

1728. 猫和老鼠 II


它们所处的环境设定是一个 rows x cols 的方格 grid ,其中每个格子可能是一堵墙、一块地板、一位玩家(猫或者老鼠)或者食物。


游戏有 4 种方式会结束:

给你 rows x cols 的矩阵 grid 和两个整数 catJump 和 mouseJump ,双方都采取最优策略,如果老鼠获胜,那么请你返回 true ,否则返回 false 。


示例 1:

输入:grid = ["####F","#C...","M...."], catJump = 1, mouseJump = 2

示例 2:

输入:grid = ["M.C...F"], catJump = 1, mouseJump = 4

示例 3:

输入:grid = ["M.C...F"], catJump = 1, mouseJump = 3

示例 4:

输入:grid = ["C...#","...#F","....#","M...."], catJump = 2, mouseJump = 5

示例 5:

输入:grid = [".M...","..#..","#..#.","C#.#.","...#F"], catJump = 3, mouseJump = 1





上次编辑到这里,代码来自缓存 点击恢复默认模板
class Solution { public: bool canMouseWin(vector<string>& grid, int catJump, int mouseJump) { } };

golang 解法, 执行用时: 23 ms, 内存消耗: 9.2 MB, 提交时间: 2025-02-11 09:28:52

// 913. 猫和老鼠
func catMouseGame(gMouse, gCat [][]int, mouseStart, catStart, hole int) int {
    n := len(gMouse)
    deg := make([][][2]int, n)
    for i := range deg {
        deg[i] = make([][2]int, n)
    for i, m := range gMouse {
        for j, c := range gCat {
            deg[i][j][0] = len(m)
            deg[i][j][1] = len(c)

    winner := make([][][2]int, n)
    for i := range winner {
        winner[i] = make([][2]int, n)
    q := [][3]int{}
    for i := range n {
        winner[hole][i][1] = 1 // 鼠到达洞中(此时轮到猫移动),鼠获胜
        winner[i][hole][0] = 2 // 猫到达洞中(此时轮到鼠移动),猫获胜
        winner[i][i][0] = 2    // 猫和鼠出现在同一个节点,无论轮到谁移动,都是猫获胜
        winner[i][i][1] = 2
        q = append(q, [3]int{hole, i, 1})
        q = append(q, [3]int{i, hole, 0})
        q = append(q, [3]int{i, i, 0})
        q = append(q, [3]int{i, i, 1})

    // 获取 (mouse, cat, turn) 的上个状态(值尚未确定)
    getPreStates := func(mouse, cat, turn int) (preStates [][2]int) {
        if turn == 0 { // 当前轮到鼠移动
            for _, preCat := range gCat[cat] { // 上一轮猫的位置
                if winner[mouse][preCat][1] == 0 { // 猫无法移动到洞中
                    preStates = append(preStates, [2]int{mouse, preCat})
        } else { // 当前轮到猫移动
            for _, preMouse := range gMouse[mouse] { // 上一轮鼠的位置
                if winner[preMouse][cat][0] == 0 {
                    preStates = append(preStates, [2]int{preMouse, cat})
        return preStates

    // 减少上个状态的度数
    decDegToZero := func(preMouse, preCat, preTurn int) bool {
        return deg[preMouse][preCat][preTurn] == 0

    for len(q) > 0 {
        mouse, cat, turn := q[0][0], q[0][1], q[0][2]
        q = q[1:]
        win := winner[mouse][cat][turn] // 最终谁赢了
        for _, pre := range getPreStates(mouse, cat, turn) {
            preMouse, preCat, preTurn := pre[0], pre[1], turn^1
            // 情况一:如果上一回合鼠从 pre 移动到 cur,最终鼠赢,那么标记 pre 状态的 winner = 鼠
            // 情况二:如果上一回合猫从 pre 移动到 cur,最终猫赢,那么标记 pre 状态的 winner = 猫
            // 情况三:如果上一回合鼠从 pre 移动到 cur,最终猫赢,那么待定,直到我们发现从 pre 出发能到达的状态都是猫赢,那么标记 pre 状态的 winner = 猫
            // 情况四:如果上一回合猫从 pre 移动到 cur,最终鼠赢,那么待定,直到我们发现从 pre 出发能到达的状态都是鼠赢,那么标记 pre 状态的 winner = 鼠
            if preTurn == win-1 || decDegToZero(preMouse, preCat, preTurn) {
                winner[preMouse][preCat][preTurn] = win
                q = append(q, [3]int{preMouse, preCat, preTurn}) // 继续倒推

