class Solution {
int checkWays(vector<vector<int>>& pairs) {
1719. 重构一棵树的方案数
给你一个数组 pairs
,其中 pairs[i] = [xi, yi]
中没有重复元素xi < yi
令 ways
中。[xi, yi]
出现在 pairs
中 当且仅当 xi
是 yi
的祖先或者 yi
是 xi
ways == 0
,返回 0
。ways == 1
,返回 1
。ways > 1
,返回 2
。一棵 有根树 指的是只有一个根节点的树,所有边都是从根往外的方向。
我们称从根到一个节点路径上的任意一个节点(除去节点本身)都是该节点的 祖先 。根节点没有祖先。
示例 1:
输入:pairs = [[1,2],[2,3]] 输出:1 解释:如上图所示,有且只有一个符合规定的有根树。
示例 2:
输入:pairs = [[1,2],[2,3],[1,3]] 输出:2 解释:有多个符合规定的有根树,其中三个如上图所示。
示例 3:
输入:pairs = [[1,2],[2,3],[2,4],[1,5]] 输出:0 解释:没有符合规定的有根树。
1 <= pairs.length <= 105
1 <= xi < yi <= 500
golang 解法, 执行用时: 436 ms, 内存消耗: 22.4 MB, 提交时间: 2023-06-14 09:41:38
func checkWays(pairs [][]int) int { adj := map[int]map[int]bool{} for _, p := range pairs { x, y := p[0], p[1] if adj[x] == nil { adj[x] = map[int]bool{} } adj[x][y] = true if adj[y] == nil { adj[y] = map[int]bool{} } adj[y][x] = true } // 检测是否存在根节点 root := -1 for node, neighbours := range adj { if len(neighbours) == len(adj)-1 { root = node break } } if root == -1 { return 0 } ans := 1 for node, neighbours := range adj { if node == root { continue } currDegree := len(neighbours) parent := -1 parentDegree := math.MaxInt32 // 根据 degree 的大小找到 node 的父节点 parent for neighbour := range neighbours { if len(adj[neighbour]) < parentDegree && len(adj[neighbour]) >= currDegree { parent = neighbour parentDegree = len(adj[neighbour]) } } if parent == -1 { return 0 } // 检测 neighbours 是否为 adj[parent] 的子集 for neighbour := range neighbours { if neighbour != parent && !adj[parent][neighbour] { return 0 } } if parentDegree == currDegree { ans = 2 } } return ans }
javascript 解法, 执行用时: 284 ms, 内存消耗: 77.6 MB, 提交时间: 2023-06-14 09:40:42
/** * @param {number[][]} pairs * @return {number} */ var checkWays = function(pairs) { const adj = new Map(); for (const p of pairs) { if (!adj.has(p[0])) { adj.set(p[0], new Set()); } if (!adj.has(p[1])) { adj.set(p[1], new Set()); } adj.get(p[0]).add(p[1]); adj.get(p[1]).add(p[0]); } /* 检测是否存在根节点*/ let root = -1; const entries = new Set(); for (const entry of adj.entries()) { entries.add(entry); } for (const [node, neg] of entries) { if (neg.size === adj.size - 1) { root = node; } } if (root === -1) { return 0; } let res = 1; for (const [node, neg] of entries) { /* 如果当前节点为根节点 */ if (root === node) { continue; } const currDegree = neg.size; let parentNode = -1; let parentDegree = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; /* 根据degree的大小找到当前节点的父节点 */ for (const neighbour of neg) { if (adj.has(neighbour) && adj.get(neighbour).size < parentDegree && adj.get(neighbour).size >= currDegree) { parentNode = neighbour; parentDegree = adj.get(neighbour).size; } } if (parentNode === -1) { return 0; } /* 检测父节点的集合是否包含所有的孩子节点 */ for (const neighbour of neg) { if (neighbour === parentNode) { continue; } if (!adj.get(parentNode).has(neighbour)) { return 0; } } if (parentDegree === currDegree) { res = 2; } } return res; };
java 解法, 执行用时: 130 ms, 内存消耗: 72.1 MB, 提交时间: 2023-06-14 09:40:24
class Solution { public int checkWays(int[][] pairs) { Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> adj = new HashMap<Integer, Set<Integer>>(); for (int[] p : pairs) { adj.putIfAbsent(p[0], new HashSet<Integer>()); adj.putIfAbsent(p[1], new HashSet<Integer>()); adj.get(p[0]).add(p[1]); adj.get(p[1]).add(p[0]); } /* 检测是否存在根节点*/ int root = -1; Set<Map.Entry<Integer, Set<Integer>>> entries = adj.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Set<Integer>> entry : entries) { int node = entry.getKey(); Set<Integer> neighbours = entry.getValue(); if (neighbours.size() == adj.size() - 1) { root = node; } } if (root == -1) { return 0; } int res = 1; for (Map.Entry<Integer, Set<Integer>> entry : entries) { int node = entry.getKey(); Set<Integer> neighbours = entry.getValue(); if (node == root) { continue; } int currDegree = neighbours.size(); int parent = -1; int parentDegree = Integer.MAX_VALUE; /* 根据 degree 的大小找到 node 的父节点 parent */ for (int neighbour : neighbours) { if (adj.get(neighbour).size() < parentDegree && adj.get(neighbour).size() >= currDegree) { parent = neighbour; parentDegree = adj.get(neighbour).size(); } } if (parent == -1) { return 0; } /* 检测 neighbours 是否是 adj[parent] 的子集 */ for (int neighbour : neighbours) { if (neighbour == parent) { continue; } if (!adj.get(parent).contains(neighbour)) { return 0; } } if (parentDegree == currDegree) { res = 2; } } return res; } }
