488. 祖玛游戏
在这个祖玛游戏变体中,桌面上有 一排 彩球,每个球的颜色可能是:红色 'R'
、黄色 'Y'
、蓝色 'B'
、绿色 'G'
或白色 'W'
你的目标是 清空 桌面上所有的球。每一回合:
给你一个字符串 board
,表示桌面上最开始的那排球。另给你一个字符串 hand
,表示手里的彩球。请你按上述操作步骤移除掉桌上所有球,计算并返回所需的 最少 球数。如果不能移除桌上所有的球,返回 -1
示例 1:
输入:board = "WRRBBW", hand = "RB" 输出:-1 解释:无法移除桌面上的所有球。可以得到的最好局面是: - 插入一个 'R' ,使桌面变为 WRRRBBW 。WRRRBBW -> WBBW - 插入一个 'B' ,使桌面变为 WBBBW 。WBBBW -> WW 桌面上还剩着球,没有其他球可以插入。
示例 2:
输入:board = "WWRRBBWW", hand = "WRBRW" 输出:2 解释:要想清空桌面上的球,可以按下述步骤: - 插入一个 'R' ,使桌面变为 WWRRRBBWW 。WWRRRBBWW -> WWBBWW - 插入一个 'B' ,使桌面变为 WWBBBWW 。WWBBBWW -> WWWW -> empty 只需从手中出 2 个球就可以清空桌面。
示例 3:
输入:board = "G", hand = "GGGGG" 输出:2 解释:要想清空桌面上的球,可以按下述步骤: - 插入一个 'G' ,使桌面变为 GG 。 - 插入一个 'G' ,使桌面变为 GGG 。GGG -> empty 只需从手中出 2 个球就可以清空桌面。
示例 4:
输入:board = "RBYYBBRRB", hand = "YRBGB" 输出:3 解释:要想清空桌面上的球,可以按下述步骤: - 插入一个 'Y' ,使桌面变为 RBYYYBBRRB 。RBYYYBBRRB -> RBBBRRB -> RRRB -> B - 插入一个 'B' ,使桌面变为 BB 。 - 插入一个 'B' ,使桌面变为 BBB 。BBB -> empty 只需从手中出 3 个球就可以清空桌面。
1 <= board.length <= 16
1 <= hand.length <= 5
和 hand
由字符 'R'
和 'W'
golang 解法, 执行用时: 240 ms, 内存消耗: 28 MB, 提交时间: 2023-10-27 00:04:24
type state struct { board string hand [5]int } func findMinStep(board string, hand string) int { cache := map[string]string{} COLORS := "RYBGW" var clean func(b string) string clean = func(board string) string { if v, ok := cache[board]; ok { return v } res := board for i, j := 0, 0; i < len(board); { for j < len(board) && board[i] == board[j] { j += 1 } if j - i > 2 { res = clean(board[:i] + board[j:]) cache[board] = res return res } i = j } cache[board] = res return res } cnts := func(hand string) [5]int { res := [5]int{} for i := 0; i < len(hand); i++ { for j, c := range COLORS { if hand[i] == byte(c) { res[j]++ break } } } return res } queue := make([]state, 0, 6) init := state{board, cnts(hand)} queue = append(queue, init) visited := map[state]int{} visited[init] = 0 for len(queue) > 0 { curState := queue[0] cur_board, cur_hand := curState.board, curState.hand if len(cur_board) == 0 { return visited[curState] } queue = queue[1:] for i := 0; i <= len(cur_board) ; i++ { for j, r := range COLORS { if cur_hand[j] > 0 { c := byte(r) // 第 1 个剪枝条件: 只在连续相同颜色的球的开头位置插入新球(在它前面插入过了,不需要再插入,意义相同) if i > 0 && cur_board[i - 1] == c{ continue } /** * 第 2 个剪枝条件: 只在以下两种情况放置新球 * - 第 1 种情况 : 当前后颜色相同且与当前颜色不同时候放置球 * - 第 2 种情况 : 当前球颜色与后面的球的颜色相同 */ choose := false if 0 < i && i < len(cur_board) && cur_board[i - 1] == cur_board[i] && cur_board[i - 1] != c{ choose = true } if i < len(cur_board) && cur_board[i] == c{ choose = true } if choose { nxt := [5]int{} for k,_ := range COLORS{ nxt[k] = cur_hand[k] } nxt[j] -= 1 nextState := state{clean(cur_board[:i] + string(c) + cur_board[i:]), nxt} if _,ok := visited[nextState]; !ok { queue = append(queue, nextState) visited[nextState] = visited[curState] + 1 } } } } } } return -1 }
python3 解法, 执行用时: 1796 ms, 内存消耗: 42 MB, 提交时间: 2023-10-27 00:03:46
