
工商管理硕士(MBA) - 考研英语(二)

为你找到 465 个题目。


A. n. 合作社;adj. 合作的;合作社的

B. adj. 同等的,并列的;配位的;坐标的;n. 坐标;配套服装;同等的人或物;v. 调节,配合;使动作协调;(衣服、家具等)搭配;与……形成共价键

C. n. 巡警,警官;绕在纺锤上的锥形线卷;(爱尔兰)精明,明智;管纱,纬管;v. 抓住,抓获,逮捕;受罚;遭受;忍受;注意到;拿着;招致,引起;陷入麻烦;被杀,送命;得到,弄到;表明,摆出

D. adj. 数码的;数字式的;数字显示的;n. 数字电视


A. n. 走廊

B. v. 腐蚀;侵蚀

C. adj. 腐败的,贪污的;堕落的;v. 使腐烂;使堕落

D. n. 灾难;灾祸;灾害;不幸


A. n. 死人,死者;死;adj. 死的,失去生命的,枯萎的;不再有人相信;过时的,已废弃的,不流行的;用完了的,不能再用的;不运行的,不转动的;死气沉沉的,无活力的,无趣的;停滞的,萧条的;筋疲力尽,身体不好;失去知觉,麻木;无表情的,冷漠的,漠不关心的;完全的,精确的,全然的;无生命的,非生物的

B. n. 最后期限;截止日期

C. adj. 致命的,致死的;极度的,十足的,彻底的;非常有效的,无法防御的;枯燥的;令人厌烦的

D. n. 经济;经济情况;经济结构;(就经济体制而言)国家;经济制度;节约;节省;节俭


A. v. 排除;清除;消除;(比赛中)淘汰;消灭,干掉(尤指敌人或对手)

B. n. 违约;默认,系统设定值,预置值;v. 违约,不履行义务;默认,预设,预置

C. n. 失败,战败,挫败;击败,战胜;v. 击败,战胜;使困惑,难住;使失败,阻挠,挫败

D. n. 缺点,缺陷,毛病;v. 背叛,叛变,投敌


A. n. 工具,器具,(常指)简单的户外用具;v. 执行,实施

B. n. 方向,目标,定向;(个人的)基本信仰,态度,观点;(任职等前的)培训,训练,迎新会;方向

C. adj. 含蓄的,不直接言明的;固有的,内含的;完全的,无疑问的

D. n. 重要性,重要,重大;重要地位,名望

Sport is heading for an indissoluble marriage with television and the passive spectator will enjoy a private paradise. All of this will be in the future of sport. The spectator (the television audience) will be the priority and professional clubs will have to readjust their structures to adapt to the new reality: sport as a business.
The new technologies will mean that spectators will no longer have to wait for broadcasts by the conventional channels. They will be the ones who decide what to see. And they will have to pay for it. In the United States the system of the future has already started: pay-as-you-view. Everything will be offered by television and the spectator will only have to choose. The review Sports Illustrated recently published a full profile of the life of the supporter at home in the middle of the next century. It explained that the consumers would be able to select their view of the match on a gigantic, flat screen occupying the whole of one wall, with images of a clarity which cannot be foreseen at present; they could watch from the trainer’s stands just behind the batter in a game of baseball or from the helmet of the star player in an American football game. And at their disposal will be the sane option s the producer of the recorded programmer has to select replays, to choose which camera to me and to decide on the sound whether to hear the public, the players, the trainer and soon.
Many sports executives, largely too old and too conservative to feel at home with the new technologies will believe that sport must control the expansion of television coverage in order to survive and ensure that spectators attend matches. They do not even accept the evidence which contradicts their view while there is more basketball than ever on television, for example, it is also certain that basketball is more popular than ever.
It is also the argument of these sports executives that television harming the modest teams. This is true, but the future of those team is also modest. They have reached their ceiling . It is the law of the market. The great events continually attract larger audience.
The world I being constructed on new technologies so that people can make the utmost use of their time and , in their home have access to the greatest possible range of recreational activities. Sport will have to adapt itself to the new world.
The most visionary executives go further. That philosophy is: rather than see television take over sport why not have sports taken over television?
1.What does the writer mean by use of the phrase “an indissoluble marriage” in the first paragraph? 
2.What does “they” in line 2 paragraph 2 stand for? 
3.How do many sports executives feel with the new technologies? 
4.What is going to be discussed in the following paragraphs?
5.What might be the appropriate title of this passage?

第 1 问

A. sport is combined with television.  

B. sport controls television.  

C. television dictates sports.  

D. Sport and television will go their own ways  

第 2 问

A. Broadcasts.  

B. Channels.  

C. Spectators.  

D. Technologies.  

第 3 问

A. they are too old to do anything.  

B. They feel ill at ease.  

C. They feel completely at home.  

D. Technologies can go hand in hand with sports.  

第 4 问

A. the philosophy of visionary executives.  

B. The process of television taking over sport.  

C. Television coverage expansion.  

D. An example to show how sport has taken over television.  

第 5 问

A. the arguments of sports executives.  

B. The philosophy of visionary executives.  

C. Sports and television in the 21st century.  

D. Sports: a business.


A. v. 紧握,抱紧,抓紧;突然抓住;n. 离合器踏板;离合器;一群,一批;攫住,紧紧抓住;一窝蛋;

B. n. 奖品,奖金,奖状;增加;裁定额,(赔偿)裁决;授予;奖学金,助学金;v. 授予;奖励;判给

C. adv. 离开;去别处,朝另一个方向;不在;持续地,劲头十足地;直到完全消失;在客场

D. n. 敬畏,惊叹;v. 使敬畏;使惊叹


A. n. 激增,繁荣;突然风靡的时期;深沉的响声;水栅;v. 轰鸣,轰响;以低沉有力的声音说;迅速发展,激增,繁荣昌盛

B. adj. 一定会,很可能会;受约束(必须做某事),有义务;因…受阻;正旅行去,准备前往

C. n. 密码,暗码,电码,代码;编码;道德准则,行为规范;法典,法规;v. 为……编码;把……译成密码;编程序,编码

D. adj. 短时间的,短暂的;简洁的,简单的;过短的,暴露身体的


A. n. 副手,副职,代理;议员;警官

B. v. 忍耐;忍受;持续,持久

C. v. 下来,下去,下降;下斜,下倾;降临,来临

D. n. 后裔,后代,子孙;派生物


A. n. 大使馆;(统称)使馆官员;大使馆(指馆舍)

B. n.(天气、财经等的)预测,预报;预想;v. 预报,预测;预示;预言;进行预报,作预测

C. v. 把……牢牢地嵌入(或插入、埋入);派遣(战地记者、摄影记者等);嵌入

D. v. 具体表现,体现,代表(思想或品质)包括;包含;收录


第 3 页