提交时间: 2021-12-27
with t as ( select uid from (select *,row_number()over(order by incomplete_rate desc) as rn,count(1)over() as num from (select uid,count(1)-count(submit_time) as incomplete_cnt,count(1) as total_cnt,(count(1)-count(submit_time))/count(1) as incomplete_rate from exam_record where exam_id in (select exam_id from examination_info where tag = 'SQL') group by uid) t1) t2 where rn<=(num+1)/2 and uid in (select uid from user_info where level in ('6','7') ) ) select uid,dtime as start_month,count(1) as total_cnt,count(score) as complete_cnt from (select uid,DATE_FORMAT(start_time,"%Y%m") as dtime,DENSE_RANK()over(partition by uid order by DATE_FORMAT(start_time,"%y%m") desc) as rn,score from exam_record where uid in (select uid from t)) t1 where rn<=3 group by uid,start_month order by uid,start_month
Mysql 解法, 执行用时: 37ms, 内存消耗: 6420KB, 提交时间: 2022-01-22
select uid, date_format(start_time, '%Y%m') as start_month, count(1) as total_cnt, count(submit_time) as complete_cnt from (select *, dense_rank() over (partition by uid order by date_format(start_time, '%Y%m') desc) as rn from exam_record ) tb join (select uid from (select uid, percent_rank() over (order by incomp_rate desc) as rnk from (select uid, 1-count(submit_time) / count(1) as incomp_rate from exam_record join examination_info using (exam_id) where tag = 'SQL' group by uid) t ) t1 join user_info using (uid) where rnk <= 0.5 and level >= 6 ) t2 using (uid) where rn <=3 group by uid, date_format(start_time, '%Y%m') order by uid, start_month
Mysql 解法, 执行用时: 37ms, 内存消耗: 6420KB, 提交时间: 2021-12-12
SELECT uid, DATE_FORMAT(start_time,'%Y%m') start_month, COUNT(start_time), COUNT(submit_time) FROM (SELECT uid, start_time, submit_time, dense_rank() over (PARTITION BY uid ORDER BY DATE_FORMAT(start_time,'%Y%m') DESC) rk FROM exam_record WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid FROM (SELECT uid, row_number() over (ORDER BY count(submit_time)/count(start_time)) rnrk FROM exam_record WHERE exam_id IN (SELECT exam_id FROM examination_info WHERE tag = 'SQL') GROUP BY uid) t2 WHERE t2.rnrk<=ROUND((SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT uid) FROM exam_record)/2,0) ) AND uid IN (SELECT uid FROM user_info WHERE level=7 OR level =6) ) t3 WHERE rk<=3 GROUP BY uid, start_month ORDER BY uid, start_month