import re from functools import lru_cache from itertools import product class Solution: def findMinStep(self, board: str, hand: str) -> int: ans = self.dfs(board, "".join(sorted(hand))) return ans if ans <= 5 else -1 @lru_cache(None) def dfs(self, cur_board: str, cur_hand: str): if not cur_board: return 0 res = 6 for i, j in product(range(len(cur_board) + 1), range(len(cur_hand))): # 第 1 个剪枝条件: 手中颜色相同的球只需要考虑其中一个即可 if j > 0 and cur_hand[j] == cur_hand[j - 1]: continue # 第 2 个剪枝条件: 只在连续相同颜色的球的开头位置插入新球 if i > 0 and cur_board[i - 1] == cur_hand[j]: continue # 第 3 个剪枝条件: 只考虑放置新球后有可能得到更优解的位置 choose = False # - 第 1 种情况 : 当前球颜色与后面的球的颜色相同 if i < len(cur_board) and cur_board[i] == cur_hand[j]: choose = True # - 第 2 种情况 : 当前后颜色相同且与当前颜色不同时候放置球 if 0 < i < len(cur_board) and cur_board[i - 1] == cur_board[i] and cur_board[i - 1] != cur_hand[j]: choose = True if choose: new_board = self.clean(cur_board[:i] + cur_hand[j] + cur_board[i:]) new_hand = cur_hand[:j] + cur_hand[j + 1:] res = min(res, self.dfs(new_board, new_hand) + 1) return res @staticmethod def clean(s): n = 1 while n: s, n = re.subn(r'(.)\1{2,}', '', s) return s
python3 解法, 执行用时: 1232 ms, 内存消耗: 26.4 MB, 提交时间: 2023-10-27 00:03:34
class Solution: def findMinStep(self, board: str, hand: str) -> int: def clean(s): # 消除桌面上需要消除的球 n = 1 while n: s, n = re.subn(r"(.)\1{2,}", "", s) return s hand = "".join(sorted(hand)) # 初始化用队列维护的状态队列:其中的三个元素分别为桌面球状态、手中球状态和回合数 queue = deque([(board, hand, 0)]) # 初始化用哈希集合维护的已访问过的状态 visited = {(board, hand)} while queue: cur_board, cur_hand, step = queue.popleft() for i, j in product(range(len(cur_board) + 1), range(len(cur_hand))): # 第 1 个剪枝条件: 当前球的颜色和上一个球的颜色相同 if j > 0 and cur_hand[j] == cur_hand[j - 1]: continue # 第 2 个剪枝条件: 只在连续相同颜色的球的开头位置插入新球 if i > 0 and cur_board[i - 1] == cur_hand[j]: continue # 第 3 个剪枝条件: 只在以下两种情况放置新球 choose = False # - 第 1 种情况 : 当前球颜色与后面的球的颜色相同 if i < len(cur_board) and cur_board[i] == cur_hand[j]: choose = True # - 第 2 种情况 : 当前后颜色相同且与当前颜色不同时候放置球 if 0 < i < len(cur_board) and cur_board[i - 1] == cur_board[i] and cur_board[i - 1] != cur_hand[j]: choose = True if choose: new_board = clean(cur_board[:i] + cur_hand[j] + cur_board[i:]) new_hand = cur_hand[:j] + cur_hand[j + 1:] if not new_board: return step + 1 if (new_board, new_hand) not in visited: queue.append((new_board, new_hand, step + 1)) visited.add((new_board, new_hand)) return -1
cpp 解法, 执行用时: 1424 ms, 内存消耗: 369.9 MB, 提交时间: 2023-10-27 00:03:21
struct State { string board; string hand; int step; State(const string & board, const string & hand, int step) { this->board = board; this->hand = hand; this->step = step; } }; class Solution { public: string clean(const string & s) { string res; vector<pair<char, int>> st; for (auto c : s) { while (!st.empty() && c != st.back().first && st.back().second >= 3) { st.pop_back(); } if (st.empty() || c != st.back().first) { st.push_back({c,1}); } else { st.back().second++; } } if (!st.empty() && st.back().second >= 3) { st.pop_back(); } for (int i = 0; i < st.size(); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < st[i].second; ++j) { res.push_back(st[i].first); } } return res; } int findMinStep(string board, string hand) { unordered_set<string> visited; sort(hand.begin(), hand.end()); visited.insert(board + " " + hand); queue<State> qu; qu.push(State(board, hand, 0)); while (!qu.empty()) { State curr = qu.front(); qu.pop(); for (int j = 0; j < curr.hand.size(); ++j) { // 第 1 个剪枝条件: 当前选择的球的颜色和前一个球的颜色相同 if (j > 0 && curr.hand[j] == curr.hand[j - 