class Solution {
vector<string> maxRectangle(vector<string>& words) {
面试题 17.25. 单词矩阵
示例 1:
输入:["this", "real", "hard", "trh", "hea", "iar", "sld"]
输出:[ "this", "real", "hard"
示例 2:
输入: ["aa"]
输出: ["aa","aa"]
words.length <= 1000
words[i].length <= 100
golang 解法, 执行用时: 148 ms, 内存消耗: 45.5 MB, 提交时间: 2023-04-22 12:49:43
// 前缀树 type TrieNode struct { IsLeaf bool Children [26]*TrieNode } // 插入一个单词 func (t *TrieNode) Insert(s string) { cur := t for _, r := range s { i := r - 'a' if cur.Children[i] == nil { cur.Children[i] = &TrieNode{} } cur = cur.Children[i] } cur.IsLeaf = true } func maxRectangle(words []string) []string { trie := &TrieNode{} wordsByLength := make(map[int][]string) maxLen := 0 for _, word := range words { trie.Insert(word) l := len(word) wordsByLength[l] = append(wordsByLength[len(word)], word) if l > maxLen { maxLen = l } } tries := make([]*TrieNode, maxLen) for i := 0; i < len(tries); i++ { tries[i] = trie } var ans []string // 我们的迭代策略是,从大到小迭代每个长度l,每次仅考虑 lx1 lx2 ... lx(l-1) lxl 的情况, // 那么是否会漏掉 lx(l+n)的情况呢?并不会。如果l是最大长度,那么这种情况一定不满足条件, // 因为纵列的长度已经超过了最大单词长度。如果l不是最大长度,当l+n大于最大单词长度, // 不满足要求,当l+n不大于最大单词长度,那么在 l+n那一轮循环中,已经考虑过 lx(l+n)这个情况了 // 为什么不从小到大迭代呢?因为较长的单词构成较大的矩形的几率比较高,利于后面剪枝。 for l := maxLen; l > 0; l-- { if l*l <= area(ans) { break } if _, ok := wordsByLength[l]; !ok { continue } getRectangles(wordsByLength[l], 0, []string{}, tries, &ans) } return ans } func getRectangles(words []string, i int, rectangle []string, tries []*TrieNode, ans *[]string) { length := len(words[0]) for _, word := range words { // 这里也有一个很大的优化点。如果直接初始化一个长度为len(tries)的数组出来,耗时会翻倍 // 应该是因为我们的大量尝试中,满足条件的其实并不多,大部分尝试都会失败,所以这里没有必要直接初始化一个数组出来 var nextTries []*TrieNode valid, allLeaf := true, true for i := 0; i < length; i++ { nextTrie := tries[i].Children[word[i]-'a'] if nextTrie == nil { valid = false break } nextTries = append(nextTries, nextTrie) if !nextTrie.IsLeaf { allLeaf = false } } if valid { rectangle = append(rectangle, word) if allLeaf && area(rectangle) > area(*ans) { *ans = make([]string, len(rectangle)) copy(*ans, rectangle) } if i+1 < length { getRectangles(words, i+1, rectangle, nextTries, ans) } rectangle = rectangle[:len(rectangle)-1] } } } // 计算矩形面积 func area(rectangle []string) int { if rectangle == nil { return 0 } return len(rectangle) * len(rectangle[0]) }
python3 解法, 执行用时: 2256 ms, 内存消耗: 30 MB, 提交时间: 2023-04-22 12:49:05
class Trie: def __init__(self): self.root = [{}, False] def addWord(self, word): cur = self.root for c in word: if c not in cur[0]: cur[0][c] = [{}, False] cur = cur[0][c] cur[1] = True class Solution: def maxRectangle(self, words: List[str]) -> List[str]: area = 0 res = [] trie = Trie() for word in words: trie.addWord(word) def dfs(arr, li): for word in words: if len(word) != len(arr): continue for i, c in enumerate(word): if c not in arr[i][0]: break else: temp = arr[:] flag = True for i, c in enumerate(word): temp[i] = temp[i][0][c] flag &= temp[i][1] li.append(word) if flag: h, w = len(li), len(word) nonlocal area, res if h * w > area: area = h * w res = li[:] dfs(temp, li) li.pop() ll = sorted(set(len(word) for word in words), reverse = True) for l in ll: if l * ll[0] < area: break dfs([trie.root] * l, []) return res
python3 解法, 执行用时: 732 ms, 内存消耗: 26.7 MB, 提交时间: 2023-04-22 12:48:49
