LCP 54. 夺回据点
魔物了占领若干据点,这些据点被若干条道路相连接,roads[i] = [x, y]
表示编号 x
在开始的时候,勇者可以花费资源先夺回一些据点,初始夺回第 j
个据点所需消耗的资源数量为 cost[j]
示例 1:
cost = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
roads = [[0,1],[0,2],[1,3],[2,3],[1,2],[2,4],[2,5]]
解释: 勇者消耗资源
相连通; 第一次夺回据点1
相连通; 第二次夺回据点3
相连通; 第三次夺回据点2
; 第四次夺回据点5
,无剩余魔物据点; 因此最少需要消耗资源为6
,可占领所有据点。 {:height=170px}
示例 2:
cost = [3,2,1,4]
roads = [[0,2],[2,3],[3,1]]
解释: 勇者消耗资源
相连通; 第一次夺回据点3
相连通; 第二次夺回据点2
; 第三次夺回据点0
,无剩余魔物据点; 因此最少需要消耗资源为2
,可占领所有据点。 {:height=60px}
1 <= roads.length, cost.length <= 10^5
0 <= roads[i][0], roads[i][1] < cost.length
1 <= cost[i] <= 10^9
python3 解法, 执行用时: 964 ms, 内存消耗: 82.5 MB, 提交时间: 2023-10-26 23:50:31
class Solution: def minimumCost(self, cost: List[int], roads: List[List[int]]) -> int: n = len(cost) G = [[] for i in range(n)] for i,j in roads: G[i].append(j) G[j].append(i) low = [n] * n seen = {-1: -1} cut = [0] * n res = [] inf = float('inf') def tarjan(i, pre): seen[i] = len(seen) + 1 children = 0 min_cost = inf count_cut = 0 for j in G[i]: if j in seen: low[i] = min(low[i], seen[j]) continue children += 1 cur_cost, cur_cut = tarjan(j, i) low[i] = min(low[i], low[j]) if seen[i] <= low[j]: if i != root or children > 1: cut[i] = 1 cost[i] = inf if i == root or seen[i] > low[j]: min_cost = min(min_cost, cur_cost) count_cut += cur_cut min_cost = min(min_cost, cost[i]) count_cut += cut[i] > 0 if count_cut + (i != root) < 2 and seen[pre] <= low[i] and cut[i] == 0: res.append(min_cost) return [min_cost, count_cut] tarjan(root:= 0, -1) return sum(res) - max(res)
python3 解法, 执行用时: 1076 ms, 内存消耗: 109.9 MB, 提交时间: 2023-10-26 23:50:08
class Solution: def minimumCost(self, cost: List[int], roads: List[List[int]]) -> int: n = len(cost) G = [set() for i in range(n)] for i,j in roads: G[i].add(j) G[j].add(i) low = [n] * n seen = {} cut = [0] * n def tarjan(i): seen[i] = len(seen) + 1 children = 0 for j in G[i]: if j in seen: low[i] = min(low[i], seen[j]) continue children += 1 tarjan(j) low[i] = min(low[i], low[j]) if seen[i] <= low[j]: cut[i] += i != root or children > 1 root = 1 tarjan(root) seen_cut = set() res = [] done = [0] * n def dfs2(i): done[i] = 1 min_cost = cost[i] for j in G[i]: if done[j]: continue if cut[j]: seen_cut.add(j) continue min_cost = min(min_cost, dfs2(j)) return min_cost for i in range(n): if done[i] or cut[i]: continue seen_cut = set() min_cost = dfs2(i) if len(seen_cut) < 2: res.append(min_cost) return sum(res) - max(res) if len(res) > 1 else res[0]
python3 解法, 执行用时: 1672 ms, 内存消耗: 143.9 MB, 提交时间: 2023-10-26 23:49:15