1]) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i <= curr.board.size(); ++i) { // 第 2 个剪枝条件: 只在连续相同颜色的球的开头位置插入新球 if (i > 0 && curr.board[i - 1] == curr.hand[j]) { continue; } // 第 3 个剪枝条件: 只在以下两种情况放置新球 bool choose = false; // 第 1 种情况 : 当前球颜色与后面的球的颜色相同 if (i < curr.board.size() && curr.board[i] == curr.hand[j]) { choose = true; } // 第 2 种情况 : 当前后颜色相同且与当前颜色不同时候放置球 if (i > 0 && i < curr.board.size() && curr.board[i - 1] == curr.board[i] && curr.board[i] != curr.hand[j]){ choose = true; } if (choose) { string new_board = clean(curr.board.substr(0, i) + curr.hand[j] + curr.board.substr(i)); string new_hand = curr.hand.substr(0, j) + curr.hand.substr(j + 1); if (new_board.size() == 0) { return curr.step + 1; } if (!visited.count(new_board + " " + new_hand)) { qu.push(State(new_board, new_hand, curr.step + 1)); visited.insert(new_board + " " + new_hand); } } } } } return -1; } };
java 解法, 执行用时: 654 ms, 内存消耗: 54.3 MB, 提交时间: 2023-10-27 00:02:53
class Solution { Map<String, Integer> dp = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); public int findMinStep(String board, String hand) { char[] arr = hand.toCharArray(); Arrays.sort(arr); hand = new String(arr); int ans = dfs(board, hand); return ans <= 5 ? ans : -1; } public int dfs(String board, String hand) { if (board.length() == 0) { return 0; } String key = board + " " + hand; if (!dp.containsKey(key)) { int res = 6; for (int j = 0; j < hand.length(); ++j) { // 第 1 个剪枝条件: 当前球的颜色和上一个球的颜色相同 if (j > 0 && hand.charAt(j) == hand.charAt(j - 1)) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i <= board.length(); ++i) { // 第 2 个剪枝条件: 只在连续相同颜色的球的开头位置插入新球 if (i > 0 && board.charAt(i - 1) == hand.charAt(j)) { continue; } // 第 3 个剪枝条件: 只在以下两种情况放置新球 boolean choose = false; // - 第 1 种情况 : 当前球颜色与后面的球的颜色相同 if (i < board.length() && board.charAt(i) == hand.charAt(j)) { choose = true; } // - 第 2 种情况 : 当前后颜色相同且与当前颜色不同时候放置球 if (i > 0 && i < board.length() && board.charAt(i - 1) == board.charAt(i) && board.charAt(i - 1) != hand.charAt(j)) { choose = true; } if (choose) { String newBoard = clean(board.substring(0, i) + hand.charAt(j) + board.substring(i)); String newHand = hand.substring(0, j) + hand.substring(j + 1); res = Math.min(res, dfs(newBoard, newHand) + 1); } } } dp.put(key, res); } return dp.get(key); } public String clean(String s) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Deque<Character> letterStack = new ArrayDeque<Character>(); Deque<Integer> countStack = new ArrayDeque<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) { char c = s.charAt(i); while (!letterStack.isEmpty() && c != letterStack.peek() && countStack.peek() >= 3) { letterStack.pop(); countStack.pop(); } if (letterStack.isEmpty() || c != letterStack.peek()) { letterStack.push(c); countStack.push(1); } else { countStack.push(countStack.pop() + 1); } } if (!countStack.isEmpty() && countStack.peek() >= 3) { letterStack.pop(); countStack.pop(); } while (!letterStack.isEmpty()) { char letter = letterStack.pop(); int count = countStack.pop(); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { sb.append(letter); } } sb.reverse(); return sb.toString(); } } class State { String board; String hand; int step; public State(String board, String hand, int step) { this.board = board; this.hand = hand; this.step = step; } }
