LCP 48. 无限棋局
小力正在通过残局练习来备战「力扣挑战赛」中的「五子棋」项目,他想请你能帮他预测当前残局的输赢情况。棋盘中的棋子分布信息记录于二维数组 pieces
中,其中 pieces[i] = [x,y,color]
表示第 i
枚棋子的横坐标为 x
,纵坐标为 y
,棋子颜色为 color
表示白棋)。假如黑棋先行,并且黑棋和白棋都按最优策略落子,请你求出当前棋局在三步(按 黑、白、黑 的落子顺序)之内的输赢情况(三步之内先构成同行、列或对角线连续同颜色的至少 5 颗即为获胜):
示例 1:
pieces = [[0,0,1],[1,1,1],[2,2,0]]
示例 2:
pieces = [[1,2,1],[1,4,1],[1,5,1],[2,1,0],[2,3,0],[2,4,0],[3,2,1],[3,4,0],[4,2,1],[5,2,1]]
解释:三步之内黑棋必胜,以下是一种可能的落子情况: {:width="300px"}
0 <= pieces.length <= 1000
pieces[i].length = 3
-10^9 <= pieces[i][0], pieces[i][1] <=10^9
0 <= pieces[i][2] <=1
cpp 解法, 执行用时: 152 ms, 内存消耗: 22.1 MB, 提交时间: 2023-10-27 22:36:20
using PII = pair<int,int>; using PLL = pair<long,long>; constexpr PII dirs[4]={{0,1}, {1,0}, {1,1}, {1,-1}}; int ptr_uf[10000], cnt_uf[10000]; void init_uf(int n){ for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){ ptr_uf[i] = i; cnt_uf[i] = 1; } } int find_uf(int i){ return i==ptr_uf[i]?i:(ptr_uf[i]=find_uf(ptr_uf[i])); } void add_uf(int i, int j){ i = find_uf(i); j = find_uf(j); if(i!=j){ cnt_uf[i] += cnt_uf[j]; cnt_uf[j] = 0; ptr_uf[j] = i; } } inline long codec(int x, int y, int color){ constexpr int W = 31; constexpr long D = 1e9+10; return ((((x+D)<<W)|(y+D))<<1)|color; } inline tuple<int,int,int> decode(long c){ constexpr long W = 31, M = (1L<<W)-1; constexpr long D = 1e9+10; return {((c>>(W+1))&M)-D, ((c>>1)&M)-D, c&1}; } class Solution { unordered_set<long> piece_set; unordered_set<long> check_one_step(vector<vector<int>>& pieces, int color){ int other_color = 1-color; unordered_set<long> win_steps; for(auto &p:pieces){ if(p[2]==color){ int x0 = p[0], y0 = p[1]; for(auto [dx, dy]:dirs){ for(int d=0; d<5; ++d){ int x1 = x0-d*dx, y1 = y0-d*dy, n1=0, n2=0, x2, y2; for(int x=x1, y=y1, k=0; k<5; ++k, x+=dx, y+=dy){ if(piece_set.count(codec(x,y,color))){ ++n1; } else if(piece_set.count(codec(x,y,other_color))){ ++n2; } else { x2 = x, y2 = y; } } if(n1==4 and n2==0){ win_steps.insert(codec(x2, y2, color)); } } } } } return win_steps; } bool check_two_step(vector<vector<int>>& pieces, int color){ int other_color = 1-color; vector<PLL> win_steps; unordered_set<long> pts; long buf[10]; for(auto &p:pieces){ if(p[2]==color){ int x0 = p[0], y0 = p[1]; for(auto [dx, dy]:dirs){ for(int d=0; d<5; ++d){ int x1 = x0-d*dx, y1 = y0-d*dy, n1=0, n2=0, l=0; for(int x=x1, y=y1, k=0; k<5; ++k, x+=dx, y+=dy){ if(piece_set.count(codec(x,y,color))){ ++n1; } else if(piece_set.count(codec(x,y,other_color))){ ++n2; } else { buf[l++] = codec(x, y, color); } } if(n1==3 and n2==0){ win_steps.emplace_back(buf[0], buf[1]); pts.insert(buf[0]); pts.insert(buf[1]); } } } } } unordered_map<long,int> pt_ids; for(auto p:pts){ int i = pt_ids.size(); pt_ids[p] = i; } init_uf(pt_ids.size()); for(auto [p1, p2]:win_steps){ int i1=pt_ids[p1], i2=pt_ids[p2]; add_uf(i1, i2); } for(int