class Solution {
string longestWord(vector<string>& words) {
面试题 17.15. 最长单词
输入: ["cat","banana","dog","nana","walk","walker","dogwalker"] 输出: "dogwalker" 解释: "dogwalker"可由"dog"和"walker"组成。
0 <= len(words) <= 200
1 <= len(words[i]) <= 100
python3 解法, 执行用时: 60 ms, 内存消耗: 21.3 MB, 提交时间: 2022-11-30 22:28:55
class Solution: def longestWord(self, words: List[str]) -> str: from collections import defaultdict from functools import reduce Trie = lambda: defaultdict(Trie) trie = Trie() END = True for i, word in enumerate(words): if word: # 非常重要,当含有空串的时候非常麻烦 reduce(dict.__getitem__, word, trie)[END] = i def dfs(s: str, idx: int, word_cnt: int, tree: Trie) -> bool: """暴力搜索Trie,当前是单词节点,可选择或不选择""" if len(s) == idx: return word_cnt >= 1 and END in tree # 存在节点,比如 cat,cats 的选择,若选择则从头查找,不选择继续向下 if END in tree: if dfs(s, idx, word_cnt + 1, trie): return True # 下面这行一定要在上面之后,因为判断节点 s[idx] 是下一个单词。若在前面则 return False if s[idx] not in tree: return False if dfs(s, idx + 1, word_cnt, tree[s[idx]]): return True return False # return s[idx] in tree and dfs(s, idx + 1, word_cnt, tree[s[idx]]) # 对所有单词进行暴力搜索 res = '' for word in words: if dfs(word, 0, 0, trie) and \ (len(word) > len(res) or (len(word) == len(res) and res > word)): res = word return res
python3 解法, 执行用时: 44 ms, 内存消耗: 15.2 MB, 提交时间: 2022-11-30 22:28:28
class Solution: def longestWord(self, words: List[str]) -> str: d = set(words) def dfs(word: str, idx: int, wordCnt: int) -> bool: """枚举当前单词连接子串,查询字典 d 进行爆搜""" if idx >= len(word): return wordCnt > 1 for i in range(idx, len(word)): substr = word[idx:i+1] if substr in d and dfs(word, i + 1, wordCnt + 1): # 可重复用 return True return False # 1.先逆序排序:(长度,字典序),然后对所有单词进行暴力搜索 words.sort(key=lambda x: (-len(x), x)) for word in words: if dfs(word, 0, 0): # 第一次找到肯定是答案 return word return ''
javascript 解法, 执行用时: 104 ms, 内存消耗: 47.4 MB, 提交时间: 2022-11-30 22:27:37
/** * @param {string[]} words * @return {string} */ var longestWord = function(words) { words.sort((a,b)=>{ if(a.length === b.length){ return a < b ? -1 : 1 }else{ return a.length > b.length? -1 : 1 } }) for(let sentence of words) { const length = sentence.length; const dp = new Array(length+1).fill(0); for(let i=1; i<=length; i++) { dp[i] = dp[i-1]+1; for(let word of words){ const len = word.length; if(sentence !== word && length>len && sentence.slice(i-len,i) === word){ dp[i] = Math.min(dp[i],dp[i-len]) } } } if(dp[length] === 0 ) return sentence; } return ''; };
python3 解法, 执行用时: 80 ms, 内存消耗: 15 MB, 提交时间: 2022-11-30 22:26:59
class Solution: def longestWord(self, words: List[str]) -> str: def f(word): for i in range(len(word)): left = word[:i] right = word[i:] if left in words: # 如果单词的左边是组合中的一个单词,则继续看右边 if right in words: return True elif f(right): # 如果单词的右边是其他单词的组合,则返回 ture。否则继续寻找下一种划分。 return True else: continue else: continue # 如果单词的左边不是组合中的一个单词,则进行下一种划分。 return False # 如果不存在任何正确的划分,返回 false。 res = '' for word in words: if f(word): if len(word) > len(res): res = word elif len(word) == len(res): res = min(res, word) return res
java 解法, 执行用时: 4 ms, 内存消耗: 40.8 MB, 提交时间: 2022-11-30 22:24:48
class Solution { public String longestWord(String[] words) { Arrays.sort(words,(o1,o2)->{ if(o1.length() == o2.length()) return o1.compareTo(o2); else{ return,o1.length()); } }); Set<String> set = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(words)); for(String word : words){ set.remove(word); if(find(set,word)) return word; } return ""; } public boolean find(Set<String> set, String word){ if(word.length() == 0) return true; for(int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++){ if(set.contains(word.substring(0,i+1)) && find(set,word.substring(i+1))) return true; } return false; } }