java 解法, 执行用时: 497 ms, 内存消耗: 60.5 MB, 提交时间: 2023-10-27 00:02:40
class Solution { public int findMinStep(String board, String hand) { char[] arr = hand.toCharArray(); Arrays.sort(arr); hand = new String(arr); // 初始化用队列维护的状态队列:其中的三个元素分别为桌面球状态、手中球状态和回合数 Queue<State> queue = new ArrayDeque<State>(); queue.offer(new State(board, hand, 0)); // 初始化用哈希集合维护的已访问过的状态 Set<String> visited = new HashSet<String>(); visited.add(board + " " + hand); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { State state = queue.poll(); String curBoard = state.board; String curHand = state.hand; int step = state.step; for (int i = 0; i <= curBoard.length(); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < curHand.length(); ++j) { // 第 1 个剪枝条件: 当前球的颜色和上一个球的颜色相同 if (j > 0 && curHand.charAt(j) == curHand.charAt(j - 1)) { continue; } // 第 2 个剪枝条件: 只在连续相同颜色的球的开头位置插入新球 if (i > 0 && curBoard.charAt(i - 1) == curHand.charAt(j)) { continue; } // 第 3 个剪枝条件: 只在以下两种情况放置新球 boolean choose = false; // - 第 1 种情况 : 当前球颜色与后面的球的颜色相同 if (i < curBoard.length() && curBoard.charAt(i) == curHand.charAt(j)) { choose = true; } // - 第 2 种情况 : 当前后颜色相同且与当前颜色不同时候放置球 if (i > 0 && i < curBoard.length() && curBoard.charAt(i - 1) == curBoard.charAt(i) && curBoard.charAt(i - 1) != curHand.charAt(j)) { choose = true; } if (choose) { String newBoard = clean(curBoard.substring(0, i) + curHand.charAt(j) + curBoard.substring(i)); String newHand = curHand.substring(0, j) + curHand.substring(j + 1); if (newBoard.length() == 0) { return step + 1; } String str = newBoard + " " + newHand; if (visited.add(str)) { queue.offer(new State(newBoard, newHand, step + 1)); } } } } } return -1; } public String clean(String s) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Deque<Character> letterStack = new ArrayDeque<Character>(); Deque<Integer> countStack = new ArrayDeque<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) { char c = s.charAt(i); while (!letterStack.isEmpty() && c != letterStack.peek() && countStack.peek() >= 3) { letterStack.pop(); countStack.pop(); } if (letterStack.isEmpty() || c != letterStack.peek()) { letterStack.push(c); countStack.push(1); } else { countStack.push(countStack.pop() + 1); } } if (!countStack.isEmpty() && countStack.peek() >= 3) { letterStack.pop(); countStack.pop(); } while (!letterStack.isEmpty()) { char letter = letterStack.pop(); int count = countStack.pop(); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { sb.append(letter); } } sb.reverse(); return sb.toString(); } } class State { String board; String hand; int step; public State(String board, String hand, int step) { this.board = board; this.hand = hand; this.step = step; } }
java 解法, 执行用时: 661 ms, 内存消耗: 53.7 MB, 提交时间: 2023-10-27 00:02:17