i=0, n=pt_ids.size(); i<n; ++i){ if(cnt_uf[i]>=3){ return true; } } return false; } public: string gobang(vector<vector<int>>& pieces) { for(auto &p:pieces){ piece_set.insert(codec(p[0], p[1], p[2])); } auto black_one_steps = check_one_step(pieces, 0); auto white_one_steps = check_one_step(pieces, 1); if(black_one_steps.size()>=1){ return "Black"; } else if(white_one_steps.size()>=2){ return "White"; } else if(white_one_steps.size()>=1){ // 黑棋堵住白棋必胜步 auto [black_x0, black_y0, black_c0] = decode(*white_one_steps.begin()); pieces.push_back({black_x0, black_y0, 0}); piece_set.insert(codec(black_x0, black_y0, 0)); auto black_steps_v2 = check_one_step(pieces, 0); if(black_steps_v2.size()>=2){ return "Black"; } else { return "None"; } } else if(check_two_step(pieces, 0)){ return "Black"; } else { return "None"; } } };
java 解法, 执行用时: 63 ms, 内存消耗: 44.7 MB, 提交时间: 2023-10-27 22:35:29
class Solution { public String gobang(int[][] pieces) { Map<Long, List<Long>> rows = new HashMap<>(); Map<Long, List<Long>> cols = new HashMap<>(); Map<Long, List<Long>> cls = new HashMap<>(); Map<Long, List<Long>> crs = new HashMap<>(); // true:black false:white Map<Long, Integer> cm = new HashMap<>(); for (int[] p : pieces) { long r = p[0]; long c = p[1]; long pos = offset(r, c); cm.put(pos, p[2]); // row rows.computeIfAbsent(r, z -> new ArrayList<>()).add(c); cols.computeIfAbsent(c, z -> new ArrayList<>()).add(r); cls.computeIfAbsent(r + c, z -> new ArrayList<>()).add(r); crs.computeIfAbsent(r - c, z -> new ArrayList<>()).add(r); } // S1:寻找黑方制胜点 // am,key 在某处落子,会使得生成line Map<Long, Set<Line>> black4Map = new HashMap<>(); Map<Long, Set<Line>> black3Map = new HashMap<>(); Map<Long, Set<Line>> white4Map = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Map<Long, List<Long>> m = null; if (i == 0) m = rows; if (i == 1) m = cols; if (i == 2) m = cls; if (i == 3) m = crs; for (Long v : m.keySet()) { List<Long> pl = m.get(v); int size = pl.size(); if (size < 3) { continue; } Collections.sort(pl); for (int idx = 0; idx < size; idx++) { long pos = pl.get(idx); long[] r = new long[8]; long[] c = new long[8]; int[] colors = new int[8]; int[] cc = new int[3]; for (int k = 0; k < 7; k++) { if (i == 0) { r[k] = v; c[k] = pos - 2 + k; } else if (i == 1) { r[k] = pos - 2 + k; c[k] = v; } else if (i == 2) { r[k] = pos - 2 + k; c[k] = v - r[k]; } else { r[k] = pos - 2 + k; c[k] = r[k] - v; } // -1 means blank colors[k] = cm.getOrDefault(offset(r[k], c[k]), 2); cc[colors[k]]++; if (k >= 5) { cc[colors[k - 5]]--; } if (k >= 4) { int bc = cc[2]; Map<Long, Set<Line>> setMap = colors[2] == 0 ? black4Map : white4Map; int th = cc[colors[2]]; int oc = 5 - bc - th; if (oc != 0 || th < 3) { // 存在他色或自色不够 continue; } if (th == 4) { // 四个相同色 for (int z = k - 4; z <= k; z++) { if (colors[z] == 2) { setMap.computeIfAbsent(offset(r[z], c[z]), g -> new HashSet<>()) .add(new Line(offset(r[k - 4], c[k - 4]), offset(r[k], c[k]), 0)); break; } } } else if (colors[2] == 0) { // 三个相同色 int o1 = -1; int o2 = -1; for (int z = k - 4; z <= k; z++) { if (colors[z] == 2) { if (o1 == -1) { o1 = z; } else if (o2 == -1) { o2 = z; } } } black3Map.computeIfAbsent(offset(r[o1], c[o1]), g -> new HashSet<>()) .add(new Line(offset(r[k - 4], c[k - 4]), offset(r[k], c[k]), offset(r[o2], c[o2]))); black3Map.computeIfAbsent(offset(r[o2], c[o2]), g -> new HashSet<>()) .add(new Line(offset(r[k - 4], c[k - 4]), offset(r[k], c[k]), offset(r[o1], c[o1]))); } } } } } } if (!black4Map.isEmpty()) { return "Black"; } if (white4Map.size() > 1) { return "White"; } if (white4Map.size() == 1) { // 黑色第一落点 long pos = new ArrayList<>(white4Map.keySet()).get(0); // 黑子落下后,是否形成多个4连 Set<Line> ls = black3Map.get(pos); if (null == ls || ls.size() < 2) { return "None"; } else { return "Black"; } } // 白色无限制 for (long sel : black3Map.keySet()) { Set<Line> ss = black3Map.get(sel); if (ss.size() < 2) { continue; } Set<Long> np = new HashSet<>(); for (Line l : ss) { np.add(l.leak); } if (np.size() > 1) { return "Black"; } } return "None"; } long offset(long row, long col) { return (row << 30) + col; } } class Line { long s; long e; long leak; public Line(long s, long e, long leak) { this.s = s; this.e = e; this.leak = leak; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Line line = (Line) o; return s == line.s && e == line.e; } @Override public String toString() { return "Line{" + "s=" + s + ", e=" + e + ", leak=" + leak + '}'; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(s, e); } }
java 解法, 执行用时: 133 ms, 内存消耗: 46.3 MB, 提交时间: 2023-10-27 22:35:13
class Solution { public String gobang(int[][] pieces) { Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> map = new HashMap<>(); for (int[] piece : pieces) { map.putIfAbsent(piece[0], new HashMap<>()); map.get(piece[0]).put(piece[1], piece[2]); } if (howManyWins(map, 0).size() > 0) return "Black"; Set<String> whiteWins = howManyWins(map, 1); if (whiteWins.size() > 0) { if (whiteWins.size() > 1) return "White"; int[] onlyPosition = new int[2]; for (String s : whiteWins) { onlyPosition[0] = Integer.parseInt(s.split(";")[0]); onlyPosition[1] = Integer.parseInt(s.split(";")[1]); } if (check(map, onlyPosition[0], onlyPosition[1]).size() > 1) return "Black"; else return "None"; } Set<String> emptyPositions = threeInFive(map); for (String p : emptyPositions) { int p0 = Integer.parseInt(p.split(";")[0]); int p1 = Integer.parseInt(p.split(";")[1]); if (check(map, p0, p1).size() > 1) return "Black"; } return "None"; } public Set<String> threeInFive(Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> map) { Set<String> set = new HashSet<>(); for (Integer x : map.keySet()) { for (Integer y : map.get(x).keySet()) { if (map.get(x).get(y) == 0) { for (int[] dir : dirs) { List<Integer> left = new ArrayList<>(); int step = 1; while (step <= 4) { int nx = x + dir[0] * step; int ny = y + dir[1] * step; if (!map.containsKey(nx)) { if (left.size() > 1) break; left.add(step); } else if (!map.get(nx).containsKey(ny)) { if (left.size() > 1) break; left.add(step); } else if (map.get(nx).get(ny) != 0) break; step++; } if (step != 5) continue; for (int l : left) { set.add((x + dir[0] * l) + ";" + (y + dir[1] * l)); } } } } } return set; } int[][] dirs = new int[][]{{1, 0}, {-1, 0}, {0, 1}, {0, -1}, {1, 1}, {1, -1}, {-1, 1}, {-1, -1}}; public Set<String> check(Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> map, int x, int y) { Set<String> set = new HashSet<>(); for (int[] dir : dirs) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { int j = 0; int left = -10; for (j = 0; j < 5; ++j) { if (i == j) continue; int xPos = x + dir[0] * (i - j); int yPos = y + dir[1] * (i - j); if (!map.containsKey(xPos)) { if (left != -10) break; left = i - j; } else if (!map.get(xPos).containsKey(yPos)) { if (left != -10) break; left = i - j; } else if (map.get(xPos).get(yPos) != 0) break; } if (j != 5) continue; if (left != -10) { String s = (x + dir[0] * left) + ";" + (y + dir[1] * left); set.add(s); } } } return set; } public Set<String> howManyWins(Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> map, int color) { Set<String> set = new HashSet<>(); for (Integer x : map.keySet()) { for (Integer y : map.get(x).keySet()) { if (map.get(x).get(y) == color) { for (int[] dir : dirs) { int step = 1; int left = 0; while (step <= 4) { int nx = x + dir[0] * step; int ny = y + dir[1] * step; if (!map.containsKey(nx)) { if (left != 0) break; left = step; } else if (!map.get(nx).containsKey(ny)) { if (left != 0) break; left = step; } else if (map.get(nx).get(ny) != color) break; step++; } if (step != 5) continue; String s = (x + dir[0] * left) + ";" + (y + dir[1] * left); set.add(s); } } } } return set; } }
python3 解法, 执行用时: 236 ms, 内存消耗: 19.1 MB, 提交时间: 2023-10-27 22:34:33
from sortedcontainers import SortedList class Solution: def gobang(self, pieces: List[List[int]]) -> str: B = [defaultdict(SortedList) for _ in range(4)] # 黑棋的四类直线:水平, 垂直, 斜率为1, 斜率为-1 W = [defaultdict(SortedList) for _ in range(4)] # 白棋的四类直线:水平, 垂直, 斜率为1, 斜率为-1 def add_piece(x, y, c): P = W if c else B P[0][y].add(x) P[1][x].add(y) P[2][y - x].add(x) P[3][y + x].add(x) def get_pos(k, v, d): if d == 0: x, y = v, k elif d == 1: x, y = k, v elif d == 2: x, y = v, k + v elif d == 3: x, y = v, k - v return (x, y) # 找到P的棋子中,冲np(3或4)的点(填上这个点就必胜,并且没有Q的棋子阻挡) def find_win_ps(P, Q, np) -> defaultdict(set): win_points = defaultdict(set) for d in range(4): for k in P[d]: ps, n = P[d][k], len(P[d][k]) if n < np: continue for i in range(n + 1 - np): dif = ps[i + np - 1] - ps[i] if dif < 5: # <5 说明能成5 # 找出空缺的v。