BM101. 设计LFU缓存结构
在执行"1 4 4"后,"1 1 1"被删除。因此第二次询问的答案为-1C++ 解法, 执行用时: 83ms, 内存消耗: 12524KB, 提交时间: 2022-04-28
static const auto __ = [] { std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false); std::cin.tie(nullptr); return nullptr; }(); class Solution { public: // [a, b, c] a: 1 set/2 get b, c: key, val vector<int> LFU(vector<vector<int>>& operators, int capacity) { LFUCache lfu(capacity); vector<int> result; for(auto& op : operators){ if(op[0] == 1){ lfu.put(op[1], op[2]); }else if(op[0] == 2){ result.push_back(lfu.get(op[1])); } } return result; } struct CacheNode { int key; int value; int freq; // pointer to the node in the list list<int>::const_iterator it; }; class LFUCache { public: LFUCache(int capacity): capacity_(capacity), min_freq_(0){} int get(int key) { auto it = n_.find(key); if (it == n_.cend()) return -1; touch(it->second); return it->second.value; } void put(int key, int value) { if (capacity_ == 0) return; auto it = n_.find(key); if (it != n_.cend()) { // key already exists, updata the value and touch it it->second.value = value; touch(it->second); return; } if (n_.size() == capacity_) { // capacity empty, remove one entry that // 1. has lowest freq // 2. least recently used if there are multiple ones // step 1: rempve the elem from min_freq_ list const int key_to_evict = l_[min_freq_].back(); l_[min_freq_].pop_back(); // step 2: remove the key from cache; n_.erase(key_to_evict); } // we know new item has freq of 1, thus set min_freq_ to 1 const int freq = 1; min_freq_ = freq; // add key to the freq list l_[freq].push_front(key); // create a new node n_[key] = { key, value, freq, l_[freq].cbegin() }; } private: void touch(CacheNode& node) { // step 1: updata the freq const int prev_freq = node.freq; const int freq = ++(node.freq); // step 2: remove the entry from old freq list l_[prev_freq].erase(; if (l_[prev_freq].empty() && prev_freq == min_freq_) { // delete the list l_.erase(prev_freq); // increase the min_freq ++min_freq_; } // step 4: insert the key to the front of the new freq list l_[freq].push_front(node.key); // step 5: update the pointer = l_[freq].cbegin(); } int capacity_; int min_freq_; // key -> cachenode unordered_map<int, CacheNode> n_; // freq -> keys with freq unordered_map<int, list<int>> l_; }; };
C++ 解法, 执行用时: 84ms, 内存消耗: 10564KB, 提交时间: 2021-09-07
class Solution { public: /** * lfu design * @param operators int整型vector<vector<>> ops * @param k int整型 the k * @return int整型vector */ vector<int> LFU(vector<vector<int> >& operators, int k) { // write code here vector<int> res; capacity=k; minfre=1; for(vector<int> ope:operators) { if(ope[0]==1) set(ope[1],ope[2]); else if(ope[0]==2) res.push_back(get(ope[1])); } return res; } void init(int k) { capacity = k; minfre=1; } void set(int key,int val) { auto iter = kvf.find(key); if(iter == kvf.end()) { if(kvf.size()==capacity) { kvf.erase(frehash[minfre][0]); frehash[minfre].erase(frehash[minfre].begin()); } minfre=1; frehash[minfre].push_back(key); kvf[key]=make_pair(val,minfre); } else { int fre = kvf[key].second; kvf[key] = make_pair(val,fre+1); frehash[fre].erase(find(frehash[fre].begin(),frehash[fre].end(),key)); frehash[fre+1].push_back(key); while(frehash[minfre].empty()) ++minfre; } } int get(int key) { auto iter = kvf.find(key); if(iter == kvf.end()) return -1; int val = iter->second.first; int fre = iter->second.second; kvf[key] = make_pair(val,fre+1); frehash[fre].erase(find(frehash[fre].begin(),frehash[fre].end(),key)); frehash[fre+1].push_back(key); while(frehash[minfre].empty()) ++minfre; return val; } private: unordered_map<int,vector<int> > frehash; unordered_map<int,pair<int,int> > kvf; int capacity,minfre; };
C++ 解法, 执行用时: 85ms, 内存消耗: 10588KB, 提交时间: 2021-09-07
class Solution { public: int minfreq; //当前最小的频率 int capacity; //容量 struct Node{ int key,value,freq; Node(int _key,int _value,int _freq):key(_key),value(_value), freq(_freq) {} }; list<Node> l; unordered_map<int, list<Node>::iterator> key_table; //记录单个list节点和key的关系 unordered_map<int,list<Node>> freq_table; //同一个freq下可能有多个list节点,即是个双向链表 void set(int key,int value){ auto it = key_table.find(key); if(it != key_table.end()){ //如果key已经存在了, int currfreq = it->second->freq; freq_table[currfreq].erase(it->second); //删掉该节点 if (freq_table[currfreq].size() == 0) { freq_table.erase(currfreq); if (minfreq == currfreq) minfreq += 1; } freq_table[currfreq + 1].push_front(Node(key,value,currfreq + 1)); key_table[key] = freq_table[currfreq + 1].begin(); } else{ //如果key不存在,如果keytable没满 if(key_table.size() >= capacity){ auto it2 = freq_table[minfreq].back(); key_table.erase(it2.key); //清除keytable freq_table[minfreq].pop_back(); //清除freqtable //如果空了就全删掉 if (freq_table[minfreq].size() == 0) { freq_table.erase(minfreq); } } freq_table[1].push_front(Node(key,value,1)); key_table[key] = freq_table[1].begin(); minfreq = 1; } } int get(int key){ if(key_table.empty()){ //如果内存为空 return -1; } auto it = key_table.find(key); if(it == key_table.end()){ //如果it是末尾,即内存中没有这个对 return -1; } //内存中有 int currval = it->second->value; int currfreq = it->second->freq; //通过freq找到其频率,修改频率 freq_table[currfreq].erase(it->second); //删掉该节点 if (freq_table[currfreq].size() == 0) { //如果删掉后当前位置链表为空了,就删掉这个对 freq_table.erase(currfreq); if (minfreq == currfreq) minfreq += 1; //如果这就是当前最小的频率 //minfreq+1就是等会要新加入的节点的频率 } //更新两个表的新freq freq_table[currfreq + 1].push_front(Node(key,currval,currfreq + 1)); key_table[key] = freq_table[currfreq + 1].begin(); return currval; //返回当前值 } vector<int> LFU(vector<vector<int> >& operators, int k) { // write code here capacity = k; minfreq = 0; vector<int> res; for(auto vec: operators){ if(vec[0] == 1){ set(vec[1],vec[2]); } else res.push_back(get(vec[1])); } return res; } };
C++ 解法, 执行用时: 86ms, 内存消耗: 10476KB, 提交时间: 2022-02-08
class Solution { public: vector<int> res; unordered_map<int,list<vector<int>>> cnt_mp;//调用次数到链表的映射 unordered_map<int,list<vector<int>>::iterator> mp;//键到链表地址的映射 int mi=0;//最小调用次数 int m;//剩余缓存大小 vector<int> LFU(vector<vector<int> >& operators, int k) { m=k; int n=operators.size(); for(int i=0;i<n;i++){//遍历操作数组 if(operators[i][0]==1){ set(operators[i][1],operators[i][2]); }else{ get(operators[i][1]); } } return res; } void update(list<vector<int>>::iterator it,int x,int y){//删除节点,并将调用次数+1,插入新节点 int num=(*it)[0];//找到目前调用次数 cnt_mp[num].erase(it);//删除节点 if(cnt_mp[num].size()==0) { if(mi==num) mi++;//最小调用次数+1 } cnt_mp[num+1].push_front({num+1,x,y});//插入调用次数+1的新节点 mp[x]=cnt_mp[num+1].begin(); } void set(int x,int y){ auto it=mp.find(x); if(it!=mp.end()){//键存在,则重新赋值 update(it->second,x,y);//更新调用次数 }else{//键不存在 if(m==0){//缓存已满,则删除节点 int key=cnt_mp[mi].back()[1];//找到要删除节点的键 cnt_mp[mi].pop_back(); mp.erase(key); }else{ m--;//缓存-1 } mi=1;//最小调用次数置为1 cnt_mp[1].push_front({1,x,y}); //在调用次数为1的链表表头插入该键 mp[x]=cnt_mp[1].begin(); } } void get(int x) { auto it=mp.find(x); if(it!=mp.end()){//键存在 update(it->second,x,(*(it->second))[2]);//更新操作 res.push_back((*(it->second))[2]); }else{//键不存在 res.push_back(-1); } } };
C++ 解法, 执行用时: 86ms, 内存消耗: 10504KB, 提交时间: 2021-09-20
struct Node { int key; int value; int fre; Node* pre; Node* aft; Node(int k, int val) { key=k; value=val; fre=1; pre=aft=nullptr; } }; void RemoveFromQueue(Node* root) { root->pre->aft=root->aft; root->aft->pre=root->pre; } void RemoveLastFre(unordered_map<int,Node*>& frequery, unordered_map<int,Node*>& mp) { for(int i=1;i<100001;++i) { if(frequery.count(i)) { Node *tem=frequery[i]->pre; RemoveFromQueue(tem); mp.erase(tem->key); delete tem; tem=frequery[i]; if(tem->pre==tem) { //删除后链表为空 // delete tem; frequery.erase(i); } return ; } } } void InsertNode(Node* head, Node* tem) { tem->aft=head->aft; tem->pre=head; head->aft=tem; tem->aft->pre=tem; } class Solution { public: /** * lfu design * @param operators int整型vector<vector<>> ops * @param k int整型 the k * @return int整型vector */ vector<int> LFU(vector<vector<int> >& operators, int k) { unordered_map<int,Node*> mp; unordered_map<int,Node*> frequery; int count=0; vector<int> res; for(vector<int>& cur:operators) { if(cur[0]==1) { //set(x,y); Node* tem=nullptr; if(mp.count(cur[1])) { tem=mp[cur[1]]; tem->value=cur[2]; ++(tem->fre); RemoveFromQueue(tem); } else { tem=new Node(cur[1],cur[2]); mp[cur[1]]=tem; ++count; if(count>k) { RemoveLastFre(frequery,mp); //删除使用次数最少的 --count; } } if(frequery.count(tem->fre)==0) { frequery[tem->fre]=new Node(0,0); //头结点 frequery[tem->fre]->pre=frequery[tem->fre]->aft=frequery[tem->fre]; } InsertNode(frequery[tem->fre],tem); } else { if(mp.count(cur[1])==0) { res.push_back(-1); } else { Node *tem=mp[cur[1]]; res.push_back(tem->value); tem->fre++; RemoveFromQueue(tem); if(frequery.count(tem->fre)==0) { frequery[tem->fre]=new Node(0,0); //头结点 frequery[tem->fre]->pre=frequery[tem->fre]->aft=frequery[tem->fre]; } InsertNode(frequery[tem->fre],tem); } } } return res; } };