    // 鼠在节点 mouseStart,猫在节点 catStart,当前轮到鼠移动
    return winner[mouseStart][catStart][0] // 返回最终谁赢了(或者平局)

func canMouseWin(grid []string, catJump, mouseJump int) bool {
    dirs := [4]struct{ dx, dy int }{{0, -1}, {0, 1}, {-1, 0}, {1, 0}} // 左右上下
    m, n := len(grid), len(grid[0])
    // 鼠和猫分别建图
    gMouse := make([][]int, m*n)
    gCat := make([][]int, m*n)
    var mx, my, cx, cy, fx, fy int
    for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
        for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
            if grid[i][j] == '#' { // 墙
            if grid[i][j] == 'M' { // 鼠的位置
                mx, my = i, j
            } else if grid[i][j] == 'C' { // 猫的位置
                cx, cy = i, j
            } else if grid[i][j] == 'F' { // 食物(洞)的位置
                fx, fy = i, j
            v := i*n + j // 二维坐标 (i,j) 映射为一维坐标 v
            for _, d := range dirs { // 枚举左右上下四个方向
                for k := range mouseJump + 1 { // 枚举跳跃长度
                    x, y := i+k*d.dx, j+k*d.dy
                    if x < 0 || x >= m || y < 0 || y >= n || grid[x][y] == '#' { // 出界或者遇到墙
                    gMouse[v] = append(gMouse[v], x*n+y) // 连边
                for k := range catJump + 1 { // 枚举跳跃长度
                    x, y := i+k*d.dx, j+k*d.dy
                    if x < 0 || x >= m || y < 0 || y >= n || grid[x][y] == '#' { // 出界或者遇到墙
                    gCat[v] = append(gCat[v], x*n+y) // 连边

    // 判断是否鼠赢
    return catMouseGame(gMouse, gCat, mx*n+my, cx*n+cy, fx*n+fy) == 1

cpp 解法, 执行用时: 115 ms, 内存消耗: 44.6 MB, 提交时间: 2025-02-11 09:28:34

class Solution {
    // 913. 猫和老鼠
    int catMouseGame(vector<vector<int>>& g_mouse, vector<vector<int>>& g_cat, int mouse_start, int cat_start, int hole) {
        int n = g_mouse.size();
        vector deg(n, vector<array<int, 2>>(n));
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                deg[i][j][0] = g_mouse[i].size();
                deg[i][j][1] = g_cat[j].size();

        vector winner(n, vector<array<int, 2>>(n));
        queue<tuple<int, int, int>> q;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            winner[hole][i][1] = 1; // 鼠到达洞中(此时轮到猫移动),鼠获胜
            winner[i][hole][0] = 2;  // 猫到达洞中(此时轮到鼠移动),猫获胜
            winner[i][i][0] = winner[i][i][1] = 2; // 猫和鼠出现在同一个节点,无论轮到谁移动,都是猫获胜
            q.emplace(hole, i, 1);
            q.emplace(i, hole, 0);
            q.emplace(i, i, 0);
            q.emplace(i, i, 1);

        // 获取 (mouse, cat, turn) 的上个状态(值尚未确定)
        auto get_pre_states = [&](int mouse, int cat, int turn) {
            vector<pair<int, int>> pre_states;
            if (turn == 0) { // 当前轮到鼠移动
                for (int pre_cat : g_cat[cat]) { // 上一轮猫的位置
                    if (winner[mouse][pre_cat][1] == 0) {
                        pre_states.emplace_back(mouse, pre_cat);
            } else { // 当前轮到猫移动
                for (int pre_mouse : g_mouse[mouse]) { // 上一轮鼠的位置
                    if (winner[pre_mouse][cat][0] == 0) {
                        pre_states.emplace_back(pre_mouse, cat);
            return pre_states;

        while (!q.empty()) {
            auto [mouse, cat, turn] = q.front(); q.pop();
            int win = winner[mouse][cat][turn]; // 最终谁赢了
            int pre_turn = turn ^ 1;
            for (auto [pre_mouse, pre_cat] : get_pre_states(mouse, cat, turn)) {
                // 情况一:如果上一回合鼠从 pre 移动到 cur,最终鼠赢,那么标记 pre 状态的 winner = 鼠
                // 情况二:如果上一回合猫从 pre 移动到 cur,最终猫赢,那么标记 pre 状态的 winner = 猫
                // 情况三:如果上一回合鼠从 pre 移动到 cur,最终猫赢,那么待定,直到我们发现从 pre 出发能到达的状态都是猫赢,那么标记 pre 状态的 winner = 猫
                // 情况四:如果上一回合猫从 pre 移动到 cur,最终鼠赢,那么待定,直到我们发现从 pre 出发能到达的状态都是鼠赢,那么标记 pre 状态的 winner = 鼠
                if (pre_turn == win - 1 || --deg[pre_mouse][pre_cat][pre_turn] == 0) {
                    winner[pre_mouse][pre_cat][pre_turn] = win;
                    q.emplace(pre_mouse, pre_cat, pre_turn); // 继续倒推