class Solution: def maxRectangle(self, words: List[str]) -> List[str]: words = set(words) d = {} tree = {}#字典树 m = 0#最大单词长度 for word in words: l = len(word) if l not in d:#将单词按照长度分组 d[l] = set() d[l].add(word) m = max(m, l)#更新最大单词长度 tmp = tree for n in word: if n not in tmp: tmp[n] = {} tmp = tmp[n] tmp["label"] = 0 def dfs(trees):#参数为字典树列表 t = True #是否组成单词并结束 ans = [] m = -1#组成的最大矩形面积 for i in trees: if "label" not in i:#如果不能组成单词 t = False #无法结束 for word in words:#遍历指定长度单词列表 x = [] lb = True#单词是否可以铺满一层 for i, n in enumerate(word): if n not in trees[i]: lb = False break x.append(trees[i][n]) if lb:#如果可以铺满一层,继续向下深搜 res = dfs(x) s = 0 if not res[0] else len(res[0]) * len(res[0][0]) if res[1] and m < s: ans = [word] + res[0] t = True m = s return ans, t n = 0 res = [] for i in sorted(d.keys(), reverse = True):#对单词长度降序遍历 if i * m <= n:#剪枝,当前长度和最大单词长度最成的矩形面积更小时跳出 return res words = d[i]#指定长度的单词列表 f = dfs([tree for p in range(i)]) if f[1] and len(f[0]) * len(f[0][0]) > n: res = f[0] n = len(f[0]) * len(f[0][0]) return res
java 解法, 执行用时: 55 ms, 内存消耗: 52.1 MB, 提交时间: 2023-04-22 12:48:23
class Solution { class Trie{ boolean isEnd = false; Trie[] child = new Trie[26]; } void add(String s){ Trie cur = root; for(char c : s.toCharArray()){ int n = c - 'a'; if(cur.child[n] == null) cur.child[n] = new Trie(); cur = cur.child[n]; } cur.isEnd = true; } Trie root; //用max保存当前最大矩形面积 int max = -1; //用哈希表保存各个长度字符串的集合 Map<Integer, List<String>> map = new HashMap<>(); List<String> ans = new ArrayList<>(); public String[] maxRectangle(String[] words) { this.root = new Trie(); int n = words.length; for(String w : words){ add(w); map.computeIfAbsent(w.length(), k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(w); } //按照字符串长度从大到小排序 Arrays.sort(words, (a, b) -> b.length() - a.length()); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ Trie cur = root; String w = words[i]; //用curList保存矩形的每个字符串 List<String> curList = new ArrayList<>(); curList.add(w); //用list保存当前可能形成矩形的字符串在字典树中的当前结点 List<Trie> list = new ArrayList<>(); int len = w.length(); //如果当前长度的积不大于最大矩形面积,则退出 //因为从最大到最小排序,其中4 * 3的字符串矩阵和3 * 4的矩阵是相同的,可以进行去重 if(len * len <= max) break; //check检测是否能组成矩形,flag检测是否可能组成更大的矩形 boolean check = true, flag = true; for(int j = 0; j < len; j++){ int c = w.charAt(j) - 'a'; if(cur.child[c] != null){ //判断当前字符串是否所有结点都为叶结点,即能组成字符串 if(!cur.child[c].isEnd) check = false; list.add(cur.child[c]); }else{ //如果字符串没有对应子结点,则无法组成矩形 check = false; flag = false; break; } } //如果当前字符串可以组成矩形,则进入dfs if(flag){ dfs(1, len, curList, list); } //如果当前字符串所有结点都可以为叶结点,则判断当前矩形是否最大 if(check && max == -1){ max = len; ans = curList; } } int size = ans.size(); String[] strs = new String[size]; for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) strs[i] = ans.get(i); // System.out.println(max); return strs; } void dfs(int cur, int len, List<String> curList, List<Trie> list){ if(cur == len){ return; } //各种结点判断同上 for(String w : map.get(len)){ boolean check = true, flag = true; //其中next保存下一个可能形成矩形的字典树结点集合 List<Trie> next = new ArrayList<>(); //nextList保存下一个可能形成矩形的字符串集合 List<String> nextList = new ArrayList<>(); for(int i = 0; i < len; i++){ int c = w.charAt(i) - 'a'; Trie ct = list.get(i); if(ct.child[c] != null){ if(!ct.child[c].isEnd) check = false; next.add(ct.child[c]); }else{ check = false; flag = false; break; } } if(flag){ // System.out.println(w); nextList.addAll(curList); nextList.add(w); dfs(cur + 1, len, nextList, next); } if(check && len * (cur + 1) > max){ max = len * (cur + 1); ans = nextList; } } } }