

为你找到 250 个地区。

11. 🇦🇲 Armenia

代码: AM 语言: hye

所在区域: Asia / Commonwealth of Independent States / Europe / Europe, the Middle East and Africa / Worldwide

12. 🇦🇼 Aruba

代码: AW 语言: nld

所在区域: Americas / Caribbean / Latin America and the Caribbean / North America / Worldwide

13. 🇦🇺 Australia

代码: AU 语言: eng

所在区域: Asia-Pacific / Oceania / Worldwide

14. 🇦🇹 Austria

代码: AT 语言: deu

所在区域: Europe / Europe, the Middle East and Africa / Worldwide

15. 🇦🇿 Azerbaijan

代码: AZ 语言: aze

所在区域: Asia / Commonwealth of Independent States / Europe / Europe, the Middle East and Africa / Worldwide

16. 🇧🇸 Bahamas

代码: BS 语言: eng

所在区域: Americas / Caribbean / Latin America and the Caribbean / North America / Worldwide

17. 🇧🇭 Bahrain

代码: BH 语言: ara

所在区域: Arab world / Asia / Europe, the Middle East and Africa / Middle East / Middle East and North Africa / Worldwide

18. 🇧🇩 Bangladesh

代码: BD 语言: ben

所在区域: Asia / Asia-Pacific / South Asia / Worldwide

19. 🇧🇧 Barbados

代码: BB 语言: eng

所在区域: Americas / Caribbean / Latin America and the Caribbean / North America / Worldwide

20. 🇧🇾 Belarus

代码: BY 语言: bel

所在区域: Commonwealth of Independent States / Europe / Europe, the Middle East and Africa / Worldwide


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