        // 鼠在节点 mouse_start,猫在节点 cat_start,当前轮到鼠移动
        return winner[mouse_start][cat_start][0]; // 返回最终谁赢了(或者平局)

    bool canMouseWin(vector<string>& grid, int catJump, int mouseJump) {
        static constexpr int DIRS[4][2] = {{0, 1}, {0, -1}, {1, 0}, {-1, 0}}; // 左右上下
        int m = grid.size(), n = grid[0].size();
        // 鼠和猫分别建图
        vector<vector<int>> g_mouse(m * n), g_cat(m * n);
        int mx, my, cx, cy, fx, fy;
        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                if (grid[i][j] == '#') { // 墙
                if (grid[i][j] == 'M') { // 鼠的位置
                    mx = i; my = j;
                } else if (grid[i][j] == 'C') { // 猫的位置
                    cx = i; cy = j;
                } else if (grid[i][j] == 'F') { // 食物(洞)的位置
                    fx = i; fy = j;
                int v = i * n + j; // 二维坐标 (i,j) 映射为一维坐标 v
                for (auto [dx, dy] : DIRS) { // 枚举左右上下四个方向
                    for (int k = 0; k <= mouseJump; k++) { // 枚举跳跃长度
                        int x = i + k * dx, y = j + k * dy;
                        if (x < 0 || x >= m || y < 0 || y >= n || grid[x][y] == '#') { // 出界或者遇到墙
                        g_mouse[v].push_back(x * n + y); // 连边
                    for (int k = 0; k <= catJump; k++) { // 枚举跳跃长度
                        int x = i + k * dx, y = j + k * dy;
                        if (x < 0 || x >= m || y < 0 || y >= n || grid[x][y] == '#') { // 出界或者遇到墙
                        g_cat[v].push_back(x * n + y); // 连边

        // 判断是否鼠赢
        return catMouseGame(g_mouse, g_cat, mx * n + my, cx * n + cy, fx * n + fy) == 1;

java 解法, 执行用时: 46 ms, 内存消耗: 44.4 MB, 提交时间: 2025-02-11 09:28:14

class Solution {
    private static final int[][] DIRS = {{0, -1}, {0, 1}, {-1, 0}, {1, 0}}; // 左右上下

    public boolean canMouseWin(String[] grid, int catJump, int mouseJump) {
        int m = grid.length, n = grid[0].length();
        // 鼠和猫分别建图
        List<Integer>[] gMouse = new ArrayList[m * n];
        List<Integer>[] gCat = new ArrayList[m * n];
        Arrays.setAll(gMouse, i -> new ArrayList<>());
        Arrays.setAll(gCat, i -> new ArrayList<>());
        int mx = 0, my = 0, cx = 0, cy = 0, fx = 0, fy = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                char c = grid[i].charAt(j);
                if (c == '#') { // 墙
                if (c == 'M') { // 鼠的位置
                    mx = i; my = j;
                } else if (c == 'C') { // 猫的位置
                    cx = i; cy = j;
                } else if (c == 'F') { // 食物(洞)的位置
                    fx = i; fy = j;
                int v = i * n + j; // 二维坐标 (i,j) 映射为一维坐标 v
                for (int[] dir : DIRS) { // 枚举左右上下四个方向
                    for (int k = 0; k <= mouseJump; k++) { // 枚举跳跃长度
                        int x = i + k * dir[0], y = j + k * dir[1];
                        if (x < 0 || x >= m || y < 0 || y >= n || grid[x].charAt(y) == '#') { // 出界或者遇到墙
                        gMouse[v].add(x * n + y); // 连边
                    for (int k = 0; k <= catJump; k++) { // 枚举跳跃长度
                        int x = i + k * dir[0], y = j + k * dir[1];
                        if (x < 0 || x >= m || y < 0 || y >= n || grid[x].charAt(y) == '#') { // 出界或者遇到墙
                        gCat[v].add(x * n + y); // 连边

        // 判断是否鼠赢
        return catMouseGame(gMouse, gCat, mx * n + my, cx * n + cy, fx * n + fy) == 1;