找规律发现在[ps[i]-(4-dif), ps[i] + 5],不是已有的v的点 vs = [v for v in range(ps[i] + dif - 4, ps[i] + 5) if v not in ps[i:i + np] and not has_piece(Q, (k, v, d))] nvs = len(vs) if nvs < 5 - np: continue # 3->2, 4->1 dt = 4 - np for j in range(nvs - dt): v1, v2 = vs[j], vs[j + dt] if v2 - v1 > 4: continue xy1, xy2 = get_pos(k, v1, d), get_pos(k, v2, d) win_points[xy1].add(xy2) win_points[xy2].add(xy1) if np == 4 and len(win_points) > 1: return win_points return win_points def has_piece(X, kvd) -> bool: k, v, d = kvd return k in X[d] and v in X[d][k] # 开始,棋子先存好 for x, y, c in pieces: add_piece(x, y, c) # 1. 黑先手有4连黑子,并且有空位放下能成5连黑子,就黑胜 if len(find_win_ps(B, W, 4)) > 0: return 'Black' # 白如果有多个冲4就赢 live_w4 = find_win_ps(W, B, 4) if len(live_w4) > 1: return 'White' # 白只有1个冲4,黑先堵上;如果黑有多个冲4就赢,否则None if len(live_w4) == 1: x, y = list(live_w4.keys())[0] add_piece(x, y, 0) return 'Black' if len(find_win_ps(B, W, 4)) > 1 else 'None' # 检查最开始如果有形成双4的点,就黑赢 return 'Black' if any(len(ds) > 1 for ds in find_win_ps(B, W, 3).values()) else 'None'
python3 解法, 执行用时: 416 ms, 内存消耗: 19.8 MB, 提交时间: 2023-10-27 22:34:01
class Solution: def gobang(self, pieces: List[List[int]]) -> str: D = [(1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (-1, 1)] board = {(x,y):c for x, y, c in pieces} # 枚举指定颜色棋子五子连线的所有方案(当前棋盘额外最多下两子) def findLines(color) : lines = DefaultDict(list) for x, y, c in pieces : # 枚举棋盘上所有指定颜色棋子的位置 if c != color : continue for i, (dx, dy) in enumerate(D) : # 连线有四个方向 for k in range(3) : # 因为最多额外下两子,连线端点偏离已有棋子不超过2 nx, ny = x-dx*k, y-dy*k head = (nx, ny, i) if head in lines : continue # 该“端点&方向”已存在 for _ in range(5) : # 把该连线上剩下的落子位找到 c = board.get((nx, ny), -1) if c != color : if c >= 0 or len(lines[head]) >= 2 : # 该连线上有异色棋子,或空位过多,舍弃 lines[head].clear() break lines[head].append((nx, ny)) nx, ny = nx+dx, ny+dy # 按待落子数归类连线方案 res = [[] for _ in range(3)] for v in lines.values() : if len(v) : res[len(v)].append(v) return res # 若黑棋存在一步致胜的方案,则黑胜 black = findLines(0) if len(black[1]) > 0 : return "Black" white = findLines(1) positions = set(line[0] for line in white[1]) # 不同的连线可能包含相同的落子位,须去重 # 若白棋存在多个一步制胜的落子位,则白胜 if len(positions) > 1 : return "White" if len(positions) == 1 : # 若白棋存在一个一步制胜的落子位,则黑先手必须堵这个位置 x, y = positions.pop() pieces.append([x, y, 0]) board[(x, y)] = 0 black = findLines(0) # 黑棋堵位后,黑棋存在多个一步制胜的落子位,则黑剩,否则平 positions = set(line[0] for line in black[1]) return "Black" if len(positions) > 1 else "None" # 若白棋不存在一步制胜的落子位,黑须落一子创造多于一个一步制胜的落子位才能在两步内获胜 pairs = set((pair[0], pair[1]) for pair in black[2]) # 不同的连线可能包含相同的两个落子位,须去重 positions = set() for p1, p2 in pairs : # 若某个落子位在之前落子对中已出现,下该位置能产生两个一步致胜的位置 if p1 in positions or p2 in positions : return "Black" positions.add(p1) positions.add(p2) return "None"