class Solution { class Node { String a; int cur, val, step; Node (String _a, int _c, int _v, int _s) { a = _a; cur = _c; val = _v; step = _s; } } int f(String a, int k) { Map<Character, Integer> m1 = new HashMap<>(), m2 = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++) { m1.put(a.charAt(i), m1.getOrDefault(a.charAt(i), 0) + 1); } for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { if (((k >> i) & 1) == 0) m2.put(b.charAt(i), m2.getOrDefault(b.charAt(i), 0) + 1); } int ans = 0; for (char c : m1.keySet()) { int c1 = m1.get(c), c2 = m2.getOrDefault(c, 0); if (c1 + c2 < 3) return INF; if (c1 < 3) ans += (3 - c1); } return ans; } int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; String b; int m; Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); public int findMinStep(String _a, String _b) { b = _b; m = b.length(); PriorityQueue<Node> q = new PriorityQueue<>((o1,o2)->(o1.val+o1.step)-(o2.val+o2.step)); q.add(new Node(_a, 1 << m, f(_a, 1 << m), 0)); map.put(_a + "_" + (1 << m), 0); while (!q.isEmpty()) { Node poll = q.poll(); String a = poll.a; int cur = poll.cur; int step = poll.step; int n = a.length(); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { if (((cur >> i) & 1) == 1) continue; int next = (1 << i) | cur; for (int j = 0; j <= n; j++) { boolean ok = false; if (j > 0 && j < n && a.charAt(j) == a.charAt(j - 1) && a.charAt(j - 1) != b.charAt(i)) ok = true; if (j < n && a.charAt(j) == b.charAt(i)) ok = true; if (!ok) continue; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(a.substring(0, j)).append(b.substring(i, i + 1)); if (j != n) sb.append(a.substring(j)); int k = j; while (0 <= k && k < sb.length()) { char c = sb.charAt(k); int l = k, r = k; while (l >= 0 && sb.charAt(l) == c) l--; while (r < sb.length() && sb.charAt(r) == c) r++; if (r - l - 1 >= 3) { sb.delete(l + 1, r); k = l >= 0 ? l : r; } else { break; } } String nextStr = sb.toString(); if (nextStr.length() == 0) return step + 1; if (f(nextStr, next) == INF) continue; String hashKey = nextStr + "_" + next; if (!map.containsKey(hashKey) || map.get(hashKey) > step + 1) { map.put(hashKey, step + 1); q.add(new Node(nextStr, next, f(nextStr, next), step + 1)); } } } } return -1; } }
java 解法, 执行用时: 435 ms, 内存消耗: 53.2 MB, 提交时间: 2023-10-27 00:02:05
class Solution { int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; String b; int m; Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); public int findMinStep(String a, String _b) { b = _b; m = b.length(); int ans = dfs(a, 1 << m); return ans == INF ? -1 : ans; } int dfs(String a, int cur) { if (a.length() == 0) return 0; String hashKey = a + "_" + cur; if (map.containsKey(hashKey)) return map.get(hashKey); int ans = INF; int n = a.length(); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { if (((cur >> i) & 1) == 1) continue; int next = (1 << i) | cur; for (int j = 0; j <= n; j++) { boolean ok = false; if (j > 0 && j < n && a.charAt(j) == a.charAt(j - 1) && a.charAt(j - 1) != b.charAt(i)) ok = true; if (j < n && a.charAt(j) == b.charAt(i)) ok = true; if (!ok) continue; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(a.substring(0, j)).append(b.substring(i, i + 1)); if (j != n) sb.append(a.substring(j)); int k = j; while (0 <= k && k < sb.length()) { char c = sb.charAt(k); int l = k, r = k; while (l >= 0 && sb.charAt(l) == c) l--; while (r < sb.length() && sb.charAt(r) == c) r++; if (r - l - 1 >= 3) { sb.delete(l + 1, r); k = l >= 0 ? l : r; } else { break; } } ans = Math.min(ans, dfs(sb.toString(), next) + 1); } } map.put(hashKey, ans); return ans; } }