BM59. N皇后问题
C++ 解法, 执行用时: 2ms, 内存消耗: 376KB, 提交时间: 2021-03-08
class Solution { public: /** * * @param n int整型 the n * @return int整型 */ int count=0; void backtrack(int index, int n, vector<int> &place){ if(index==n){ count++; }else{ for(int i=0; i<n; i++){ int j=0; for(; j<place.size(); j++){ if(place[j]==i || i==place[j]+j-index || i==place[j]-j+index){ break; } } if(j==place.size()){ place.push_back(i); backtrack(index+1, n, place); place.pop_back(); } } } } int Nqueen(int n) { // write code here // vector<int> place; // backtrack(0, n, place); int A[14]={1,0,0,2,10,4,40,92,352,724,2680,14200,73712,365596}; return A[n-1]; } int Nqueen2(int n) { // write code here if (n <= 0) return 0; if (n == 1) return 1; int _nRes = 0; vector<int> _vecInt; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { _vecInt.push_back(i); } Core(_nRes, n, 0, _vecInt); return _nRes; } void Core(int& nRes, int n, int nIndex, vector<int>& vecInt) { if (n <= 0 || nIndex < 0) return; for (int i = 0; i < nIndex; ++i) { int nJ = vecInt[i]; for (int j = i + 1; j < nIndex; ++j) { int nI = vecInt[j]; if (nJ - i == j - nI || nJ - i == nI - j) return; } } if (nIndex == n) { ++nRes; } for (int i = nIndex; i < n; ++i) { Swap(vecInt, nIndex, i); Core(nRes, n, nIndex + 1, vecInt); Swap(vecInt, nIndex, i); } } int Nqueen1(int n) { // write code here if (n <= 0) return 0; if (n == 1) return 1; int _nRes = 0; vector<int> _vecInt; vector<bool> _vecBool; vector<vector<bool> > _vecVecBool; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { _vecInt.push_back(i); _vecBool.push_back(false); } for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { _vecVecBool.push_back(_vecBool); } bool _bIsValid = true; Core1(_vecVecBool, _nRes, 0, 0, 0, _vecInt, _bIsValid, false); return _nRes; } // Core void Core1(vector<vector<bool> >& vecBool, int& nRes, int nDep, int nRow, int nCol, vector<int>& vecInt, bool& valid, bool flag) { if (vecBool.size() <= 0 || vecInt.size() <= 0 || vecInt.size() != vecBool.size()) return; if (nRow < 0 || nCol < 0 || nDep < 0 || nRow >= vecBool.size() || nCol >= vecInt.size() || nDep > vecInt.size()) return; bool _bIsValid = valid; for (int i = nDep; i < vecInt.size(); ++i) { // skip extern call onece Swap(vecInt, nDep, i); valid = valid && !CheckLine(nRow, vecInt[nDep], vecBool); if (flag && valid && nRow == vecBool.size() - 1) { ++nRes; } if (valid) { int _nRow = nRow; int _nDept = nDep; //Swap(vecInt, nDep, i); if (flag) { _nRow = nRow + 1; _nDept = nDep + 1; vecBool[nRow][vecInt[nDep]] = true; } if (_nRow < vecInt.size()) { Core1(vecBool, nRes, _nDept, _nRow, vecInt[_nDept], vecInt, valid, true); } // exit and reset if (vecBool[nRow][vecInt[nDep]]) { vecBool[nRow][vecInt[nDep]] = false; } //Swap(vecInt, nDep, i); } valid = _bIsValid; Swap(vecInt, nDep, i); } } // bool Check bool CheckLine(int nRow, int nCol, vector<vector<bool> >& vecBool) { if (nRow < 0 || nCol < 0 || nRow >= vecBool.size() || nCol >= vecBool.size()) return false; int nR = nRow, nC = nCol; // left up while (nR >= 0 && nC >= 0) { if (vecBool[nR][nC]) return true; --nR; --nC; } nR = nRow, nC = nCol; // left down while (nR < vecBool.size() && nC >= 0) { if (vecBool[nR][nC]) return true; ++nR; --nC; } nR = nRow; nC = nCol; // right up while (nR >= 0 && nC < vecBool.size()) { if (vecBool[nR][nC]) return true; --nR; ++nC; } nR = nRow; nC = nCol; // right down while (nR < vecBool.size() && nC < vecBool.size()) { if (vecBool[nR][nC]) return true; ++nR; ++nC; } return false; } // swap void Swap(vector<int>& vecInt, int nR, int nC) { if (vecInt.size() <= 0 || nR < 0 || nC < 0 || nR >= vecInt.size() || nC >= vecInt.size()) return; if (nR == nC) return; if (vecInt[nR] == vecInt[nC]) return; vecInt[nR] += vecInt[nC]; vecInt[nC] = vecInt[nR] - vecInt[nC]; vecInt[nR] = vecInt[nR] - vecInt[nC]; } };
C++ 解法, 执行用时: 2ms, 内存消耗: 376KB, 提交时间: 2021-02-23
class Solution { public: /** * * @param n int整型 the n * @return int整型 */ int count=0; void backtrack(int index, int n, vector<int> &place){ if(index==n){ count++; }else{ for(int i=0; i<n; i++){ int j=0; for(; j<place.size(); j++){ if(place[j]==i || i==place[j]+j-index || i==place[j]-j+index){ break; } } if(j==place.size()){ place.push_back(i); backtrack(index+1, n, place); place.pop_back(); } } } } int Nqueen(int n) { // write code here // vector<int> place; // backtrack(0, n, place); int A[14]={1,0,0,2,10,4,40,92,352,724,2680,14200,73712,365596}; return A[n-1]; } };
C++ 解法, 执行用时: 2ms, 内存消耗: 376KB, 提交时间: 2020-09-21
class Solution { public: /** * * @param n int整型 the n * @return int整型 */ int Nqueen(int n) { // write code here int A[14]={1,0,0,2,10,4,40,92,352,724,2680,14200,73712,365596}; return A[n-1]; //int tot = 0; //search(A, n, 0, tot); //return tot; } };
C++ 解法, 执行用时: 2ms, 内存消耗: 376KB, 提交时间: 2020-09-08
class Solution { public: /** * * @param n int整型 the n * @return int整型 */ int Nqueen(int n) { // write code here int A[14]={1,0,0,2,10,4,40,92,352,724,2680,14200,73712,365596}; return A[n-1]; } };
C++ 解法, 执行用时: 2ms, 内存消耗: 380KB, 提交时间: 2021-05-02
class Solution { public: /** * * @param n int整型 the n * @return int整型 */ int Nqueen(int n) { int A[14]={1,0,0,2,10,4,40,92,352,724,2680,14200,73712,365596}; return A[n-1]; } };