

550. 游戏玩法分析 IV

Table: Activity

| Column Name  | Type    |
| player_id    | int     |
| device_id    | int     |
| event_date   | date    |
| games_played | int     |
每一行是一个玩家的记录,他在某一天使用某个设备注销之前登录并玩了很多游戏(可能是 0)。


编写一个 SQL 查询,报告在首次登录的第二天再次登录的玩家的比率,四舍五入到小数点后两位。换句话说,您需要计算从首次登录日期开始至少连续两天登录的玩家的数量,然后除以玩家总数。


Activity table:
| player_id | device_id | event_date | games_played |
| 1         | 2         | 2016-03-01 | 5            |
| 1         | 2         | 2016-03-02 | 6            |
| 2         | 3         | 2017-06-25 | 1            |
| 3         | 1         | 2016-03-02 | 0            |
| 3         | 4         | 2018-07-03 | 5            |

Result table:
| fraction  |
| 0.33      |
只有 ID 为 1 的玩家在第一天登录后才重新登录,所以答案是 1/3 = 0.33


游戏玩法分析 III

游戏玩法分析 V



上次编辑到这里,代码来自缓存 点击恢复默认模板
# Write your MySQL query statement below

pythondata 解法, 执行用时: 781 ms, 内存消耗: 68.5 MB, 提交时间: 2024-05-27 11:26:34

# 使用merge
import pandas as pd

def gameplay_analysis2(activity: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    # 根据玩家分组,找到每位玩家的第一次登录日期
    first_login = activity.groupby('player_id')['event_date'].min()

    # 计算每位玩家的第二次登录日期(第一次登录日期 + 1天)
    second_login = first_login + pd.DateOffset(days=1)

    # 将第二次登录日期与原数据表合并
    merged_table = pd.merge(activity, second_login, on='player_id', how='left')

    # 计算满足条件的行数:第二次登录日期等于实际登录日期的行数
    matching_rows_count = len(merged_table.query('event_date_x == event_date_y'))

    # 计算满足条件的玩家比例:满足条件的玩家数量 / 所有玩家数量
    fraction = round(matching_rows_count / activity['player_id'].nunique(), 2)

    # 创建结果 DataFrame 并返回
    result_df = pd.DataFrame({'fraction': [fraction]})
    return result_df
# 使用transform
def gameplay_analysis(activity: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    # 根据玩家分组,计算每位玩家的第二次登录日期(第一次登录日期 + 1天)
    second_login = activity.groupby('player_id')['event_date'].transform(lambda x: x.min() + pd.DateOffset(days=1))

    # 计算满足条件的行数:第二次登录日期等于实际登录日期的行数
    matching_rows_count = (second_login == activity['event_date']).sum()

    # 计算满足条件的玩家比例:满足条件的玩家数量 / 所有玩家数量
    fraction = round(matching_rows_count / activity['player_id'].nunique(), 2)

    # 创建结果 DataFrame 并返回
    result_df = pd.DataFrame({'fraction': [fraction]})
    return result_df

mysql 解法, 执行用时: 344 ms, 内存消耗: 0 B, 提交时间: 2023-04-02 12:14:43

# Write your MySQL query statement below
        count(distinct player_id)/ 
    	(select count(distinct player_id) from activity)
    ,0) as fraction
from activity 
where (player_id, event_date) in
    select player_id, date(min(event_date) + 1)
    from activity
    group by player_id


mysql 解法, 执行用时: 355 ms, 内存消耗: 0 B, 提交时间: 2023-04-02 12:14:29

# Write your MySQL query statement below
# Write your MySQL query statement below
select round(avg(a.event_date is not null), 2) fraction
    (select player_id, min(event_date) as login
    from activity
    group by player_id) p 
left join activity a 
on p.player_id=a.player_id and datediff(a.event_date, p.login)=1

mysql 解法, 执行用时: 370 ms, 内存消耗: 0 B, 提交时间: 2023-04-02 12:14:16

# Write your MySQL query statement below
select round(avg(event_date is not null), 2) as fraction from (
	select player_id, min(event_date) as first_login from activity
	group by player_id
) temp left join activity
on temp.player_id = activity.player_id
and datediff(event_date, first_login) = 1;

mysql 解法, 执行用时: 353 ms, 内存消耗: 0 B, 提交时间: 2023-04-02 12:13:57

# Write your MySQL query statement below
with temp as (
		datediff(event_date, min(event_date) over(partition by player_id)) as diff
	from activity
) select round(
	sum(case diff when 1 then 1 else 0 end) /
	count(distinct player_id),
2) as fraction from temp;

mysql 解法, 执行用时: 363 ms, 内存消耗: 0 B, 提交时间: 2023-04-02 12:13:46

# Write your MySQL query statement below
select round((
	(select count(player_id) from (
			datediff(event_date, min(event_date) over(partition by player_id)) as diff
		from activity
	) as temp where diff = 1) / (select count(distinct player_id) from activity)
), 2) as fraction;

mysql 解法, 执行用时: 516 ms, 内存消耗: 0 B, 提交时间: 2023-04-02 12:13:11

# Write your MySQL query statement below
select round((select count(player_id) from (
			over(partition by player_id order by event_date) as next_date,
		rank() over(partition by player_id order by event_date) as login_times
	from activity
) as temp where datediff(event_date, next_date) = 1 and login_times = 2)
(select count(player_id) from (
	select player_id from activity group by player_id
) as temp), 2) as fraction;