class Solution: def minimumCost(self, cost: List[int], roads: List[List[int]]) -> int: n = len(cost) adjMap = defaultdict(set) for u, v in roads: adjMap[u].add(v) adjMap[v].add(u) # 找VBCC和割点 VBCCId, VBCCGroup, VBCCIdByNode = Tarjan.getVBCC(n, adjMap) cuttingPoints = set(i for i in range(n) if len(VBCCIdByNode[i]) > 1) # 统计连通分量里包含几个原图的割点,不能选连了两个以上个点的分量 counter = [sum(node in cuttingPoints for node in VBCCGroup[i]) for i in range(VBCCId)] goodGroups = [i for i in range(VBCCId) if counter[i] <= 1] # 不能选割点 costs = [min(cost[v] for v in VBCCGroup[k] if v not in cuttingPoints) for k in goodGroups] return costs[0] if len(costs) == 1 else sum(costs) - max(costs) # Tarjan 各个算法模板 class Tarjan: INF = int(1e20) @staticmethod def getSCC( n: int, adjMap: DefaultDict[int, Set[int]] ) -> Tuple[int, DefaultDict[int, Set[int]], List[int]]: """Tarjan求解有向图的强连通分量 Args: n (int): 结点0-n-1 adjMap (DefaultDict[int, Set[int]]): 图 Returns: Tuple[int, DefaultDict[int, Set[int]], List[int]]: SCC的数量、分组、每个结点对应的SCC编号 """ def dfs(cur: int) -> None: nonlocal dfsId, SCCId if visited[cur]: return visited[cur] = True order[cur] = low[cur] = dfsId dfsId += 1 stack.append(cur) inStack[cur] = True for next in adjMap[cur]: if not visited[next]: dfs(next) low[cur] = min(low[cur], low[next]) elif inStack[next]: low[cur] = min(low[cur], order[next]) # 注意这里是order if order[cur] == low[cur]: while stack: top = stack.pop() inStack[top] = False SCCGroupById[SCCId].add(top) SCCIdByNode[top] = SCCId if top == cur: break SCCId += 1 dfsId = 0 order, low = [Tarjan.INF] * n, [Tarjan.INF] * n visited = [False] * n stack = [] inStack = [False] * n SCCId = 0 SCCGroupById = defaultdict(set) SCCIdByNode = [-1] * n for cur in range(n): if not visited[cur]: dfs(cur) return SCCId, SCCGroupById, SCCIdByNode @staticmethod def getCuttingPointAndCuttingEdge( n: int, adjMap: DefaultDict[int, Set[int]] ) -> Tuple[Set[int], Set[Tuple[int, int]]]: """Tarjan求解无向图的割点和割边(桥) Args: n (int): 结点0-n-1 adjMap (DefaultDict[int, Set[int]]): 图 Returns: Tuple[Set[int], Set[Tuple[int, int]]]: 割点、桥 - 边对 (u,v) 中 u < v """ def dfs(cur: int, parent: int) -> None: nonlocal dfsId if visited[cur]: return visited[cur] = True order[cur] = low[cur] = dfsId dfsId += 1 dfsChild = 0 for next in adjMap[cur]: if next == parent: continue if not visited[next]: dfsChild += 1 dfs(next, cur) low[cur] = min(low[cur], low[next]) if low[next] > order[cur]: cuttingEdge.add(tuple(sorted([cur, next]))) if parent != -1 and low[next] >= order[cur]: cuttingPoint.add(cur) elif parent == -1 and dfsChild > 1: # 出发点没有祖先啊,所以特判一下 cuttingPoint.add(cur) else: low[cur] = min(low[cur], order[next]) # 注意这里是order dfsId = 0 order, low = [Tarjan.INF] * n, [Tarjan.INF] * n visited = [False] * n cuttingPoint = set() cuttingEdge = set() for i in range(n): if not visited[i]: dfs(i, -1) return cuttingPoint, cuttingEdge @staticmethod def getVBCC( n: int, adjMap: DefaultDict[int, Set[int]] ) -> Tuple[int, DefaultDict[int, Set[int]], List[Set[int]]]: """Tarjan求解无向图的点双联通分量 Args: n (int): 结点0-n-1 adjMap (DefaultDict[int, Set[int]]): 图 Returns: Tuple[int, DefaultDict[int, Set[int]], List[Set[int]]]: VBCC的数量、分组、每个结点对应的VBCC编号 - 我们将深搜时遇到的所有边加入到栈里面, 当找到一个割点的时候, 就将这个割点往下走到的所有边弹出, 而这些边所连接的点就是一个点双了 - 两个点和一条边构成的图也称为(V)BCC,因为两个点均不为割点 - VBCC编号多余1个的都是割点 """ def dfs(cur: int, parent: int) -> None: nonlocal dfsId, VBCCId if visited[cur]: return visited[cur] = True order[cur] = low[cur] = dfsId dfsId += 1 dfsChild = 0 for next in adjMap[cur]: if next == parent: continue if not visited[next]: dfsChild += 1 stack.append((cur, next)) dfs(next, cur) low[cur] = min(low[cur], low[next]) # 遇到了割点(根和非根两种) if (parent == -1 and dfsChild > 1) or ( parent != -1 and low[next] >= order[cur] ): while stack: top = stack.pop() VBCCGroupById[VBCCId].add(top[0]) VBCCGroupById[VBCCId].add(top[1]) VBCCIdByNode[top[0]].add(VBCCId) VBCCIdByNode[top[1]].add(VBCCId) if top == (cur, next): break VBCCId += 1 elif low[cur] > order[next]: low[cur] = min(low[cur], order[next]) stack.append((cur, next)) dfsId = 0 order, low = [Tarjan.INF] * n, [Tarjan.INF] * n visited = [False] * n stack = [] VBCCId = 0 # 点双个数 VBCCGroupById = defaultdict(set) # 每个点双包含哪些点 VBCCIdByNode = [set() for _ in range(n)] # 每个点属于哪一(几)个点双,属于多个点双的点就是割点 for cur in range(n): if not visited[cur]: dfs(cur, -1) if stack: while stack: top = stack.pop() VBCCGroupById[VBCCId].add(top[0]) VBCCGroupById[VBCCId].add(top[1]) VBCCIdByNode[top[0]].add(VBCCId) VBCCIdByNode[top[1]].add(VBCCId) VBCCId += 1 return VBCCId, VBCCGroupById, VBCCIdByNode @staticmethod def getEBCC( n: int, adjMap: DefaultDict[int, Set[int]] ) -> Tuple[int, DefaultDict[int, Set[Tuple[int, int]]], DefaultDict[Tuple[int, int], int]]: """Tarjan求解无向图的边双联通分量 Args: n (int): 结点0-n-1 adjMap (DefaultDict[int, Set[int]]): 图 Returns: Tuple[int, DefaultDict[int, Set[Tuple[int, int]]], DefaultDict[Tuple[int, int], int]]]: EBCC的数量、分组、每条边对应的EBCC编号 - 边对 (u,v) 中 u < v - 实现思路: - 将所有的割边删掉剩下的都是边连通分量了(其实可以用并查集做) - 处理出割边,再对整个无向图进行一次DFS,对于节点cur的出边(cur,next),如果它是割边,则跳过这条边不沿着它往下走 """ def dfs(cur: int, parent: int) -> None: nonlocal EBCCId if visited[cur]: return visited[cur] = True for next in adjMap[cur]: if next == parent: continue edge = tuple(sorted([cur, next])) if edge in cuttingEdges: continue EBCCGroupById[EBCCId].add(edge) EBCCIdByEdge[edge] = EBCCId dfs(next, cur) _, cuttingEdges = Tarjan.getCuttingPointAndCuttingEdge(n, adjMap) visited = [False] * n EBCCId = 0 # 边双个数 EBCCGroupById = defaultdict(set) # 每个边双包含哪些边 EBCCIdByEdge = defaultdict(int) # 每条边属于哪一个边双 for cur in range(n): if not visited[cur]: dfs(cur, -1) EBCCId += 1 for edge in cuttingEdges: EBCCGroupById[EBCCId].add(edge) EBCCIdByEdge[edge] = EBCCId EBCCId += 1 return EBCCId, EBCCGroupById, EBCCIdByEdge
java 解法, 执行用时: 154 ms, 内存消耗: 96.1 MB, 提交时间: 2023-10-26 23:48:32