    // 913. 猫和老鼠
    private int catMouseGame(List<Integer>[] gMouse, List<Integer>[] gCat, int mouseStart, int catStart, int hole) {
        int n = gMouse.length;
        int[][][] deg = new int[n][n][2];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                deg[i][j][0] = gMouse[i].size();
                deg[i][j][1] = gCat[j].size();

        int[][][] winner = new int[n][n][2];
        Queue<int[]> q = new ArrayDeque<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            winner[hole][i][1] = 1; // 鼠到达洞中(此时轮到猫移动),鼠获胜
            winner[i][hole][0] = 2;  // 猫到达洞中(此时轮到鼠移动),猫获胜
            winner[i][i][0] = winner[i][i][1] = 2; // 猫和鼠出现在同一个节点,无论轮到谁移动,都是猫获胜
            q.offer(new int[]{hole, i, 1});
            q.offer(new int[]{i, hole, 0});
            q.offer(new int[]{i, i, 0});
            q.offer(new int[]{i, i, 1});

        while (!q.isEmpty()) {
            int[] cur = q.poll();
            int mouse = cur[0], cat = cur[1], turn = cur[2];
            int win = winner[mouse][cat][turn]; // 最终谁赢了
            for (int[] pre : getPreStates(mouse, cat, turn, gMouse, gCat, winner)) {
                int preMouse = pre[0], preCat = pre[1], preTurn = turn ^ 1;
                // 情况一:如果上一回合鼠从 pre 移动到 cur,最终鼠赢,那么标记 pre 状态的 winner = 鼠
                // 情况二:如果上一回合猫从 pre 移动到 cur,最终猫赢,那么标记 pre 状态的 winner = 猫
                // 情况三:如果上一回合鼠从 pre 移动到 cur,最终猫赢,那么待定,直到我们发现从 pre 出发能到达的状态都是猫赢,那么标记 pre 状态的 winner = 猫
                // 情况四:如果上一回合猫从 pre 移动到 cur,最终鼠赢,那么待定,直到我们发现从 pre 出发能到达的状态都是鼠赢,那么标记 pre 状态的 winner = 鼠
                if (preTurn == win - 1 || --deg[preMouse][preCat][preTurn] == 0) {
                    winner[preMouse][preCat][preTurn] = win;
                    q.offer(new int[]{preMouse, preCat, preTurn}); // 继续倒推

        // 鼠在节点 mouseStart,猫在节点 catStart,当前轮到鼠移动
        return winner[mouseStart][catStart][0]; // 返回最终谁赢了(或者平局)

    // 获取 (mouse, cat, turn) 的上个状态(值尚未确定)
    private List<int[]> getPreStates(int mouse, int cat, int turn, List<Integer>[] gMouse, List<Integer>[] gCat, int[][][] winner) {
        List<int[]> preStates = new ArrayList<>();
        if (turn == 0) { // 当前轮到鼠移动
            for (int preCat : gCat[cat]) { // 上一轮猫的位置
                if (winner[mouse][preCat][1] == 0) { // 猫无法移动到洞中
                    preStates.add(new int[]{mouse, preCat});
        } else { // 当前轮到猫移动
            for (int preMouse : gMouse[mouse]) { // 上一轮鼠的位置
                if (winner[preMouse][cat][0] == 0) {
                    preStates.add(new int[]{preMouse, cat});
        return preStates;

python3 解法, 执行用时: 231 ms, 内存消耗: 18.6 MB, 提交时间: 2025-02-11 09:27:55

class Solution:
    # 913. 猫和老鼠
    def catMouseGame(self, g_mouse: List[List[int]], g_cat: List[List[int]], mouse_start: int, cat_start: int, hole: int) -> int:
        n = len(g_mouse)
        deg = [[[0, 0] for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(n)]
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(n):
                deg[i][j][0] = len(g_mouse[i])
                deg[i][j][1] = len(g_cat[j])

        winner = [[[0, 0] for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(n)]
        q = deque()
        for i in range(n):
            winner[hole][i][1] = 1  # 鼠到达洞中(此时轮到猫移动),鼠获胜
            winner[i][hole][0] = 2  # 猫到达洞中(此时轮到鼠移动),猫获胜
            winner[i][i][0] = winner[i][i][1] = 2  # 猫和鼠出现在同一个节点,无论轮到谁移动,都是猫获胜
            q.append((hole, i, 1))
            q.append((i, hole, 0))
            q.append((i, i, 0))
            q.append((i, i, 1))

