carnstar @ 2024-01-07 23:22:13 👍0
import base64 secret = 'ly9ppw==' print(int(base64.b64decode(secret).hex(), 16)) 得到2536466855
yUjdjasdjJ_ @ 2023-11-07 23:22:13 👍0
WolvCTF-2023 Reverse
题目作者: 未知
一 血: upsw1ng
一血奖励: 0金币
解 决: 7
提 示:
描 述: A reversing challenge where the key is to find the "password", which is a seed for `random`. This seed will generate the flag (don't ask me how long I brute forced seeds for) through the `generate` function!
附 件: 下载
import base64 secret = 'ly9ppw==' print(int(base64.b64decode(secret).hex(), 16)) 得到2536466855