golang 解法, 执行用时: 324 ms, 内存消耗: 6.8 MB, 提交时间: 2023-10-27 22:33:38
const ( black = "Black" white = "White" none = "None" ) type pair struct{ x, y int } var dir8 = []pair{{1, 0}, {1, 1}, {0, 1}, {-1, 1}, {-1, 0}, {-1, -1}, {0, -1}, {1, -1}} func gobang(pieces [][]int) string { color := make(map[pair]int, len(pieces)+1) for _, p := range pieces { p[2]++ // 为方便利用零值,将黑改为 1,白改为 2 color[pair{p[0], p[1]}] = p[2] } // 在 (i,j) 落子,颜色为 c,判断落子的一方是否获胜 checkWin := func(i, j, c int) bool { for k, d := range dir8[:4] { cnt := 1 // 检查一个方向 for x, y := i+d.x, j+d.y; color[pair{x, y}] == c; x, y = x+d.x, y+d.y { cnt++ } // 检查相反的另一方向 d = dir8[k^4] for x, y := i+d.x, j+d.y; color[pair{x, y}] == c; x, y = x+d.x, y+d.y { cnt++ } if cnt >= 5 { return true } } return false } // 1. 黑第一手就可以获胜 for _, p := range pieces { if p[2] == 2 { continue } i, j := p[0], p[1] for _, d := range dir8 { // 黑要想一步获胜只能下在黑子周围 if x, y := i+d.x, j+d.y; color[pair{x, y}] == 0 && checkWin(x, y, 1) { return black } } } // 2. 黑第一手无法获胜 whites := map[pair]bool{} posW := pair{} for _, p := range pieces { if p[2] == 1 { continue } i, j := p[0], p[1] for _, d := range dir8 { // 白要想一步获胜只能下在白子周围 x, y := i+d.x, j+d.y q := pair{x, y} if color[q] == 0 && checkWin(x, y, 2) { // 2.1 白可以一步胜,且获胜位置不止一处 if whites[q] = true; len(whites) > 1 { return white } posW = q } } } // 2.2 白可以一步胜,但获胜位置只有一处 if len(whites) == 1 { color[posW] = 1 // 黑第一手下在该处,阻止白获胜 blacks := map[pair]bool{} // 检查第三步的黑能否获胜 checkBlackWin := func(i, j int) bool { for _, d := range dir8 { // 黑要获胜只能下在黑子周围 x, y := i+d.x, j+d.y p := pair{x, y} if color[p] == 0 && checkWin(x, y, 1) { if blacks[p] = true; len(blacks) > 1 { return true } } } return false } checkBlackWin(posW.x, posW.y) for _, p := range pieces { if p[2] == 1 && checkBlackWin(p[0], p[1]) { return black } } return none } // 3. 白无法获胜,于是白的策略是防止黑获胜 // 根据黑第一步的落子位置,在该位置周围枚举黑第三步的落子位置,检查黑能否获胜 checkBlackWin := func(i0, j0 int) bool { blacks := map[pair]bool{} for k, d := range dir8 { for l, i, j := 0, i0, j0; l < 5; l++ { // 如果黑可以获胜,这两枚黑子的距离不会超过 5 i += d.x j += d.y p := pair{i, j} if color[p] > 0 { continue } cnt := 1 // 检查一个方向 for x, y := i+d.x, j+d.y; color[pair{x, y}] == 1; x, y = x+d.x, y+d.y { cnt++ } // 检查相反的另一方向 d2 := dir8[k^4] for x, y := i+d2.x, j+d2.y; color[pair{x, y}] == 1; x, y = x+d2.x, y+d2.y { cnt++ } if cnt >= 5 { if blacks[p] = true; len(blacks) > 1 { return true } } } } return false } vis := map[pair]bool{} // 常数优化:避免重复枚举 for _, p := range pieces { if p[2] == 2 { continue } i, j := p[0], p[1] // 枚举黑第一步的落子。由于黑要下两手棋,需要枚举黑子周围两圈 for dx := -2; dx <= 2; dx++ { for dy := -2; dy <= 2; dy++ { if dx == 0 && dy == 0 { continue } x, y := i+dx, j+dy q := pair{x, y} if vis[q] || color[q] > 0 { continue } color[q] = 1 // 黑落子 vis[q] = true if checkBlackWin(x, y) { return black } delete(color, q) } } } return none }