        # 获取 (mouse, cat, turn) 的上个状态(值尚未确定)
        def get_pre_states() -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
            if turn:  # 当前轮到猫移动,枚举上一轮鼠的位置
                return [(pre_mouse, cat) for pre_mouse in g_mouse[mouse] if winner[pre_mouse][cat][0] == 0]
            # 当前轮到鼠移动,枚举上一轮猫的位置
            return [(mouse, pre_cat) for pre_cat in g_cat[cat] if winner[mouse][pre_cat][1] == 0]

        # 减少上个状态的度数
        def dec_deg_to_zero() -> bool:
            deg[pre_mouse][pre_cat][pre_turn] -= 1
            return deg[pre_mouse][pre_cat][pre_turn] == 0

        while q:
            mouse, cat, turn = q.popleft()
            win = winner[mouse][cat][turn]  # 最终谁赢了
            pre_turn = turn ^ 1
            for pre_mouse, pre_cat in get_pre_states():
                # 情况一:如果上一回合鼠从 pre 移动到 cur,最终鼠赢,那么标记 pre 状态的 winner = 鼠
                # 情况二:如果上一回合猫从 pre 移动到 cur,最终猫赢,那么标记 pre 状态的 winner = 猫
                # 情况三:如果上一回合鼠从 pre 移动到 cur,最终猫赢,那么待定,直到我们发现从 pre 出发能到达的状态都是猫赢,那么标记 pre 状态的 winner = 猫
                # 情况四:如果上一回合猫从 pre 移动到 cur,最终鼠赢,那么待定,直到我们发现从 pre 出发能到达的状态都是鼠赢,那么标记 pre 状态的 winner = 鼠
                if pre_turn == win - 1 or dec_deg_to_zero():
                    winner[pre_mouse][pre_cat][pre_turn] = win
                    q.append((pre_mouse, pre_cat, pre_turn))

        # 鼠在节点 mouse_start,猫在节点 cat_start,当前轮到鼠移动
        return winner[mouse_start][cat_start][0]  # 返回最终谁赢了(或者平局)

    def canMouseWin(self, grid: List[str], catJump: int, mouseJump: int) -> bool:
        DIRS = (0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0)  # 左右上下
        m, n = len(grid), len(grid[0])
        # 鼠和猫分别建图
        g_mouse = [[] for _ in range(m * n)]
        g_cat = [[] for _ in range(m * n)]
        for i, row in enumerate(grid):
            for j, c in enumerate(row):
                if c == '#':  # 墙
                if c == 'M':  # 鼠的位置
                    mx, my = i, j
                elif c == 'C':  # 猫的位置
                    cx, cy = i, j
                elif c == 'F':  # 食物(洞)的位置
                    fx, fy = i, j
                v = i * n + j  # 二维坐标 (i,j) 映射为一维坐标 v
                for dx, dy in DIRS:  # 枚举左右上下四个方向
                    for k in range(mouseJump + 1):  # 枚举跳跃长度
                        x, y = i + k * dx, j + k * dy
                        if not (0 <= x < m and 0 <= y < n and grid[x][y] != '#'):  # 出界或者遇到墙
                        g_mouse[v].append(x * n + y)  # 连边
                    for k in range(catJump + 1):  # 枚举跳跃长度
                        x, y = i + k * dx, j + k * dy
                        if not (0 <= x < m and 0 <= y < n and grid[x][y] != '#'):  # 出界或者遇到墙
                        g_cat[v].append(x * n + y)  # 连边

        # 判断是否鼠赢
        return self.catMouseGame(g_mouse, g_cat, mx * n + my, cx * n + cy, fx * n + fy) == 1

golang 解法, 执行用时: 40 ms, 内存消耗: 7.2 MB, 提交时间: 2023-06-06 10:01:19

const (
    MouseTurn = 0
    CatTurn   = 1
    UNKNOWN   = 0
    MouseWin  = 1
    CatWin    = 2
    MaxMoves  = 1000

var dirs = []struct{ x, y int }{{-1, 0}, {1, 0}, {0, -1}, {0, 1}}

func canMouseWin(grid []string, catJump int, mouseJump int) bool {
    rows, cols := len(grid), len(grid[0])
    getPos := func(row, col int) int { return row*cols + col }
    var startMouse, startCat, food int
    for i, row := range grid {
        for j, ch := range row {
            if ch == 'M' {
                startMouse = getPos(i, j)
            } else if ch == 'C' {
                startCat = getPos(i, j)
            } else if ch == 'F' {
                food = getPos(i, j)

