

为你找到 49 个题目。

968_122. [历年真题] 算法逆向

出处: 2016-第五届山东省网络安全竞赛-Crypto-算法逆向

题目描述: 根据给出的密文和加密程序破解出明文

难度🌟: 5 通过数: 105 标签: 2016 第五届山东省网络安全竞赛 Crypto

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989_105. [历年真题] 神秘文件

出处: 2017-赛客夏令营-Misc-神秘文件

题目描述: 一个颇为神秘的东西

难度🌟: 7 通过数: 83 标签: 2017 赛客夏令营 Crypto

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1035_73. [历年真题] Rivest Shamir Adleman

出处: 2020-CSICTF-Crypto-Rivest Shamir Adleman

题目描述: These 3 guys encrypted my flag, but they didn't tell me how to decrypt it.

难度🌟: 4 通过数: 131 标签: CSICTF 2020 Crypto

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1036_72. [历年真题] little RSA

出处: 2020-CSICTF-Crypto-little RSA

题目描述: The flag.zip contains the flag I am looking for but it is password protected. The password is the encrypted message which has to be correctly decrypted so I can useit to open the zip file. I tried using RSA but the zip doesn't open by it. Can you help me get the flag please?

难度🌟: 3 通过数: 428 标签: CSICTF RSA 2020 Crypto

writeup: 查看

1037_71. [历年真题] The Climb

出处: 2020-CSICTF-Crypto-The Climb

题目描述: We are not lost, we're right here somewhere on this little blue line. Wait, why do I feel like I'm being watched?

难度🌟: 6 通过数: 54 标签: CSICTF 2020 Crypto

1038_70. [历年真题] Mein Kampf

出处: 2020-CSICTF-Crypto-Mein Kampf

题目描述: We have intercepted the enemy's communications, but unfortunately, some data was corrupted during transmission. Can you recover the message?

难度🌟: 5 通过数: 52 标签: CSICTF 2020 Crypto

1039_69. [历年真题] Quick Math

出处: 2020-CSICTF-Crypto-Quick Math

题目描述: Ben has encrypted a message with the same value of 'e' for 3 public moduli - n1 = 86812553978993 n2 = 81744303091421 n3 = 83695120256591 and got the cipher texts - c1 = 8875674977048 c2 = 70744354709710 c3 = 29146719498409. Find the original message. (Wrap it with csictf{})

难度🌟: 4 通过数: 162 标签: CSICTF 2020 Crypto

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1040_68. [历年真题] Modern Clueless Child

出处: 2020-CSICTF-Crypto-Modern Clueless Child

题目描述: I was surfing the crimson wave and oh my gosh I was totally bugging. I also tried out the lilac hair trend but it didn't work out. That's not to say you are any better, you are a snob and a half. But let's get back to the main question here- Who am I? (You don't know my name)

难度🌟: 4 通过数: 117 标签: CSICTF 2020 Crypto

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1085_47. [历年真题] Tesla工业APP分析

出处: 2019-工业信息安全技能大赛-哈尔滨站-Tesla工业APP分析

题目描述: 某安全团队捕获间谍发送的工业APP,安全人员怀疑间谍以某种方式将机密信息传递出去,尝试分析该文件,找出flag。

难度🌟: 8 通过数: 90 标签: 哈尔滨站 Android 2019 工业信息安全技能大赛(ICSC) 工业控制(ICS) Reverse Crypto


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