# Write your MySQL query statement below
1613. 找到遗失的ID
表: Customers
+---------------+---------+ | Column Name | Type | +---------------+---------+ | customer_id | int | | customer_name | varchar | +---------------+---------+ customer_id 是该表主键. 该表第一行包含了顾客的名字和 id.
编写一个解决方案, 找到所有遗失的顾客 id。遗失的顾客 id 是指那些不在 Customers
表中, 值却处于 1
和表中 最大 customer_id
之间的 id.
注意: 最大的 customer_id
值不会超过 100
返回结果按 ids
升序 排列
示例 1:
输入: Customers
表: +-------------+---------------+ | customer_id | customer_name | +-------------+---------------+ | 1 | Alice | | 4 | Bob | | 5 | Charlie | +-------------+---------------+ 输出: +-----+ |ids
| +-----+ | 2 | | 3 | +-----+ 解释: 表中最大的 customer_id 是 5, 所以在范围 [1,5] 内, ID2 和 3 从表中遗失.
mysql 解法, 执行用时: 252 ms, 内存消耗: 0 B, 提交时间: 2023-10-15 19:52:19
# Write your MySQL query statement below with recursive tmp as ( select 1 as n union all select n + 1 from tmp where n <= 100 ) select n as ids from tmp where n not in ( select customer_id from Customers ) and n <=( select max(customer_id) from Customers );