

cryptoGRAPHy 1

SekaiCTF-2023   Crypto  

题目作者: 未知

一  血: ‌‌‌‌‌暂无

一血奖励: 0金币

解  决: 0

提  示:

描  述:


Graphs have gained an increasing amount of attention in the world of Cryptography. They are used to model many real-world problems ranging from social media to traffic routing networks. Designing a secure Graph Encryption Scheme (GES) is important as querying plaintext graph database can leak sensitive information about the users.

In this challenge I have implemented a novel GES. Please help me verify if the cryptosystem works.

❖ Note
lib.zip remains unchanged in this series. The flag for this challenge will be used to access the next one when unlocked.

Author: sahuang

附  件: 下载
