1001. 网格照明
在大小为 n x n
的网格 grid
上,每个单元格都有一盏灯,最初灯都处于 关闭 状态。
给你一个由灯的位置组成的二维数组 lamps
,其中 lamps[i] = [rowi, coli]
表示 打开 位于 grid[rowi][coli]
的灯。即便同一盏灯可能在 lamps
中多次列出,不会影响这盏灯处于 打开 状态。
当一盏灯处于打开状态,它将会照亮 自身所在单元格 以及同一 行 、同一 列 和两条 对角线 上的 所有其他单元格 。
另给你一个二维数组 queries
,其中 queries[j] = [rowj, colj]
。对于第 j
个查询,如果单元格 [rowj, colj]
是被照亮的,则查询结果为 1
,否则为 0
。在第 j
次查询之后 [按照查询的顺序] ,关闭 位于单元格 grid[rowj][colj]
上及相邻 8 个方向上(与单元格 grid[rowi][coli]
返回一个整数数组 ans
作为答案, ans[j]
应等于第 j
次查询 queries[j]
示例 1:
输入:n = 5, lamps = [[0,0],[4,4]], queries = [[1,1],[1,0]] 输出:[1,0] 解释:最初所有灯都是关闭的。在执行查询之前,打开位于 [0, 0] 和 [4, 4] 的灯。第 0 次查询检查 grid[1][1] 是否被照亮(蓝色方框)。该单元格被照亮,所以 ans[0] = 1 。然后,关闭红色方框中的所有灯。第 1 次查询检查 grid[1][0] 是否被照亮(蓝色方框)。该单元格没有被照亮,所以 ans[1] = 0 。然后,关闭红色矩形中的所有灯。
示例 2:
输入:n = 5, lamps = [[0,0],[4,4]], queries = [[1,1],[1,1]] 输出:[1,1]
示例 3:
输入:n = 5, lamps = [[0,0],[0,4]], queries = [[0,4],[0,1],[1,4]] 输出:[1,1,0]
1 <= n <= 109
0 <= lamps.length <= 20000
0 <= queries.length <= 20000
lamps[i].length == 2
0 <= rowi, coli < n
queries[j].length == 2
0 <= rowj, colj < n
golang 解法, 执行用时: 160 ms, 内存消耗: 18.3 MB, 提交时间: 2023-05-14 19:46:09
func gridIllumination(n int, lamps [][]int, queries [][]int) []int { rowCnts, colCnts, lrCnts, rlCnts, points := map[int]int{}, map[int]int{}, map[int]int{}, map[int]int{}, map[int]bool{} for _, lamp := range lamps { x, y := lamp[0], lamp[1] p := x * n + y if(!points[p]) { points[p] = true rowCnts[x] += 1 colCnts[y] += 1 lrCnts[x + y] += 1 rlCnts[x - y] += 1 } } ans := make([]int, len(queries)) for i := 0; i < len(queries); i++ { x, y := queries[i][0], queries[i][1] if(rowCnts[x] > 0 || colCnts[y] > 0 || lrCnts[x + y] > 0 || rlCnts[x - y] > 0) { ans[i] = 1 for _, dir := range [][]int{{0, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}, {0, -1}, {-1, 0}, {1, 1}, {1, -1}, {-1, 1}, {-1, -1}} { nx, ny := x + dir[0], y + dir[1] if nx >= 0 && ny >= 0 && nx < n && ny < n { p := nx * n + ny if(points[p]) { points[p] = false rowCnts[nx] -= 1 colCnts[ny] -= 1 lrCnts[nx + ny] -= 1 rlCnts[nx - ny] -= 1 } } } } } return ans }
javascript 解法, 执行用时: 228 ms, 内存消耗: 83.4 MB, 提交时间: 2023-05-14 19:45:55
/** * @param {number} n * @param {number[][]} lamps * @param {number[][]} queries * @return {number[]} */ const DIRS = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [0, -1], [-1, 0], [1, 1], [1, -1], [-1, 1], [-1, -1]] var gridIllumination = function(n, lamps, queries) { const rowCnts = new Map(), colCnts = new Map(), lrCnts = new Map(), rlCnts = new Map(), points = new Set() update = function(map, key, val) { if(map.has(key)){ let v = map.get(key) v += val if(v == 0) map.delete(key) else map.set(key, v) } else { map.set(key, val) } } operate = function(x, y, diff) { update(rowCnts, x, diff) update(colCnts, y, diff) update(lrCnts, x + y, diff) update(rlCnts, x - y, diff) } for(const lamp of lamps) { const x = lamp[0], y = lamp[1] const p = BigInt(x * n + y) if(!points.has(p)) { points.add(p) operate(x, y, 1) } } const ans = new Array(queries.length).fill(0) for(let i = 0; i < queries.length; i++) { const x = queries[i][0], y = queries[i][1] if(rowCnts.has(x) || colCnts.has(y) || lrCnts.has(x + y) || rlCnts.has(x - y)) { ans[i] = 1 for(const dir of DIRS) { const nx = x + dir[0], ny = y + dir[1] if(nx >= 0 && ny >= 0 && nx < n && ny < n) { const p = BigInt(nx * n + ny) if(points.has(p)) { points.delete(p) operate(nx, ny, -1) } } } } } return ans };
java 解法, 执行用时: 53 ms, 内存消耗: 57.8 MB, 提交时间: 2023-05-14 19:45:40
