

DFA Speck 2

UMDCTF-2022   Crypto  

题目作者: 未知

一  血: ‌‌‌‌‌暂无

一血奖励: 0金币

解  决: 0

提  示:

描  述: FLAG格式:UMDCTF{} Nice job on finding k32! The hard part is done. Eveything in part 1 is relevant here. Your task now is to recover the original plaintexts. To help with this task, we've provide additional faulted ciphers from injections to the second to last round inputs. The flag is the ASCII representation of the pt (like UMDCTF{16_char_flag_DFA}). The ASCII representation of the plaintext should **make sense**. The plaintext is in order of "{pt_x}{pt_y}", both uint64 values should be in Little endian

附  件: 下载