    // 计算每个状态的度
    total := rows * cols
    degrees := [64][64][2]int{}
    for mouse := 0; mouse < total; mouse++ {
        mouseRow := mouse / cols
        mouseCol := mouse % cols
        if grid[mouseRow][mouseCol] == '#' {
        for cat := 0; cat < total; cat++ {
            catRow := cat / cols
            catCol := cat % cols
            if grid[catRow][catCol] == '#' {
            for _, dir := range dirs {
                for row, col, jump := mouseRow+dir.x, mouseCol+dir.y, 1; row >= 0 && row < rows && col >= 0 && col < cols && grid[row][col] != '#' && jump <= mouseJump; jump++ {
                    nextMouse := getPos(row, col)
                    nextCat := getPos(catRow, catCol)
                    row += dir.x
                    col += dir.y
                for row, col, jump := catRow+dir.x, catCol+dir.y, 1; row >= 0 && row < rows && col >= 0 && col < cols && grid[row][col] != '#' && jump <= catJump; jump++ {
                    nextMouse := getPos(mouseRow, mouseCol)
                    nextCat := getPos(row, col)
                    row += dir.x
                    col += dir.y

    results := [64][64][2][2]int{}
    type state struct{ mouse, cat, turn int }
    q := []state{}

    // 猫和老鼠在同一个单元格,猫获胜
    for pos := 0; pos < total; pos++ {
        row := pos / cols
        col := pos % cols
        if grid[row][col] == '#' {
        results[pos][pos][MouseTurn][0] = CatWin
        results[pos][pos][MouseTurn][1] = 0
        results[pos][pos][CatTurn][0] = CatWin
        results[pos][pos][CatTurn][1] = 0
        q = append(q, state{pos, pos, MouseTurn}, state{pos, pos, CatTurn})

    // 猫和食物在同一个单元格,猫获胜
    for mouse := 0; mouse < total; mouse++ {
        mouseRow := mouse / cols
        mouseCol := mouse % cols
        if grid[mouseRow][mouseCol] == '#' || mouse == food {
        results[mouse][food][MouseTurn][0] = CatWin
        results[mouse][food][MouseTurn][1] = 0
        results[mouse][food][CatTurn][0] = CatWin
        results[mouse][food][CatTurn][1] = 0
        q = append(q, state{mouse, food, MouseTurn}, state{mouse, food, CatTurn})

    // 老鼠和食物在同一个单元格且猫和食物不在同一个单元格,老鼠获胜
    for cat := 0; cat < total; cat++ {
        catRow := cat / cols
        catCol := cat % cols
        if grid[catRow][catCol] == '#' || cat == food {
        results[food][cat][MouseTurn][0] = MouseWin
        results[food][cat][MouseTurn][1] = 0
        results[food][cat][CatTurn][0] = MouseWin
        results[food][cat][CatTurn][1] = 0
        q = append(q, state{food, cat, MouseTurn}, state{food, cat, CatTurn})

    getPrevStates := func(mouse, cat, turn int) []state {
        mouseRow := mouse / cols
        mouseCol := mouse % cols
        catRow := cat / cols
        catCol := cat % cols
        prevTurn := MouseTurn
        if turn == MouseTurn {
            prevTurn = CatTurn
        maxJump, startRow, startCol := catJump, catRow, catCol
        if prevTurn == MouseTurn {
            maxJump, startRow, startCol = mouseJump, mouseRow, mouseCol
        prevStates := []state{{mouse, cat, prevTurn}}
        for _, dir := range dirs {
            for i, j, jump := startRow+dir.x, startCol+dir.y, 1; i >= 0 && i < rows && j >= 0 && j < cols && grid[i][j] != '#' && jump <= maxJump; jump++ {
                prevMouseRow := mouseRow
                prevMouseCol := mouseCol
                prevCatRow := i
                prevCatCol := j
                if prevTurn == MouseTurn {
                    prevMouseRow = i
                    prevMouseCol = j
                    prevCatRow = catRow
                    prevCatCol = catCol
                prevMouse := getPos(prevMouseRow, prevMouseCol)
                prevCat := getPos(prevCatRow, prevCatCol)
                prevStates = append(prevStates, state{prevMouse, prevCat, prevTurn})
                i += dir.x
                j += dir.y
        return prevStates