class Solution { private static final int[][] DIRS = new int[][]{{0, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}, {0, -1}, {-1, 0}, {1, 1}, {1, -1}, {-1, 1}, {-1, -1}}; private Map<Integer, Integer> rowCnts, colCnts, lrCnts, rlCnts; public int[] gridIllumination(int n, int[][] lamps, int[][] queries) { long ln = (long)n; rowCnts = new HashMap<>(); colCnts = new HashMap<>(); lrCnts = new HashMap<>(); rlCnts = new HashMap<>(); Set<Long> points = new HashSet<>(); for(int[] lamp: lamps) { int x = lamp[0], y = lamp[1]; long p = ln * x + y; if(!points.contains(p)) { points.add(p); operate(x, y, 1); } } int[] ans = new int[queries.length]; for(int i = 0; i < queries.length; i++) { int x = queries[i][0], y = queries[i][1]; if(rowCnts.getOrDefault(x, 0) > 0 || colCnts.getOrDefault(y, 0) > 0 || lrCnts.getOrDefault(x + y, 0) > 0 || rlCnts.getOrDefault(x - y, 0) > 0){ ans[i] = 1; for(int[] dir: DIRS){ int nx = x + dir[0], ny = y + dir[1]; if(nx >= 0 && ny >= 0 && nx < n && ny < n){ long p = ln * nx + ny; if(points.contains(p)){ points.remove(p); operate(nx, ny, -1); } } } } } return ans; } private void operate(Integer x, Integer y, int diff) { add(rowCnts, x, diff); add(colCnts, y, diff); add(lrCnts, x + y, diff); add(rlCnts, x - y, diff); } private void add(Map<Integer,Integer> map, Integer key, int val) { int cur = map.getOrDefault(key, 0); map.put(key, cur + val); } }
python3 解法, 执行用时: 184 ms, 内存消耗: 37.3 MB, 提交时间: 2023-05-14 19:45:27
class Solution: def gridIllumination(self, n: int, lamps: List[List[int]], queries: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]: row_cnts, col_cnts, lr_cnts, rl_cnts, points = defaultdict(int), defaultdict(int), defaultdict(int), defaultdict(int), set() for r, c in lamps: if (r, c) not in points: points.add((r, c)) row_cnts[r] += 1 col_cnts[c] += 1 # r * (-1) + b = c lr_cnts[r + c] += 1 # r + b = c rl_cnts[r - c] += 1 ans = [0] * len(queries) for i in range(len(queries)): r, c = queries[i] if row_cnts[r] or col_cnts[c] or lr_cnts[r + c] or rl_cnts[r - c]: ans[i] = 1 for dx, dy in (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0), (0, 0), (1, 1), (-1, 1), (1, -1), (-1, -1): if ((nx := r + dx),(ny := c + dy)) in points: points.remove((nx, ny)) row_cnts[nx] -= 1 col_cnts[ny] -= 1 lr_cnts[nx + ny] -= 1 rl_cnts[nx - ny] -= 1 return ans
golang 解法, 执行用时: 248 ms, 内存消耗: 15.1 MB, 提交时间: 2023-05-14 19:45:09
func gridIllumination(n int, lamps, queries [][]int) []int { type pair struct{ x, y int } points := map[pair]bool{} row := map[int]int{} col := map[int]int{} diagonal := map[int]int{} antiDiagonal := map[int]int{} for _, lamp := range lamps { r, c := lamp[0], lamp[1] p := pair{r, c} if points[p] { continue } points[p] = true row[r]++ col[c]++ diagonal[r-c]++ antiDiagonal[r+c]++ } ans := make([]int, len(queries)) for i, query := range queries { r, c := query[0], query[1] if row[r] > 0 || col[c] > 0 || diagonal[r-c] > 0 || antiDiagonal[r+c] > 0 { ans[i] = 1 } for x := r - 1; x <= r+1; x++ { for y := c - 1; y <= c+1; y++ { if x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= n || y >= n || !points[pair{x, y}] { continue } delete(points, pair{x, y}) row[x]-- col[y]-- diagonal[x-y]-- antiDiagonal[x+y]-- } } } return ans }
python3 解法, 执行用时: 320 ms, 内存消耗: 33.1 MB, 提交时间: 2023-05-14 19:44:50
class Solution: def gridIllumination(self, n: int, lamps: List[List[int]], queries: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]: points = set() row, col, diagonal, antiDiagonal = Counter(), Counter(), Counter(), Counter() for r, c in lamps: if (r, c) in points: continue points.add((r, c)) row[r] += 1 col[c] += 1 diagonal[r - c] += 1 antiDiagonal[r + c] += 1 ans = [0] * len(queries) for i, (r, c) in enumerate(queries): if row[r] or col[c] or diagonal[r - c] or antiDiagonal[r + c]: ans[i] = 1 for x in range(r - 1, r + 2): for y in range(c - 1, c + 2): if x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= n or y >= n or (x, y) not in points: continue points.remove((x, y)) row[x] -= 1 col[y] -= 1 diagonal[x - y] -= 1 antiDiagonal[x + y] -= 1 return ans