

1280. 学生们参加各科测试的次数

学生表: Students

| Column Name   | Type    |
| student_id    | int     |
| student_name  | varchar |
主键为 student_id(学生ID),该表内的每一行都记录有学校一名学生的信息。


科目表: Subjects

| Column Name  | Type    |
| subject_name | varchar |
主键为 subject_name(科目名称),每一行记录学校的一门科目名称。


考试表: Examinations

| Column Name  | Type    |
| student_id   | int     |
| subject_name | varchar |


要求写一段 SQL 语句,查询出每个学生参加每一门科目测试的次数,结果按 student_idsubject_name 排序。


Students table:
| student_id | student_name |
| 1          | Alice        |
| 2          | Bob          |
| 13         | John         |
| 6          | Alex         |
Subjects table:
| subject_name |
| Math         |
| Physics      |
| Programming  |
Examinations table:
| student_id | subject_name |
| 1          | Math         |
| 1          | Physics      |
| 1          | Programming  |
| 2          | Programming  |
| 1          | Physics      |
| 1          | Math         |
| 13         | Math         |
| 13         | Programming  |
| 13         | Physics      |
| 2          | Math         |
| 1          | Math         |
Result table:
| student_id | student_name | subject_name | attended_exams |
| 1          | Alice        | Math         | 3              |
| 1          | Alice        | Physics      | 2              |
| 1          | Alice        | Programming  | 1              |
| 2          | Bob          | Math         | 1              |
| 2          | Bob          | Physics      | 0              |
| 2          | Bob          | Programming  | 1              |
| 6          | Alex         | Math         | 0              |
| 6          | Alex         | Physics      | 0              |
| 6          | Alex         | Programming  | 0              |
| 13         | John         | Math         | 1              |
| 13         | John         | Physics      | 1              |
| 13         | John         | Programming  | 1              |
Alice 参加了 3 次数学测试, 2 次物理测试,以及 1 次编程测试;
Bob 参加了 1 次数学测试, 1 次编程测试,没有参加物理测试;
Alex 啥测试都没参加;
John  参加了数学、物理、编程测试各 1 次。



上次编辑到这里,代码来自缓存 点击恢复默认模板
# Write your MySQL query statement below

pythondata 解法, 执行用时: 376 ms, 内存消耗: 60.2 MB, 提交时间: 2023-08-09 15:37:07

import pandas as pd

def students_and_examinations(students: pd.DataFrame, subjects: pd.DataFrame, examinations: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    # 按 id 和科目分组,并计算考试次数。
    grouped = examinations.groupby(['student_id', 'subject_name']).size().reset_index(name='attended_exams')

    # 获取 (id, subject) 的所有组合
    all_id_subjects = pd.merge(students, subjects, how='cross')

    # 左连接以保留所有组合。
    id_subjects_count = pd.merge(all_id_subjects, grouped, on=['student_id', 'subject_name'], how='left')
    # 数据清理
    id_subjects_count['attended_exams'] = id_subjects_count['attended_exams'].fillna(0).astype(int)
    # 根据'student_id','Subject_name'以升序对 DataFrame 进行排序。
    id_subjects_count.sort_values(['student_id', 'subject_name'], inplace=True)

    return id_subjects_count[['student_id', 'student_name', 'subject_name', 'attended_exams']]

pythondata 解法, 执行用时: 460 ms, 内存消耗: 61.1 MB, 提交时间: 2023-08-09 15:35:15

import pandas as pd

def students_and_examinations(students: pd.DataFrame, subjects: pd.DataFrame, examinations: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    # 创建所有可能的学生和科目组合
    student_subject_combinations = pd.merge(students, subjects, how='cross')
    # 为每个考试出席添加一个值为1的列
    examinations['attended_exams'] = 1
    # 将组合与考试表合并以获取出席考试次数
    result = pd.merge(student_subject_combinations, examinations, how='left', on=['student_id', 'subject_name'])
    # 按学生ID、学生姓名和科目名称分组,计数出席考试次数,然后按要求排序结果
    result = result.groupby(['student_id', 'student_name', 'subject_name'], as_index=False)['attended_exams'].count()
    result = result.sort_values(['student_id', 'subject_name'])
    return result

mysql 解法, 执行用时: 746 ms, 内存消耗: 0 B, 提交时间: 2023-04-02 11:45:55

# Write your MySQL query statement below
SELECT stu.student_id AS 'student_id', 
    stu.student_name AS 'student_name',
    sub.subject_name AS 'subject_name',
    COUNT(exa.subject_name) AS 'attended_exams' #统计考试登记表中的
    Students AS stu
    CROSS JOIN Subjects AS sub              #笛卡尔积
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Examinations AS exa
    ON stu.student_id = exa.student_id AND sub.subject_name = exa.subject_name
GROUP BY stu.student_id, sub.subject_name
ORDER BY stu.student_id, sub.subject_name

mysql 解法, 执行用时: 516 ms, 内存消耗: 0 B, 提交时间: 2023-04-02 11:45:40

# 自连接
with cte1 as
    select *
    from students,subjects

    ifnull(count(b.subject_name),0) as attended_exams 
from cte1 a
left join Examinations b
group by 1,2,3
order by 1,2,3

mysql 解法, 执行用时: 496 ms, 内存消耗: 0 B, 提交时间: 2023-04-02 11:45:17

# Write your MySQL query statement below

select ss.student_id,ss.student_name,ss.subject_name,ifnull(e.attended_exams,0) as 'attended_exams'

(select student_id,student_name,subject_name from Students join Subjects) ss #先链接第一个表,创造出每个学生都有对应的每行科目的记录,就出现了第一至三列的那样的表

left join

(select student_id,subject_name,count(student_id) as attended_exams from Examinations
group by student_id,subject_name) e #对成绩表按照id,subject和计数进行分组。
on ss.student_id=e.student_id and ss.subject_name = e.subject_name #把两个表链接起来,用leftjoin确保每一个学生后都有成绩的记录(即使为0)

group by ss.student_id,ss.subject_name
order by ss.student_id,ss.subject_name

mysql 解法, 执行用时: 681 ms, 内存消耗: 0 B, 提交时间: 2023-04-02 11:45:02

# Write your MySQL query statement below
SELECT a.student_id, a.student_name, b.subject_name, COUNT(e.subject_name) AS attended_exams
FROM Students a CROSS JOIN Subjects b
    LEFT JOIN Examinations e ON a.student_id = e.student_id AND b.subject_name = e.subject_name
GROUP BY a.student_id, b.subject_name
ORDER BY a.student_id, b.subject_name