    // 拓扑排序
    for len(q) > 0 {
        s := q[0]
        q = q[1:]
        mouse, cat, turn := s.mouse, s.cat, s.turn
        result := results[mouse][cat][turn][0]
        moves := results[mouse][cat][turn][1]
        for _, s := range getPrevStates(mouse, cat, turn) {
            prevMouse, prevCat, prevTurn := s.mouse, s.cat, s.turn
            if results[prevMouse][prevCat][prevTurn][0] == UNKNOWN {
                canWin := result == MouseWin && prevTurn == MouseTurn || result == CatWin && prevTurn == CatTurn
                if canWin {
                    results[prevMouse][prevCat][prevTurn][0] = result
                    results[prevMouse][prevCat][prevTurn][1] = moves + 1
                    q = append(q, state{prevMouse, prevCat, prevTurn})
                } else {
                    if degrees[prevMouse][prevCat][prevTurn] == 0 {
                        loseResult := MouseWin
                        if prevTurn == MouseTurn {
                            loseResult = CatWin
                        results[prevMouse][prevCat][prevTurn][0] = loseResult
                        results[prevMouse][prevCat][prevTurn][1] = moves + 1
                        q = append(q, state{prevMouse, prevCat, prevTurn})
    return results[startMouse][startCat][MouseTurn][0] == MouseWin && results[startMouse][startCat][MouseTurn][1] <= MaxMoves

python3 解法, 执行用时: 912 ms, 内存消耗: 18.5 MB, 提交时间: 2023-06-06 10:00:12

# 拓扑排序
MAX_MOVES = 1000
DIRS = ((-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1))

class Solution:
    def canMouseWin(self, grid: List[str], catJump: int, mouseJump: int) -> bool:
        rows, cols = len(grid), len(grid[0])

        def getPos(row: int, col: int) -> int:
            return row * cols + col

        startMouse = startCat = food = 0
        for i, row in enumerate(grid):
            for j, ch in enumerate(row):
                if ch == 'M':
                    startMouse = getPos(i, j)
                elif ch == 'C':
                    startCat = getPos(i, j)
                elif ch == 'F':
                    food = getPos(i, j)

        # 计算每个状态的度
        total = rows * cols
        degrees = [[[0, 0] for _ in range(total)] for _ in range(total)]
        for mouse in range(total):
            mouseRow, mouseCol = divmod(mouse, cols)
            if grid[mouseRow][mouseCol] == '#':
            for cat in range(total):
                catRow, catCol = divmod(cat, cols)
                if grid[catRow][catCol] == '#':
                degrees[mouse][cat][MOUSE_TURN] += 1
                degrees[mouse][cat][CAT_TURN] += 1
                for dx, dy in DIRS:
                    row, col, jump = mouseRow + dx, mouseCol + dy, 1
                    while 0 <= row < rows and 0 <= col < cols and grid[row][col] != '#' and jump <= mouseJump:
                        nextMouse = getPos(row, col)
                        nextCat = getPos(catRow, catCol)
                        degrees[nextMouse][nextCat][MOUSE_TURN] += 1
                        row += dx
                        col += dy
                        jump += 1
                    row, col, jump = catRow + dx, catCol + dy, 1
                    while 0 <= row < rows and 0 <= col < cols and grid[row][col] != '#' and jump <= catJump:
                        nextMouse = getPos(mouseRow, mouseCol)
                        nextCat = getPos(row, col)
                        degrees[nextMouse][nextCat][CAT_TURN] += 1
                        row += dx
                        col += dy
                        jump += 1

        results = [[[[0, 0], [0, 0]] for _ in range(total)] for _ in range(total)]
        q = deque()

        # 猫和老鼠在同一个单元格,猫获胜
        for pos in range(total):
            row, col = divmod(pos, cols)
            if grid[row][col] == '#':
            results[pos][pos][MOUSE_TURN][0] = CAT_WIN
            results[pos][pos][MOUSE_TURN][1] = 0
            results[pos][pos][CAT_TURN][0] = CAT_WIN
            results[pos][pos][CAT_TURN][1] = 0
            q.append((pos, pos, MOUSE_TURN))
            q.append((pos, pos, CAT_TURN))

        # 猫和食物在同一个单元格,猫获胜
        for mouse in range(total):
            mouseRow, mouseCol = divmod(mouse, cols)
            if grid[mouseRow][mouseCol] == '#' or mouse == food:
            results[mouse][food][MOUSE_TURN][0] = CAT_WIN
            results[mouse][food][MOUSE_TURN][1] = 0
            results[mouse][food][CAT_TURN][0] = CAT_WIN
            results[mouse][food][CAT_TURN][1] = 0
            q.append((mouse, food, MOUSE_TURN))
            q.append((mouse, food, CAT_TURN))