class Solution { private static final int S = 0; private Map<Integer, List<Integer>> adj; private boolean[] isCut; private int[] dfn; private int[] low; private int clk; private Deque<Integer> stk; private LinkedList<List<Integer>> dcc; // public long minimumCost(int[] cost, int[][] roads) { int n = cost.length; if (n == 1) { return cost[0]; } adj = new HashMap<>(); for (int[] road : roads) { adj.computeIfAbsent(road[0], key -> new ArrayList<>()).add(road[1]); adj.computeIfAbsent(road[1], key -> new ArrayList<>()).add(road[0]); } isCut = new boolean[n]; dfn = new int[n]; low = new int[n]; clk = 0; stk = new ArrayDeque<>(); dcc = new LinkedList<>(); tarjan(S); // 整张图是一个双连通分量,选择整张图权值最小的点即可 if (dcc.size() == 1) { return; } List<Integer> vec = new ArrayList<>(); for (List<Integer> c : dcc) { int cnt = 0; int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int x : c) { if (isCut[x]) { cnt++; } else { min = Math.min(min, cost[x]); } } // 该双连通分量只和一个割点相连,是缩点形成的树的叶子节点 if (cnt == 1) { vec.add(min); } } Collections.sort(vec); long res = 0; for (int i = 0; i < vec.size() - 1; i++) { res += vec.get(i); } return res; } private void tarjan(int sn) { dfn[sn] = low[sn] = ++clk; stk.push(sn); int flag = 0; for (int fn : adj.getOrDefault(sn, new ArrayList<>())) { if (dfn[fn] == 0) { tarjan(fn); low[sn] = Math.min(low[sn], low[fn]); if (low[fn] >= dfn[sn]) { flag++; if (sn != S || flag > 1) { isCut[sn] = true; } int t; dcc.add(new ArrayList<>()); do { t = stk.pop(); dcc.getLast().add(t); } while (t != fn); dcc.getLast().add(sn); } } else { low[sn] = Math.min(low[sn], dfn[fn]); } } } }
cpp 解法, 执行用时: 948 ms, 内存消耗: 249.4 MB, 提交时间: 2023-10-26 23:48:10
class Solution { const int S = 0; int n; vector<vector<int>> e; vector<bool> isCut; vector<int> dfn, low; int clk = 0; stack<int> stk; // 所有点双连通分量 vector<vector<int>> dcc; void tarjan(int sn) { dfn[sn] = low[sn] = ++clk; stk.push(sn); int flag = 0; for (int fn : e[sn]) { if (!dfn[fn]) { tarjan(fn); low[sn] = min(low[sn], low[fn]); if (low[fn] >= dfn[sn]) { flag++; if (sn != S || flag > 1) isCut[sn] = true; int t; dcc.push_back(vector<int>()); do { t =; stk.pop(); dcc.back().push_back(t); } while (t != fn); dcc.back().push_back(sn); } } else low[sn] = min(low[sn], dfn[fn]); } } public: long long minimumCost(vector<int>& cost, vector<vector<int>>& roads) { n = cost.size(); if (n == 1) return cost[0]; e = vector<vector<int>>(n); for (auto &r : roads) e[r[0]].push_back(r[1]), e[r[1]].push_back(r[0]); isCut = vector<bool>(n); dfn = low = vector<int>(n); tarjan(S); // 整张图是一个双连通分量,选择整张图权值最小的点即可 if (dcc.size() == 1) { int ans = 2e9; for (int x : cost) ans = min(ans, x); return ans; } vector<int> vec; for (auto &c : dcc) { int cnt = 0, mn = 2e9; for (int x : c) { if (isCut[x]) cnt++; else mn = min(mn, cost[x]); } // 该双连通分量只和一个割点相连,是缩点形成的树的叶子节点 if (cnt == 1) vec.push_back(mn); } sort(vec.begin(), vec.end()); long long ans = 0; for (int i = 0; i + 1 < vec.size(); i++) ans += vec[i]; return ans; } };