cpp 解法, 执行用时: 756 ms, 内存消耗: 159.6 MB, 提交时间: 2023-06-14 09:40:09
class Solution { public: int checkWays(vector<vector<int>>& pairs) { unordered_map<int, unordered_set<int>> adj; for (auto &p : pairs) { adj[p[0]].emplace(p[1]); adj[p[1]].emplace(p[0]); } /* 检测是否存在根节点*/ int root = -1; for (auto &[node, neighbours] : adj) { if (neighbours.size() == adj.size() - 1) { root = node; break; } } if (root == -1) { return 0; } int res = 1; for (auto &[node, neighbours] : adj) { if (node == root) { continue; } int currDegree = neighbours.size(); int parent = -1; int parentDegree = INT_MAX; /* 根据 degree 的大小找到 node 的父节点 parent */ for (auto &neighbour : neighbours) { if (adj[neighbour].size() < parentDegree && adj[neighbour].size() >= currDegree) { parent = neighbour; parentDegree = adj[neighbour].size(); } } if (parent == -1) { return 0; } /* 检测 neighbours 是否是 adj[parent] 的子集 */ for (auto &neighbour : neighbours) { if (neighbour == parent) { continue; } if (!adj[parent].count(neighbour)) { return 0; } } if (parentDegree == currDegree) { res = 2; } } return res; } };
python3 解法, 执行用时: 332 ms, 内存消耗: 45.2 MB, 提交时间: 2023-06-14 09:39:43
# 直接模拟 class Solution: def checkWays(self, pairs: List[List[int]]) -> int: adj = defaultdict(set) for x, y in pairs: adj[x].add(y) adj[y].add(x) # 检测是否存在根节点 root = next((node for node, neighbours in adj.items() if len(neighbours) == len(adj) - 1), -1) if root == -1: return 0 ans = 1 for node, neighbours in adj.items(): if node == root: continue currDegree = len(neighbours) parent = -1 parentDegree = maxsize # 根据 degree 的大小找到 node 的父节点 parent for neighbour in neighbours: if currDegree <= len(adj[neighbour]) < parentDegree: parent = neighbour parentDegree = len(adj[neighbour]) # 检测 neighbours 是否为 adj[parent] 的子集 if parent == -1 or any(neighbour != parent and neighbour not in adj[parent] for neighbour in neighbours): return 0 if parentDegree == currDegree: ans = 2 return ans
java 解法, 执行用时: 174 ms, 内存消耗: 83.2 MB, 提交时间: 2023-06-14 09:38:08
class Solution { public int checkWays(int[][] pairs) { //1. 构建图 Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> graph = new HashMap<>(); for(int[] pair:pairs){ graph.putIfAbsent(pair[0],new HashSet<>()); graph.putIfAbsent(pair[1],new HashSet<>()); graph.get(pair[0]).add(pair[1]); graph.get(pair[1]).add(pair[0]); } int n = graph.keySet().size(); int root = -1; //2. 所有人的祖先就是先祖(唐太祖,只有最上面那一辈叫祖) for(int key:graph.keySet()){ int size = graph.get(key).size(); if(size == n-1){ root = key; } } if(root == -1) return 0; int ans = 1; for(Integer node:graph.keySet()){ if(node == root) continue; Set<Integer> neighbours = graph.get(node); int size = graph.get(node).size(); int parent = -1; int pSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE; //3. 找自己的爹,和自己关联的后代比自己多的可能是自己爹,也可能是先祖 //爹就刚刚好跟我关联,且后辈比我多,比祖宗少(宗代表先辈非最上一辈) for(Integer neighbour:neighbours){ if(graph.get(neighbour).size()<pSize && size <= graph.get(neighbour).size()){ parent = neighbour; pSize = graph.get(neighbour).size(); } } if(parent==-1) return 0; //3. 既然跟我关联的,确认了爹,那其他要么是兄弟,要么是子女,要么是祖宗 //那我爹的先辈后辈,必然包含了我的先辈后辈(我的后辈应该比父辈少) Set<Integer> tmp = new HashSet<>(graph.get(parent)); tmp.add(parent); //4. 如果不能完全包含,说明父子关系不成立 if(!tmp.containsAll(neighbours)) return 0; //5. 父子关系成立,不一定谁父谁子,那如果有结果,那就不止一种 // 注意不能直接返回,其他点验证不通过的情况,可能返回0 if(pSize == size){ ans = 2; } } return ans; } }