        # 老鼠和食物在同一个单元格且猫和食物不在同一个单元格,老鼠获胜
        for cat in range(total):
            catRow, catCol = divmod(cat, cols)
            if grid[catRow][catCol] == '#' or cat == food:
            results[food][cat][MOUSE_TURN][0] = MOUSE_WIN
            results[food][cat][MOUSE_TURN][1] = 0
            results[food][cat][CAT_TURN][0] = MOUSE_WIN
            results[food][cat][CAT_TURN][1] = 0
            q.append((food, cat, MOUSE_TURN))
            q.append((food, cat, CAT_TURN))

        def getPrevStates(mouse: int, cat: int, turn: int) -> List[Tuple[int, int, int]]:
            mouseRow, mouseCol = divmod(mouse, cols)
            catRow, catCol = divmod(cat, cols)
            prevTurn = CAT_TURN if turn == MOUSE_TURN else MOUSE_TURN
            maxJump = mouseJump if prevTurn == MOUSE_TURN else catJump
            startRow = mouseRow if prevTurn == MOUSE_TURN else catRow
            startCol = mouseCol if prevTurn == MOUSE_TURN else catCol
            prevStates = [(mouse, cat, prevTurn)]
            for dx, dy in DIRS:
                i, j, jump = startRow + dx, startCol + dy, 1
                while 0 <= i < rows and 0 <= j < cols and grid[i][j] != '#' and jump <= maxJump:
                    prevMouseRow = i if prevTurn == MOUSE_TURN else mouseRow
                    prevMouseCol = j if prevTurn == MOUSE_TURN else mouseCol
                    prevCatRow = catRow if prevTurn == MOUSE_TURN else i
                    prevCatCol = catCol if prevTurn == MOUSE_TURN else j
                    prevMouse = getPos(prevMouseRow, prevMouseCol)
                    prevCat = getPos(prevCatRow, prevCatCol)
                    prevStates.append((prevMouse, prevCat, prevTurn))
                    i += dx
                    j += dy
                    jump += 1
            return prevStates

        # 拓扑排序
        while q:
            mouse, cat, turn = q.popleft()
            result = results[mouse][cat][turn][0]
            moves = results[mouse][cat][turn][1]
            for prevMouse, prevCat, prevTurn in getPrevStates(mouse, cat, turn):
                if results[prevMouse][prevCat][prevTurn][0] == UNKNOWN:
                    if result == MOUSE_WIN and prevTurn == MOUSE_TURN or result == CAT_WIN and prevTurn == CAT_TURN:
                        results[prevMouse][prevCat][prevTurn][0] = result
                        results[prevMouse][prevCat][prevTurn][1] = moves + 1
                        q.append((prevMouse, prevCat, prevTurn))
                        degrees[prevMouse][prevCat][prevTurn] -= 1
                        if degrees[prevMouse][prevCat][prevTurn] == 0:
                            loseResult = CAT_WIN if prevTurn == MOUSE_TURN else MOUSE_WIN
                            results[prevMouse][prevCat][prevTurn][0] = loseResult
                            results[prevMouse][prevCat][prevTurn][1] = moves + 1
                            q.append((prevMouse, prevCat, prevTurn))
        return results[startMouse][startCat][MOUSE_TURN][0] == MOUSE_WIN and results[startMouse][startCat][MOUSE_TURN][1] <= MAX_MOVES

python3 解法, 执行用时: 9036 ms, 内存消耗: 70.2 MB, 提交时间: 2023-06-06 09:58:16

DIRS = (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)
class Solution:
    def canMouseWin(self, grid: List[str], catJump: int, mouseJump: int) -> bool:
        mm, nn = len(grid), len(grid[0])
        for x in range(mm):
            for y in range(nn):
                match grid[x][y]:
                    case 'C':
                        cat = x, y
                    case 'F':
                        food = x, y
                    case 'M':
                        mouse = x, y

        def dfs(m, c, i):

            :param m: 老鼠的位置
            :param c: 猫的位置
            :param i: 回合
            if m == c or c == food or i > 128:
                return False
            if m == food:
                return True
            is_cat = False
            # 猫回合
            if i % 2:
                pos, jump = c, catJump
                is_cat = True
                pos, jump = m, mouseJump
            for dx, dy in DIRS:
                for jp in range(jump + 1):
                    nx, ny = pos[0] + dx * jp, pos[1] + dy * jp
                    if nx < 0 or ny < 0 or nx >= mm or ny >= nn or grid[nx][ny] == '#':
                    if not is_cat and dfs((nx, ny), c, i + 1):
                        return True
                    elif is_cat and not dfs(m, (nx, ny), i + 1):
                        return False
            return is_cat
        return dfs(mouse, cat, 0)
